
Future sister-in-law???

Aaron plopped down on the sofa in exhaustion.

He and Li Hwa finally finished arranging the living room.

"My body huuuurts!" Aaron whined massaging his neck.

Li Hea also joined Aaron sitting beside him, she had a couple of cans of energy drink on her hands.

"Have this! Are you okay, Aaron?" Li Hwa asked in concern.

She told Aaron she can do it by herself but Aaron insisted on helping, so she gave up trying to convince her stubborn boyfriend.

Li Hwa knows his body is weak and it hurts when he does sudden movements or do heavy liftings.

"I told you, I can do it myself but you didn't listen. Now suffer!" Li Hwa humphed thinking it serves him right!

Suddenly Aaron pinched Li Hwa's nose.

"My strict girlfriend! It's nothing to worry about, this bit of pain is something I suffer every day when I exercise."

Li Hwa blushed slightly before she turned away from Aaron and mumbled something incoherent.

Aaron wasn't able to hear it clearly but he can guess it's probably something like 'Stupid'.

"Well, the living room is done! Now, it's only your bedroom left. So let's get on with it and finish it quickly so we can go meet my friends!" Aaron said getting up.

Hearing Aaron, Li Hwa was flustered and raised her voice in panic!

"Nooooo! I will do my room, you're not allowed to go to my room yet!" Just as she finished, Li Hwa blushed.

Seeing his cute girlfriend being flustered, Aaron wanted to tease but decided not to because his subconscious warned him making him feel like it will be a bad idea to do so.

Li Hwa gave Aaron one of the energy drink and told him to wait for her until she freshens up and changes into a good set of clothes.

Before Aaron could say anything, Li Hwa ran to her room.

"Hahaha! She's like a cute little bunny." Aaron laughed watching Li Hwa run to her room.

"Pop tsss*

Opening the can, Aaron took a few gulps of the drink.

"I wonder how she will react when she finds out I live upstairs?"

Aaron muttered before finishing the drink.

Feeling not satisfied, he went to grab a couple of more drinks.

Even though it's cold outside, with all the heavy lifting Aaron was sweating a lot! Also, the heater was on too.


Aurora was in deep thought when she was snapped out of her thoughts by Erisviel.

"Rory, you okay?" Asked Erisviel.

"I'm fine, I was just nervous you know. It's my brother's girlfriend. But you are not gonna believe that so I also will throw in this too, I'm a bit stressed out managing everything in Nameless and the A&T branch." Aurora gave a tired smile to Erisviel.

Feeling concerned for her best friend, Erisviel replied.

"Just take a break, school is about to start so you will be in more pressure! You don't have to work like a machine, Rory. Think about your health too!"

"I know, I know! So don't worry I have already asked for some time off from my mother, so A&T branch is out of my concerns for now. Zulkernyn said he will take over from me in Nameless, so I got a break starting today."

"That's good!" Erisviel nodded in satisfaction hearing Aurora.


Suddenly, Aurora's phone vibrated.

Taking out her phone, Aurora checked to see who messaged her.

[Chef Kaz: My brother is driving me crazy! What should I do? I keep telling him that the weather is bad in Starfall City but he keeps insisting on coming with me!]

Aurora chuckled seeing the message.

She quickly replied to Takashi.

[Queen of Mist: Why don't you take him with you then? He probably wants to spend more time with you and you will make sure that he will not get sick, right?]

"Well, now you're smiling? Who is it? A boyfriend? Or a girlfriend?" Asked Erisviel seeing Aurora smile.

"A friend, nothing more. He's a chef! If I were to compare him with Sabastian? Then his desserts are much better than Sabastian. Almost as good but I like his cooking more than Sabastian. And seriously, Eris? I'm not thinking about going into any relationships right now! I have too much on my plate than to go look for love." Aurora replied rolling her eyes.

"Is that so?" Responded Erisviel in a sarcastic tone.

[Chef Taki-Kun: I guess so... Then I will take him with me. Thanks, Rory!]

Replying to Takashi, Aurora started to think about him.

Takashi still hasn't figured out Aurora's identity but he at least can make it out that she is not an ordinary girl.

Aurora smiled looking forward to the day, what will be Takashi's reaction. When he finds out that She is Aurora Blood.


"Well, I'm ready!" Li Hwa came out of her room wearing a light blue floral printed knee-length frock.

Turning to Li Hwa, Aaron was awestruck!

"You are so beautiful! I want to hug you but you just showered and I'm all sticky and smelly." Such a shame, Aaron really wanted to hug Li Hwa.

"Then let's get going! Yong-Hyeon is already there." Aaron said walking towards the entrance door.

Leaving the apartment, Aaron asked Li Hwa to follow him upstairs.

Li Hwa was puzzled by it, but she followed Aaron to the 4th floor.

Arriving in front of the apartment directly above Li Hwa's apartment.

Aaron opened the door much to Li Hwa's surprise and turned to Li Hwa before opening his mouth.

"So welcome to my apartment, my lady!"

Li Hwa was stunned!

She looked back and forth between the door and Aaron.

"You moved in here? Since when? Why didn't you tell me?" Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Li Hwa questioned Aaron.

"What? You don't like me moving in here? I thought you would be happy! But you're not." Aaron pretended to be hurt and showed a sad expression to Li Hwa.

"No no no! I mean, I do like it! But why didn't you tell me before? We were neighbours in our last apartment building, so why wouldn't I like it? I thought we would be living far away from each other but I never expected to have you as my neighbour once more. I'm just surprised! When did you buy this apartment? I-I-I'm just surprised that's all!" Li Hwa flustered and panicked, seeing Aaron hurt and sad.

Aaron started laughing all of a sudden, making Li Hwa more confuse.

"Calm down, calm down! I was just messing with you. I bought it the day after you bought your apartment. I wanted to live near you since we were moving to Starfall City, I figured why not?" Aaron lied.

He bought the whole building and sold Li Hwa, her apartment dirt cheap!

"To be honest, one of the reasons I wanted to live near you because you're new to the city. You probably know about this but this city is not as safe as Star city! I was concerned about you, you're a single mother. A beautiful single mother! I want you to feel safe in this unknown city knowing that you are not alone here. The other reason related to you and me is, I just wanted to live near you that's it! I'm sharing this apartment with my six friends and my sister. On your off day, you can also hang out with the girls too, they are friendly and amazing people!" Aaron explained to Li Hwa why he moved here.

Getting inside, Aaron guided Li Hwa to the living room.

At the living room, Sabastian and Yong-Hyeon were playing games on a console.

Nyx, Aurora, Ana and Erisviel we're talking about girls stuff.

Ian and Zulkernyn were playing chess on a table.

When they saw Aaron and Li Hwa they stopped what they were doing.

Standing in front of the girls, Aaron spoke up introducing his sister Aurora.

"Li Hwa! Meet my dearest older twin sister, Aurora. She is not just my sister but also my sole reason for living! To me, Aurora comes first before anyone or anything."

Li Hwa didn't mind Aaron's words.

She knows how much, Aaron loves his sister and cares for her.

Aaron always talks about Aurora to her.

She saw the affection and warmth in his eyes every time he talked about Aurora.

The two have a special bond between them.

Aaron revealed to Li Hwa that he is emotionally weak and sometimes goes into severe depression.

Aaron didn't hide to Li Hwa that when he goes into depression, he becomes suicidal.

It's Aurora who always helps him out of his depressions.

As Aaron said, Aurora is his sole reason for living. It's true without Aurora, Aaron would have killed himself long ago.

Li Hwa was mesmerised by Aurora's beauty.

She never saw someone as beautiful as Aurora.

Li Hwa also can feel a natural noble aura from Aurora.

Aurora extended her right hand forward to Li Hwa.

"I'm glad to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Aaron and Yong-Hyeon. My name is Aurora, Aurora Christina Blood. You can call me, Rory!" Aurora greeted Li Hwa with a warm smile on her face.

Li Hwa shook Aurora's hand and introduced herself with a similar smile.

"Me too, I'm also glad to meet you, Rory! My name is Choi Li Hwa, you can call me Li Hwa."

Here's the new chapter!

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[(1/5) Weekly chapters released.]

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts