
Our Last Days At Hassien

Hassien is believed to be the last refuge for humanity. After World War 4, America wipes the most of us. They create a weapon like no other. Monsters called GRAHFIN made by genetically modifying humans. Hassien is divided into six factions: Mars,Saturn,Apollo, Demeter, Thoth and Kyrios. Each faction has it's speciality. Mars are the peacekeepers, Saturn the court, Apollo the hospital, Demeter the farmers, Thoth the scientists and Kyrios the government. The genetically modified humans, Grahfin, have ravaged humanity for centuries but now genetic modification has risen again. In an experiment gone wrong people once thought to be dead now live with powers flowing through their veins

TheWriters4 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Harry White

I woke up in a room I became so familiar with after spending quite a time there. After I passed out in T.I.G.E, I woke up here. A large room with two beds at the ends of the room. My side was just the replica of my room which was a little creepy for the first few months. The grey walls and posters of all the girls I've met all my life; the forty-eight-inch smart tv directly south of my bed with the windows at the same spots as in Kyrios. I thought I was in heaven already.

Then I saw Cyan.

He stirred awake and saw me examining the room. At first, he thought I was weird somewhat but he then noticed and gasped.

"Where the hell are we? Am I home?" he asked himself. I still wonder how I could hear his questions though. He then got up and faced me.

"Do you know where we are?" he asked. I looked at him for a brief second then walked towards the door that separated th two sides of the room.

"There's only one way to find out." I said and walked out of the room.

I came out to a long hallway which was neither wide nor narrow. A lot of doors flanked each end as it stretched. At the end of each side if the hallway was what looked like an elevator.

"What in the world is this?" I asked myself as I walked down the hallway. I heard a door close and figured it was Cyan.

"Are we in a dream?" he muttered to himself.

How can I still hear him?

'This is your GM at work' I heard another voice say. I looked round trying to pick the voice but I couldn't.

"Who's there? And what do you mean by GM?" I asked at the top of my voice. Cyan ran up to me and asked what was wrong.

"Did you hear anyone say anything just now?"

"Yeah. I heard you shout like you were scared or something." Cyan said somewhat jokingly.

"Oh keep quiet!" I exclaimed and moved on through the hallway.

On getting to the end of the first side, we came to a similar door in our room but twice its length. It was an elevator as I imagined. I tried pressing the down button on the elevator when I heard a loud strange voice.

"Access required to move on. Please state your titles." The voice said from heaven-knows-where and was silent again.

"What do we do?" Cyan asked right behind me. For the first time, I actually thought Cyan was this type of proud guy who liked taking decisions for himself but then I realized I was wrong.

"I don't know." I said and kept staring at the button which I didn't press.

There was quite the brief silence.

"Why don't we just try and say something." Cyan said and walked towards the button.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Cyan pressed the button and said his name and title status.

"Cyan Augur. Welcome… Anyone else." The weird voice said again.

I was completely speechless. Now I know this is not a dream and I also know we are being expected.

"Just say your name and let's see what's on the other side." Cyan said. I shook off any hint of fear and pressed the button.

"Harry White. Heir to the Dominus of Kyrios." I said and removed my hand.

No response.

I was about to press the button when the doors opened and the voice told us to enter.

I was still quite confused as to how the voice didn't acknowledge my name and my title. I just shrugged and entered through the doors.

"It took you long enough." A girl whose voice I'm quite familiar with said. We walked into a large room that looked like a recreation center. Different gym equipment on one side of the room, a small bar at another, some picnic tables at another side of the room with a huge smart screen tv and the end of the tables.

"Claire! Are you okay?" Cyan asked as they both ran into a hug.

"Yea I'm alright. This place is just fucking amazing!!" she exclaimed and ran towards the picnic table.

"Kevin!! Are you alright?!" I shouted as Kevin ran towards me. He managed to grab my ribs as he hugged me and I holstered him up to my shoulders. We always did this whenever I came back from school and met him at home.

"It's like I haven't seen you in years." Kevin shouted still munching on his chocolate bar and giggling.

"Now that everyone's present, I can begin." a voice said and walked into the room we were in.

He looked like he was in his late thirties with his hairy goatee and sideburns. He had two young men come in with him whom he then sent back. He had on a soldier's uniform and I then realized he was Mars Dominus.

"Commander Walker!!" a tall guy from among us exclaimed. This guy had cornrows stretching to his neck and had a quite dull cinnamon skin which barely reflected the light. The man he called Commander Walker scoffed and walked towards us.

"You lot are the apparent survivors from one the most dangerous explosions of all and you do not feel scared?!" he shouted at the top of his deep coarse voice. I looked at Cyan who looked at the girl he called Claire then back to me.

We were all confused.

"Ohh. You want to play dumb with me right?!" he still said at the top of his voice and then breathed out quite loudly. He the motioned us to turn backwards where the tv was. At the instant we turned, the tv began playing a strange video of people turning to monsters and killing each other. I brought Kevin back to the ground and covered his eyes so he would not see all the inhumane things on the screen.

"This is what happened after the explosion at the T.I.G.E. yesterday…" as the man was talking my mind drifted off into another place…

I was on the floor and I heard people screaming and running for their lives. My head hurt badly so I couldn't turn it to see what was going on but I could see the reflection from the glass ceiling. People were trying to escape but couldn't as other things which I could not make out killed them and tore open their bodies. It was a disgusting sight and I felt nauseous. After staring at the havoc for a while, I heard a voice call out to me and saw a white-haired boy and a brown-haired girl run towards me.

"Are you okay?" the white-haired boy asked trying to lift me up but then stopped when he felt the back of my head.

"He's bleeding out. We have to get him to Claire." The boy said. The brown-haired girl nodded and an aura of energy surrounded us. The white-haired boy lifted me and the girl started moving.

It took a while but we finally escaped the noise. We were in a dim-lit place with the only source of light a small bulb and the energy the brown-haired girl emanated.

"Who the hell is this?" a young girl asked as the white-haired boy lowered me to the ground.

"I found him helpless on the ground and he doesn't look like a monster. Just help me with his wound." The boy said as he lay my head on the wall and the other girl placed her hand on it.

"It should be okay now." The boy said as I felt an oozing feeling, like a fire in me just got put out.

"Is he alright?" the brown-haired girl asked. The white-haired boy knelt beside and asked if I could tell him my name.

"Harry" was all I could mutter before everything faded again…

"… being the only survivors of this incident means something and we had to run some tests on you…" the commander man was still talking. I looked at Cyan who was had been staring at me like I was a ghost or something.

"…and we've come to the conclusion that you lot have been damaged genetically." he said and paused. Everyone looked at each other then back at the commander like he was telling a story.

"We have decided to keep you here until we figure out what's next for you. So until then, you will all undergo a very intensive training to harness your abilities which I know everyone on this planet has."

"And why do we have to undergo this training?" another guy who was in all black asked.

"Because I said so Lars. So, suck it up and head to the training lounge!!" he commanded and walked out of the room. There was a long silence as everyone tried to grasp what just happened. Suddenly, the boy the commander called Lars swore at the top of his voice and walked out of the room.

"Where the hell are we?" Cyan asked me.

"For the hundredth time this hour Cyan, I don't know."