
Our Last Breath

Dark. Darkness. Shadow. Unlit. Gloom, murk, gloaming, tenebrous. Leaden. All synonyms of dark. That is what I came to. A crunch. Sand. Sand is in my mouth. I see a faint yellow in this dark. Colours. Then, I realized. I have yet to open my heavy eyes. Hello! This is a story I've been wanting to write for a while now. I won't spoil the details, as I want you to figure things out along with the main protagonist, who is, for now, nameless. Enjoy.

Sig_num · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Recovery with Discovery.

The strange woman had taken a refreshing breath, letting it out slowly as she turned her head in all directions, taking in the atmosphere and appearance of what she assumed to be a bunker; mossy cobblestone walls, three beds stationed by the wall and a lone lantern hanging on the wall that was removable. The hollow girl had approached the lantern on the wall, thinking it best to retrieve it - who knows what the lighting will be in other rooms? Who knows how dark it will be outside? ...she just hoped the light wouldn't burn out any time soon.


What is that smell?

The woman turned to face the three beds, scrunching up her nose. " Putrid, " she thought aimlessly. " Decaying, rotten, decomposed, moldy... " The nameless girl kept mumbling definitions of the word putrid before finally coming to a stop, eyeing the room with obvious suspicion and disgust. It came from her right. Holding a grip so tight on the lantern that her knuckles morphed into a milky white, she painfully approached the bed holding the smell that was so bad. Her legs still stung from their sudden use. After all, it's supposedly been a while since she last stood, let alone walk. Approaching the bed, the smell hit her hard. " How did this go unnoticed?..., " the stranger wondered, seeing a faint outline of a body under the felt blanket. Her hand reached out to tear off the blanket. At this point, she had stopped breathing to shield herself from the monstrous attack on her sense of smell. Managing to remove the blanket, she stumbled backwards from the horrid sight and due to her grip on the blanket, it gracefully fell off of the bed, revealing the rotten corpse in it's full glory. Bile rose to Ms. Stranger's throat, threatening to come out. She refused to let it release, though, due to the fact she didn't want another smell to worry about. Ms. Stranger approached the decomposing corpse once again, deciding to take in the details.

As she approached, bugs scurried away from the body and hid within the small crevices of the bunker, making Ms. Stranger shiver. The flesh of the decaying corpse was a moldy green; what seemed to be a tan male was now rotten and torn, much like a zombie. His eyes only show a pearl white, and they seem strained - it'd be safe to assume they had rolled to the back of his head during his dying moments. A chunk of flesh was torn by the neck, leaving a hole for the bones located there to protrude outwards. There was dust and cracked bones inside of the neck, sticking onto whatever it could find. There were many tiny bite marks on the mans face from what was assumed to be the bugs, and his black - turning grey - hair was progressively falling out in clumps. It made Ms. Stranger's skin crawl, and she had the feeling that this man was... familiar. She searched the mans clothes for anything that could be useful, pinching her nose with one hand and searching with the other. In the mans pants pocket was what seemed to be a... ID. Perhaps it will be important. She slid it into her pocket, finally advancing out of the room. It was a long, dark hallway with lanterns cradling the sides, along with doorways that seemed to lead to similar rooms that Ms. Stranger awoke in. While on her walk, she came across what seemed to be a bathroom. She entered, since it was different from all the other rooms the girl had seen - coming face to face with a mirror. The girl came face to face with... herself. Very short black hair that curled upwards at the end with two long, red strands peaking out at the top. She wore what seemed to be a scarf but instead was a rather short purple cape, and her eyes were a pale green. Her right ear was hidden by her hair while her left ear... wasn't.


Her head hurts.


Why does it feel as if she had forgotten something?


Something... something important.

Something crucial.

Then, it came to her.

Celia Ross.