
Our King's Deadly Sin

Anastasia Brown. A fierce yet careless young lady. All alone in a world of cruelty. Surrounded by enemies with no one to trust. Ethan Dmitri Petrov. An introverted demon billionaire with a dark past and a wounded soul. Although looking perfect on the outside, it was impossible to weigh the kind of pain Ethan held inside him. Soothed by an imaginary female he began to write letters to 200 years ago, he was able to survive through the world of war and the numerous innocent blood he had shed. Somehow, 200 years later the letters get to Anastasia who seem to not give a care in the world but things start to change the moment Ana becomes moved by the romance and pain passed through words and starts to write back to a man she is not aware of. With another war lurking around, unexpected people plotting deceit and Ethans unacceptable sin of the time he was known as Dmitri, is there a silver lining for them, or is there life meant to be hell on earth? Will Ana be his rescue or would she be his arrest? Excerpt Truthfully he responds. "Money flows with me. Together, we are the root of all evil. You will not do well with a man like me." Her eyes shone when she heard money and her brain began to process 1000 things money would do to her. Leaning forward, she places her left hand on his and softly says. "Then we should get married. You see, marrying the root of all evil has been my lifetime goal." Ethan was left speechless.

introvertedauthor · Fantasy
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207 Chs

She brings everything to the table.

Anastasia sucks in a deep breath. Can this boss not take compliments?

"Ahahah..." she forced a laughter. "Boss you are so funny."

Ethan was still focused on the material while the tab in her hands started to feel hot to hold. "How is it funny?" He questions and glances at her before quickly retracting his gaze.

She places the tab on the table and folds her hands together. "I mean, to forget that I cant even afford it, who will want to marry me?"

This question piqued his interest and he shifted his stance. Now coming to stand straight as he looks into her eyes. Ana felt drawn like the day before. She wanted to break eye contact with him but it was rare that Ethan will be looking at her directly like that. "Why do you think no one will want to marry you?" He would obviously marry her in a beat if she said yes and if he finds the courage to ask her out.

She starts to fell like ants are crawling on her skin and she shifts her leg before taking a step away from the fabric. Ethan didnt break eye contact with her and watched her expression. "I mean.. i am me. I..." she has huge family issues and a trauma caused by the war. Most people might have it and she isn't supposed to complain but she hardly has her life together right now, she wouldn't want to bring anyone into her messed up life. "I bring nothing to the table."

Ethan scoffs and it ends with a faint yet sincere smile playing on his lips as he twists the fabric in his hand. "You bring everything to the table Anastasia." He confidently said as if he had been there. As if he had dated her and he had seen how wonderful she is and how much she brings to the table.

Ana felt stuck by his words. She stares into his eyes for some seconds before she lowers her head. the difference in height wasn't making it easy for her to do so. "Thank you very much boss. You do know how to flirt with the girls." She joked as she wriggle her brows.

Ethan quickly lowers his gaze and focuses on another fabric at the corner of the room. He didnt know what to say to it but saying nothing will make it seem like he has been with lots of girls.

"I don't...flirt with girls."

Ana nods her head like she understood. He doesnt need to. They would throw themselves at him anyways. She reminds herself again to not compliment her boss lest he decides to take it serious again. Now she will have to start saving up money in case she plans to get married at all. Which she hope she doesn't. She has a mentally ill mom to tend to and a trauma to nurse not to say she wants to rise to the top of the society where no one will be able to touch her or her mom.

"What do you need me to do boss?"

"Ethan." He says moving to the other side of the room where there is a sliding doorleading to another room. "You can call me Ethan. Look around first and we will start work in thirty minutes."

"Are you going to show me around?" Ana asks following him to the other room. The tall man glance at her with a smile and nods his head. His facial beauty almost making he heart jump in her chest. This man is probably over seven hundred years old yet he looks like he is just a little over thirty. The beauty of demons is indeed not comparable to that of humans.

"This is where we keep the wedding dresses materials." He gestures to the room full of different amazing fabrics.

"Are you working on a wedding dress at the moment?"

Ethan gave her a short laughter and opens the door that leads outside the room. She followed behind him catching up to him and walking by his side.

"The last time I held a wedding dress was two months ago. I am stuck." He gave her a side looped smile and turned the corner. Ahead, she could see a huge white double swing door.

"I experience that too. I think it is called designers block. Like writers block." She nonchalantly responds dragging her feet across the marbled floor. She looks around at the others doors and felt slightly intimated. Ethan noticed her eyes darting here and there and quickly explains.

"These two doors leads to the wedding dress display room." He gestures to the two double swing door on his left and walks to the one ahead. "Here is my work station for the wedding dresses." He pulls the door open for her and she quickly walks in feeling his gaze on her.

Will not think of evil things regarding boss. This is a strictly business area. No matter how handsome he is, I should not care.

She quickly tells herself this lest she gets lost in his beauty.

When Ana stepped into the room, she had been mentally reminding herself to not think of Ethan as anything other than a boss so she hadn't noticed the state the room was in. But when sh finally looks around, she opens her mouth to speak but couldnt say a thing. The walls are pure white and on the walls are papers with different designs. There are dresses on mannequins that looks like the are finished or almost finished. The sewing machines were in a different part and she had the urge to run to them and run her hands around it. She could only afford the mechanical one so seeing an electronic one that still looked new made her heart thump very loudly. She could not imagine how much work she would be able to get done if she brought her designs over.

Her eyes landed on a particular wedding dress. It looked like it had been touched with silver that has been used to make little love shapes on it. Ana walks to it an stood a good steps away as she marvels at the work. This man is a genius in this field. It had a long tail at the back that was probably attached to it with pins. She guessed it is an unfinished work.

"God! You are a genius. This is beyond amazing. I love it!" She compliments moving around the dress to see it properly.

Ethan smiles to himslef and walks closer. "It is unfinished." He could feel her focus her attention on him now. "I need to hand embroidery on it but the samples sent to me by the designers at the shop.." his eyes looks somewhat pained. Or somewhat disgusted. "It isnt thelove I want."

Anastasia was shocked yet amazed by his expression. So much that she didnt know she was starting to widely smile at him. For some reason he looks so damn sexy complaining about the poor work they had done for him.