
Our King's Deadly Sin

Anastasia Brown. A fierce yet careless young lady. All alone in a world of cruelty. Surrounded by enemies with no one to trust. Ethan Dmitri Petrov. An introverted demon billionaire with a dark past and a wounded soul. Although looking perfect on the outside, it was impossible to weigh the kind of pain Ethan held inside him. Soothed by an imaginary female he began to write letters to 200 years ago, he was able to survive through the world of war and the numerous innocent blood he had shed. Somehow, 200 years later the letters get to Anastasia who seem to not give a care in the world but things start to change the moment Ana becomes moved by the romance and pain passed through words and starts to write back to a man she is not aware of. With another war lurking around, unexpected people plotting deceit and Ethans unacceptable sin of the time he was known as Dmitri, is there a silver lining for them, or is there life meant to be hell on earth? Will Ana be his rescue or would she be his arrest? Excerpt Truthfully he responds. "Money flows with me. Together, we are the root of all evil. You will not do well with a man like me." Her eyes shone when she heard money and her brain began to process 1000 things money would do to her. Leaning forward, she places her left hand on his and softly says. "Then we should get married. You see, marrying the root of all evil has been my lifetime goal." Ethan was left speechless.

introvertedauthor · Fantasy
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207 Chs

In Which She Writes Him a Resurrecting Letter.

Anastasias mother used to have a secret drawer where they kept money, so her father wouldn't take it to gamble when he was still alive. Right inside her vanity, just a few centimetres backward, was a tiny drawer she and her sisters had made for their mother. That was almost eleven years ago before the world war that shook everyone's lives.

Now, she did not expect to meet a secret drawer in the table she had bought second hand from a Victorian store. Anastasia had just finished her tenth job in five years and finally had enough to buy the desk she had always wanted.

Her happiness knew no bound when she took it home and found out it was in a better shape than she had imagined. Although she did not imagine and expect the surprising things she saw in it. Turning the paper over to the other side, she saw that it was blank. The quality of the paper and the embroidery was enough to tell her that whomever wrote this was some rich man. The paper was different from normal paper and the handwriting looks too sophisticated to be written by some man who cant put a hand to his own mouth like her. She picks the envelope that was used to wrap the letter and adores it. The adornment of the embroidery on it was nothing but marvelous.

For this person to be able to embroidery on paper like this, he must be a genius in the art of embroidery. Or perhaps he just got someone to do the work for him. Rolling around in bed she stares at the letter for a while thinking of what to do with it. The remaining stacks of it still laid on the desk waiting to be read by her. This person in this letter sound melancholic and she wasnt sure if she was even the Anastasia who should have gotten the letter.

"Wait a minute, why am I thinking like the letter is mine? The names just seem to coincide with mine. This desk is second hand. Obviously it must have belonged to him, and he was referring to some other lady." She convinces herself that she will drop the letter and find a way to dispose of it later. But she knew she could not take her mind off it even if she tried to. The embroidery was too pretty to be ignored and the paper was scented as well. A masculine, wood scent exuded from it when she sniffed it properly. Or maybe it was just the old smell of paper that has long been forgotten in the desk.

There was nothing she could do for the man or do with the letters and to throw it out, meant to throw out his feelings. How lonely must he have been to have written a letter to someone he imagined and came to dream about? She wasnt that cruel to hurt his non existence feelings if he still existed. Since she couldn't throw it out, she might as well respond to it. Was he not saying he would be expecting her response. She would take it as she was only helping a fellow human who is probably distraught over the predators in their society.

"Exactly. That is what I am doing. I am only doing a loyal job. And it is free." She got up from the bed and settles herself at the desk. After looking around for her pen and a clean sheet of paper she finally settles. "I cant just ignore sucb beautiful words can I? Since they have found me, it must be that God is telling me to help him soothe this man. Who knows I might be a prophetess." Her eyes trail over the words inscribed on the paper again she she smiles.

Will I ever be able to look into your eyes, which I assume would capture my soul and tell you of the quiet nights that you get me through?

Just this line made her blush. He was a romantic at heart wasnt he? He must surly have knowledge in the art of picking girls with his perfect words.

"What shall I say to you my dear?" She ask herself staring at the blank paper. Anastasia did not know for how long she was staring at the paper but when she decided to write, she did not stop until she signed the letter. Looking at it, she read out loud for herself. The caligraphy she had learned since young and had always put to use when designing turns out to be quite useful for her. Although her words did not sound sophisticated and polite like his, her handwriting was enough to pass for it. She had used her best calligraphy.

It reads:

Hello Dmitri

It is by accident that I found your letter in a desk I happen to have just purchased second hand. Though I am not sure if the Anastasia you speak of in your dreams is me, but the desk belongs to me now and so, the letters. And since my name seem to coincide with that of your imaginary female companion,, I have decided to not ignore this. Your words touch my heart Dmitri, and hopefully, I will be able to touch yours with mine as well. And if I be the woman you speak of, then it must mean that I have already touched your heart with my presence already.

The wall and the quietness of wherever you are, shall not close in on you. And I hope whatever bothers you be solved. I do not dream of you, neither did I bring you to life in my imagination, like you did to this woman you speak of, but I permit you to continue to dream of me Dmitri. If I am as this letter have mentioned, the lady you speak of, then think of me as always and let me fill your heart. Whichever way you want, whichever scenario you want, picture me and dream of me. Let your dreams soothe your soul and heal your heavy heart. And I hope you stay strong enough to see me one day.

Goodbye. I will be looking forward to hear7ng from you, if this letter so reaches you.

With all my heart,


Anastasia did not know if she had truly done right by writing back to this man. She did not even know if he will find it like she found his but she still looked through his beautiful envelope for an adress and couldn't find one. Did he not mean to be found by not leaving an adress? She searched the drawers and still couldnt find an address but she just coudnt throw the letter away now that she had written it could she? So Ana decided mail it to the old Victorian house John had collected this items from. She found some embroidery stickers to stick to the lower part of the letter. The ones she had made to sell and had with her in case some of her old trousers start to have holes in them.

Adorning the envelope with another embroidery sticker and the mailing information without leaving her own address she took her purse and was about to go mail it when she received am e-mail. Two months ago, she had subscribed to a newsletter that informs people of jobs nearby and far away. Scrolling through the ones that has just been sent while holding the letter and walking to the door, she saw one that caught her attention. Turns out, 'The Resurrected' had a vacancy for a job.

Yes yes..The Resurrected was the name given to the huge mansion that stood opposite her. And the job happens to be one befitting for her. The designer at The Resurrected needed an assistant. One that is good with needles and threads and if it isnt Ana they speak of, who else? She knew embroidery like she knew her own vagina. Although she was surprised they had a designer at The Resurrected, she didnt care. All she cares about right now was to get a job. Quickly, she seats back at her desk to fill the application online and sent them proof of her work and of the clothes she had made herself. She sent them lots of her hand embroidery images and submitted the application. Hopefully she would have enough money to feed herself.

Thinking of food, her stomach began to rumble.

"You just cant wait, can you ?" She decides to get herself something cheap to eat while on her way to the mail the letter.

She had not crossed the other side of the road when she recieved another e-mail asking her to come to The Resurrected for an interview. Staring at the huge mansion across her, Ana could feel a bright smile across her face.

Why did she feel like good things are finally happening to her?

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