
Our King's Deadly Sin

Anastasia Brown. A fierce yet careless young lady. All alone in a world of cruelty. Surrounded by enemies with no one to trust. Ethan Dmitri Petrov. An introverted demon billionaire with a dark past and a wounded soul. Although looking perfect on the outside, it was impossible to weigh the kind of pain Ethan held inside him. Soothed by an imaginary female he began to write letters to 200 years ago, he was able to survive through the world of war and the numerous innocent blood he had shed. Somehow, 200 years later the letters get to Anastasia who seem to not give a care in the world but things start to change the moment Ana becomes moved by the romance and pain passed through words and starts to write back to a man she is not aware of. With another war lurking around, unexpected people plotting deceit and Ethans unacceptable sin of the time he was known as Dmitri, is there a silver lining for them, or is there life meant to be hell on earth? Will Ana be his rescue or would she be his arrest? Excerpt Truthfully he responds. "Money flows with me. Together, we are the root of all evil. You will not do well with a man like me." Her eyes shone when she heard money and her brain began to process 1000 things money would do to her. Leaning forward, she places her left hand on his and softly says. "Then we should get married. You see, marrying the root of all evil has been my lifetime goal." Ethan was left speechless.

introvertedauthor · Fantasy
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207 Chs

In Which Going to Work in her Bikins or Nudity is a Scheme to Being Late.

Anastasia was beginning to suspect that her boss was doing this on purpose he must be. He must have wanted to get rid of her and was looking for something and finally decides on that. He must know that no o e would love to eat in that sort of atmosphere. That stiff, awkward, and tensed atmosphere with him.

Perhaps he was regretting saying he would name the dress after her and didn't want to revoke his decision since he is known for being rigid and so came up with a way.

"Oh. God...just when I thought things were finally going well." She got a ding on her phone and checks it. It was an email from The Resurrected.

Indeed he had sent the contract as she had said. She looks through the contract and begins to doubt if he was really planning to make her quit on her own. The terms were too good for her whose job is just to be an assistant designer. The salary.. or would she say allowance. was bi-monthly and fat. Fat enough for her to get two weeks allowance and move out of this rat hole. It even says she is allowed to add her own terms to the contract and is allowed to request for a raise and add new terms to the contract evey three months except that both parties must agree to it.

After reading through it she scrolled further down and saw his message.

"Miss Brown, is the contract good enough for you?"

How could it not be good enough? It was more than good enough. She quickly writes back.

"Hello. I have read through the contract and I am very pleased with it. I will be signing the contract tomorrow morning." As soon as she sent this she quickly looks though her tiny wardrobe and bag of clothes. Checking for any appropriate dressing.

Two minutes had barely pass when she received another email. Rushing to check it she saw that it was his response..

"I am glad Miss Brown is okay with the contract. I will prepare the hard copy tomorrow and please feel free to dress however you want. A designer has no restrictions."

A faint smile appears on her face when she read this as if he kenw she was already struggling with clothes to wear. She is allowed to wear anything? She begins to imagine his serious and unsure expression when typing this and it made her want to tease him. She typed.

"Does that mean I am allowed to come to work in my bikinis or even naked?"

She read through it again and laughed at what she had typed. If she were to send this no doubt she would be fired before being hired. She was laughing when this mice who was fed up with life ran over her leg and out of the door through the little hole under it.

"Shit! Mf! I blocked that hole who removed it? Did you call company?" She was cursing out the mice when she heard a click and checked her phone.

Alas her hand had sent the email she had typed. Ana immediately shot from her seat. Staring at her phone and quickly tries to delete it but she knew it would have been sent. Deleting it would make it see. like she was trying to hit on her boss and realised her actions in time. But not deletinf it would make it sound the same.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.." she cursed and stomped her leg to the floor hard. Panicked she checked her phone for any message from him but there was none. Ana could feel her heart beating fast in her chest and could even hear it. Her armpits began to sweat and felt itchy. Perspiration quickly formed on her forehead and she sat back down bitiing on her nails.

The universe must hate her. Just when things were starting to go well.

She contemplates sending an apology email and was about to type it when she received an email from him.

"One, Miss Brown, bikinis arent really appropriate at work and working naked would distract anyone obviously. I also do noy think you will be comfortable coming to work while being naked. I hope you can reconsider this option. And two, this email is something you mistakenly sent because you are the playful type."

Heaving a sigh fo relief she read through his response again. He must really be a serious human being he was even trying to be rational with her decisions.

"Hello. I am very sorry for the email I sent and Yes it is the second option. I will be more careful. I am very sorry."

The response came almost immediately. "Miss Brown it is understandable. Have a nice day."

Staring at his response she almost couldnt believe it. "What the...I get off pulling a prank like that so easily. Is this boss dense or is he just too serious with his life or does he not just care? He seem to forgive her to easily. But she didnt mind. She was let off the hook on this one. And she wouldnt need to eat dinner which means she would be having more money. She doesnt need money for transport to work as well.

"This is definitely me finally enjoying after all I have been through." She told herself removing her boots and laying in bed. She had in mind to draw it a few designs and read another letter but she was already asleep before she knew it.

At The Ressurected, Ethan holds a bottle of 1947 Ethin wine in his hands and a glass in the other. In his bath robe he strides towards the dressing room and stares at his open laptop on the dressing table. The last message she had sent still caught his eye. With a smirk he pours himself a glass and places the bottle next to his laptop. Leaning against the other table that laid in the middle of the dressing room containing his wrist watches, he slowly sips his wine.

"Anastasia." He calls testing the name on his lips. She wanted to come to work in her bikinis or naked? How was he supposed to control himself then?

Ethan had thought he had practised enough and would be able to finally talk to her and let it all plan out as he had thought but he still couldnt get proper words out. He could remember the moment he asked her which drink she would like and she stared at him like he was stupid. He squeezed the glass in his hand and it shattered cutting his hand and causing him to bleed.

"Shit!" He grabs a towel and wipes his hand. As he was wiping it he watched the wound close up on it's own. What is more to life? What is there to living? He had finally found someone who gave him the zeal to continue living but he couldnt have a proper conversation with her yet.

He would have to warn Miss Marcey to give him a heads up next time she wanted to do stuff like that. She had come at him so sudden that he wasnt even able to put himself together. He just kept his head down and kept muttering nonsense.

Had he known he would have kept his mouth shut.

He closed the laptop and took the bottle of wine to the bathroom. Relaxing into the water for a bath his whole mind was full of her face and her bouncy curly hair. How nice it must feel to run his hands through those.

The following day, Anastasia was supposed to arrive at work by eight in the morning but because she has been jobless for long and is used to sleeping in she woke up thirty minutes after eight and had to rush to work. By the time she laid foot in front of The Resurrected, it was already fifty minutes past eight.

Adjusting her hair which she had divided to into two as she was in a rush, she takes in a deep breath before pressing the bell.

Once the guard saw that it was her they quickly opened the pedestrian gate for her and salutes.

Staring at them with a confused expresison she managed to squeeze out a smile befor running in.

"She is fifty one minutes late. The boss is very rigid about work hours." The second guard said checking his wrist.

"I doubt he would say a thing to her. Besides..." he continued to stare in the direction she had gone. "Isnt the madams dressing a bit weird?"

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