
35. The Humiliation

Preeti's Point of view

February, March, April, May, June...months passed like that. I cried every night, sitting in my balcony, missing him. I didn't forget his beautiful face, his mesmerizing smile and most memorable days of my life with him. This is become my favorite place to spend time.

Weather changed from cold to hot one but the day never went when I didn't miss him. Everyday it's getting hard to breathe and live without him.

I saw him every night in my dreams. They haunted me and reminde me that he is not mine anymore. He is someone else now. I have no right on him.

I started having nightmares too. I cried loudly when my nightmares haunted me. It's almost happen in every night. My eyes open automatically exact 3.00 A.m of the morning, when he called me to break the engagement. I always drenched in my own sweat when I woke up from the nightmare.