
Our Glamourous Time

Lin Qian used to believe that her Mr. Right needed to be handsome and reliable. An elite man in the business world who was extremely influential. A person that Lin Qian would admire, for nothing would be impossible for him. However, when she finds her love, she realizes that what attracts her is his calmness, silence, persistence and loyalty. She loves him so much that she is willing to stand by him to face the schemes and cruelty of the business world. She just wishes to spend the best time of her life with him, regardless of what the future will be. There was nothing special about the first time they met each other. Who knew that such an ordinary encounter would be the start of their glamorous time together? If you are looking for a light and sweet romance with a thrilling story line, then this is definitely the right book for you.

Ding Mo · Urban
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82 Chs

Brilliant Lights and Vibrant Colors

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was still snowing.

Lin Qian stared at the tiny snowflakes that had accumulated on the man's head and shoulders; her heart beat so quickly she thought it might pop out of her chest.

What is he doing?

Crossing the ocean on New Year's Eve, appearing in front of her, giving her a lantern, walking away with her without a word while holding hands—it was as though they were eloping. And as the person being blindlessly dragged along, she was a little confused about the situation.

Thinking it over, it wouldn't be difficult for him to find her. She only had two emergency contacts listed on her employee personal profile: one was her best friend in the entire country, and the other was her brother. His address was included too.