

The whole of Freeland was thrown into grief as desolation consumes the Western family after the Lost of their eldest son Clark western which drove his cousin and best friend Kylie western almost crazy to the point of attempting suicide which lead to her losing her memories of who she was before the accident. 13 years later Faith brought Jordan and Kylie together. Sparks flys as they both grow from friends to best friends and into lovers. but their happiness was short-lived as they both have too fight their families and enemies in order to be together. will love win or will envy, jealousy, lost and deceit prevail??.

Uzowei_Tehillah · Teen
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178 Chs


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The final bell for the day finally rings, making Kylee super happy, anxious and shy.

I Can't believe am going on a data with Jordan.

Kylee inner voice spoke as she picks up her bag and books so she could leave.

Hey, I'll come pick you up?

Jordan ask as he head for the door too.

Sure, I'll be waiting.

Kylee reply giving him a warm smile.

Jordan walk out of the class and heads for home without Kylee, he needed to get ready for their date that evening.

Someone is looking super happy today, what happened in school today.

Diego who could help but notice the happiness on kylee's face ask as soon as she got into the car.

O it's nothing really, Jordan just ask me to go out with him today.

Kylee answers with a smile.

Kylee you go out with Jordan everyday, all day, so what is so special about today that you can't stop smiling.

Diego ask.