
First day at UA

Katsuki's POV

As I'm carrying Izuku home I noticed that he looked like he ate something nasty. "Bunny what did you eat?" I asked. "All Might's hair. I had to eat it in order to inherit his power." He said. "Deku that's gross, but hey at least you didn't have to drink his spit." I said. "Kacchan why would you say that?" He asked. "Because you have a disgusted look on your face." I said chuckling. "Oh haha very funny Kacchan." Izuku said giving me dirty look. "Hey only trying to lighten the mood." I said with a small smile. "Well it kind of isn't working Kacchan." Izuku said. "I'm trying okay." I said. "You know Kacchan since high school is starting soon we might even make some friends or at least I hope we do." Izuku said. "Me to Teddy Bear, me to." I said before I see a blush appear on Izuku's face from the new nickname. "Is that going to be a new nickname?" Izuku asked. "Yeah I figured you'd like it." I said. "But any way Kacchan I'm gonna need to train this new quirk and if my mom find out about about me having a strength enhancing quirk she'll freak out." Izuku said starting to freak out a bit. "Alright now don't freak out just tell her that while me and you were training that this quirk awakened." I said trying my best to calm him down. "Yeah your right." Izuku said. "I know I am Love." I say with a smile. "But Kacchan when we get into UA I hope that we can be the top 2 in our class." Izuku says with a smile. "Yeah I mean we are the top 2 in our current class." I said smirking a bit. As we are walking home I noticed Izuku fall asleep in my arms and thats when I realize that I'm so far in love with this boy that I'd do anything for him. After we got home I open the door only to smell food being made. "We're home." I said in a calm voice as to not wake Izuku up because we don't have to be t UA until about 10am and it's only 6am I'll let him sleep till 8am. "Hmm Kacchan are we home?" Izuku asked. 'Well so much for Izuku sleeping till 8am.' I said to myself. "Yeah why don't you go shower then come down to eat Bunny." I said setting Izuku down. "Okay Kacchan." Izuku said giving me a kiss on my cheek before going upstairs to shower. "Aw is my brat of a son blushing?" My mother asked teasingly. "Shut it old hag." I said not expecting the shout from Izuku. "If I hear you call her that again no cuddles or kisses for a week!" Izuku shouted from our room. "Alright sorry Bunny!" I shouted back. "Hey Katsuki." My mom said getting my attention. "Yes mom." I said turning to her. "Go get changed then come back down to eat breakfast before you both have to leave." She said before going into the kitchen to finish making food. As soon as I make it to mine and Izuku's bedroom I hear the water shut off. "Hey Kacchan is my phone charged?" Izuku asked entering the room. "Yeah when you went to go train really early this morning you left it on the charger and left me in bed." I said. "Sorry Kacchan I was gonna wake you up but by then it was already 3am." Izuku said. "So you left for the beach at 3am and finished at 5am?" I asked. "Yeah I did." Izuku said with a smile. "Izuku you should have woke me up instead of going alone and Babe I'm not saying that your not able to take care of yourself. I'm just saying that your an Omega and I don't want you to get hurt." I said as Izuku always say my face looks soft when I'm concerned about him. "I know Kacchan but we have to be at UA at 10am." Izuku said. "Yeah I know but we are going to eat first." I said changing clothes while Izuku dried off and changed as well. "Okay lets go eat." Izuku said walking downstairs. "Yo Zuku wait up." I said hurrying after him. "Well good morning Izuku." My mom said. "Morning Aunty Mitsuki." Izuku said. "Mom we are going to eat then head out I'll text when we get to the school and when we leave." I said before me, Izuku and my parents sat down to eat breakfast when Izuku's mom came inside with all of Izuku's stuff. "Mom what the heck are you doing with my stuff?" Izuku asked. "Honey your dad is home." Is all Inko says before she hands my mom a letter. "So I guess we are living together so when we fill out the papers we just put the same address." Izuku said. "Yeah Katsuki that's a good idea Izuku." Mom said looking between me and Izuku. "Alright well it's 8am we gotta go." I said standing up and putting mine and Izuku's plates in the sink. "Alright while you guys are gone I'll put Izuku's stuff in your room Katsuki." Mom said with a smile. "Alright thank you I love you both." Izuku said. "I love you both too see you when you get home." Mom said as she walked over to the door and closed it. As me and Izuku are walking to the train station I see several men eyeing Izuku like he's a piece of meat. After me and Izuku make it to the train station one of the men walks up to Izuku and tries to touch him but I'm there to protect him. "Stay back." I growl at the man while putting my arm around Izuku's waist. "Sorry I didn't know he was taken." The man said. "We are both still in middle school. We are just heading to UA to do the entrance exam so unless you want me to report you to a hero working at UA I suggest you back the hell off." I said. "Yeah yeah sorry." The man said practically running away. "Kacchan, I'm not even mad that you had to protect me from that man." Izuku said cuddling up to me and scenting me. "Well hang on there don't do a light scenting." I said fully scenting Izuku. "Thank you Kacchan." Izuku said. "No problem Bunny." I said. After the train arrived me and Izuku got on the train and stayed very close together and after we arrived at our station we got off and walked to UA and entered the building and as soon as we entered I texted my mom to let her know we arrived safely. "Wow UA looks even more amazing from the inside." Izuku said when we see a boy with blue hair glare at Izuku. "Kacchan do you think that he'll say something later?" Izuku asked me in a hushed tone. "Yeah." I said back in the same hushed tone. "Well lets get to the place we need to go." Izuku said. "Yeah babe let's go." I said wrapping my arm around Izuku's waist. "Kacchan I hope we have the same area." Izuku said. "Me to but you never know." I said. After we make to the exam room I noticed that there is going to be a written test and a practical test. "Bunny there's going to be two tests. A written one and a practical one as well." I said. "Oh sweet. I'm awesome with written exams." Izuku said. "I know you always out score me." I said as we walked down the hallway. "Oh Kacchan I think this is the room." Izuku said pulling me into the room and finding our seats. As soon as me and Izuku sit down a bunch of other people start coming into the room before it was full and I checked my watch and read 10am meaning the exams were about to begin. "No Kacchan I was thinking that maybe we try to get hero and villain points" Izuku said. "Yeah by looking at these pictures it seems like we will fighting robots but first we have to deal with a written exam before the practical exam." I said looking at the paper. "Yeah your right Kacchan but lets focus and then kick some ass if we do we'll come out on top." Izuku said with a smirk. "There's the boy I love." I said before Present Mic came in and started the exam and I'm sure that as soon as the written exam is over we'll move right into the practical after he explains the exam. As the exam started I noticed a bunch of people trying to finish first but me and Izuku finished first and just sat quietly cuddled up against each other. When it was over and Present Mic came to collect the tests he noticed Izuku and I and was gonna ask a few questions on how we finished so fast but decided against asking the question. As Present Mic started explaining the practical when Izuku mentioned that there is a robot not on the paper. "Excuse me sir there is a robot that isn't on the paper. And the green haired boy in the back I must ask you to not interrupt again." The blue haired boy said. "Your right young man there is a robot that isn't on the paper but I also must ask you to leave speaking to another examinee like that to the exam proctor." Present Mic said. "Yes sir." He said in shame. "Any way this robot is called the 0 pointer robot. There is also 1 pointer, 2 pointer, 3 pointer and 4 pointer robots. But the 0 pointer doesn't give you any points so it's best to run away from the robot." Present Mic said. "Oh I get it Kacchan so we just have to try and get as many points as we can before the 0 pointer comes." Izuku said to me. "Yeah." I said. "Alright go get changed and then head to your assigned gate then I'll explain the exam!" Present Mic shouted. When me and Izuku headed to go get changed we saw the same blue haired boy headed our way but we ignored him the went to our assigned gate. "I love you Izuku I'll see you after the exam." I said kissing him. "I love you too Kacchan make sure you don't get hurt and don't worry I'm gonna let my quirk flow through my body like my quirks do." Izuku said kissing me back. "Alright lets do this." I said as we started walking to our gates. After we both make it to our gates Present Mic explains the exam and then it's time for it to start. As I'm fighting robots I know Izuku is also racking up points as well. By the time the exam was over I saved someone that had gotten stuck trying to run away from the 0 pointer and I know Izuku did the same thing. After the exam was over me and Izuku met up after changing we head home to wait for the results. "Kacchan that blue haired boy was in the same area as me." Izuku said as we were walking back to the train station I texted my mom to let her know we were laving UA and were on our way back to the house. "Your kidding me right?" I asked in hope that he was kidding. "Nope." Izuku said as we continued walking home. "Well shit." I said as we made it to the train station we waited for the train to arrive when suddenly some random man came up and tried to grope Izuku. "Kacchan there is a man." Izuku said in a whisper. "Yes I see him." I said back in a whisper. "Do something please." Izuku said quietly. "Sir back off of my omega before I beat your ass." I said growling when I feel a bond set in place between me and Izuku. "What are you going to do about it kid?" He asked. "I'll beat your ass not only are we middle school students but we also have some very powerful quirks." I said starting to activate my quirk scaring the guy away. After the guy ran away the train arrived me and Izuku got on the train and stayed very close together and after we arrived at our station we got off and walked home and as soon as we got home it was like a fog was lifted. "We're home." I said walking into the living room when I hear Izuku shout. "Kacchan I can tell that you are 6 inches apart." Izuku said and I walked to the hallway. "Yeah that's awesome." I said backing up and seeing the number grow again. "Aunty can you get a measuring tape please?" Izuku asked before my mom got up and grabbed the measuring tape. "Why do you need the measuring tape?" She asked as she walked into the hallway with the tape measure. "Measure us." I said. "Alright. Uh you both are 6 inches apart." She said. "I was right." Izuku said with a smile before walking away and going upstairs. "The hell?" My mom asked as we both watched Izuku walk upstairs and into our room. "Well I think we got our first bond." I said. "Ooohh tell me all about it." Mom said. "Well I called Izuku my omega today when some guy tried to grope him." I said with a small blush. "That's my boy, us Bakugou's don't let anyone try to take our mates away." Mom said ruffling my hair. "Mom can I make dinner tonight?" I asked. "Yes make something that we all like. How about you make Katsudon." She said. "Yeah and I want you to keep Izuku distracted." I said going into the kitchen to start dinner that's when I hear Izuku run down the stairs and towards the kitchen. "Oh Izuku dear come sit out here with me and Masaru." I heard mom say. "Oh alright but I was gonna start dinner." Izuku said. "Nonsense Katsuki is making dinner." She said. "Oh alright how about I go get the ice cream from the basement?" Izuku asked. "Yeah and put it on the dinning room table and Katsuki will put it in the freezer." Mom said as Izuku walked downstairs. "Hang on what flavor do we all want?" Izuku asked. "How about me and Masaru get our own flavor then you and Katsuki get your own flavor." Mom said. "Ahhhh! There's a spider!" Izuku screamed running back upstairs. "Baby are you okay?!" I shouted running out of the kitchen and to Izuku. "Yeah there's a spider down there." Izuku said. "Alright I'll go down there with you. Mom can you watch the food for me please." I said going downstairs with Izuku to see the spider. "Kacchan you deal with the beast and I'll get the ice cream." Izuku said calling the spider a beast. "Baby why did you call the spider a beast?" I asked going over to kill the spider with a mini explosion it was just incase the spider had any baby spiders and it destroyed the next and web. "Alright Kacchan I got Aunty Mitsuki hers and Uncle Masaru's flavor ice cream which is 'Strawberry and Chili Pepper' and our is 'Triple Carmel'." Izuku said. "Alright well let's go up and put them away." I said. "Yeah. Ugh I really hate spiders." Izuku said as we walked back upstairs. "I know baby I know." I said as we finished walking upstairs. "Oh you got the ice cream. Dinner is just about ready but Katsuki can you go finish it and will you put the ice cream away as well while Izuku goes upstairs and changes again." Mom said walking out of the kitchen. "Yeah." I said taking the ice cream out of Izuku's hands and taking them into the kitchen and putting them into the freezer. "But Kacchan." Izuku said. "But nothing Izuku go change into clothes you didn't scent with destress pheromones." I said walking over to Izuku and nuzzling him a bit. "Alright I guess I do smell heavily like distress." Izuku said kissing me before going up stairs and changing. In our room there is a special basket the is for heavily scented clothes that we want to wear again but can't because they are scented I mean we do have clothes from each other that is scented but that if for our cycles. "Kacchan is dinner almost ready?" Izuku asked standing outside of the kitchen. "Yeah but give me a bit to plate everything then I'll call you guys for dinner alright." I said finishing the last touches on the food. "Alright." Izuku said walking into the living room. "Dinner is done everyone and I used the same bowls we always use." I said walking out into the living room and grabbing Izuku. "Kacchan." Izuku said as I covered his eyes and guided him to the dining room table. "Katsuki dinner looks good." Mom said. "Can I see." Izuku said. "Yup just let me make sure your bowl is perfect." I said. "Okay just hurry I'm hungry." Izuku said. "Alright everything is perfect." I said uncovering Izuku's eyes. "Wahh is this Katsudon?" Izuku asked happily. "Yeah after today I figured I'd make dinner so you could relax." I said sitting down next to Izuku but before we can start eating I hear someone knock on the door. "I'll get it." Izuku said. "No Izuku we don't know who it could be just sit here with my dad I'll take my mom with me to check who it is." I said as me and my mom get up. "Yes can we help you?" I asked as soon as me and my mom make it to the front door and open it. "Mitsuki." Inko said. "Inko what happened?" Mom asked as she and Inko entered the house. "Hisashi and I are getting divorced and I met a couple of guys last week when he said he wanted to get divorced and well they started courting me." Aunty Inko said. "Mom?" Izuku said from his seat. "I'm here honey." She said hugging Izuku. "Well we were just about to eat dinner if you want to join." I said retaking my seat next to Izuku. "Oh I'd love some." Aunty Inko said with a smile. "Mom what are you doing here I thought dad was home?" Izuku asked. "Well he was but he went out for a few days till my Alpha and Omega are gonna help me move my stuff to their house." Aunty Inko said. "Wait so you and dad aren't together anymore?" Izuku asked. "Yeah we're getting divorced." She said. "Aunty tell the truth was he cheating on you way before he went over seas?" I asked. "Yeah he was cheating while I was pregnant as well as before and after he moved over seas. But he decided he wanted the house so my future mates are over there now getting my stuff and descenting the house. Your stuff is already here so you don't have to worry about losing anything." She said. "Alright but lets eat before they come to get you and then we are heading to bed." I said. "Alright." Aunty said. After we got done eating Inko's boyfriends came over to pick her up but she didn't leave with out hugging Izuku. "Goodnight mom I'll talk to you in the morning." Izuku said. "Alright goodnight Izuku. Call me to let me know when you get the letters from the school." Aunty said. "I will mom have a good night." Izuku said heading upstairs to get ready for bed. "Katsuki I'll see you guys later." Aunty said walking out the door. "Alright Aunty I love you have a safe trip home." I said as my mom closed and locked the door behind Aunty Inko. "Alright mom I'm heading to bed, see you in the morning." I said walking upstairs and into mine and Izuku's room. "Alright Zuku let's head to bed and then in like a week or two we'll see what our letters say." I said kissing Izuku. "Yeah. Good night Kacchan I love you." Izuku said kissing me back. "Night Zuku." I said turning off the light then getting into bed. The next few days has been hell, Izuku ended up getting sick and then when I went to go return a few things to our middle school a couple of our old female omega classmates decided to try and ask me out on a date. "Uh hey Bakugou do um maybe want to go on a date sometime?" She asked. "No get lost I have an omega already and besides he is 10 times more prettier and cute than your ugly ass." I said walking away and heading to the principles office. As soon as I got there the principle asked me to hand the text books over so they can be descented and returned to the class. "Alright Mr. Bakugou you and Mr. Midoriya have a good year in high school." He said with a fake smile. "Alright well I'm gonna head home to take care of my sick omega." I said when I turned around only to see every single person that is currently lusting after me standing there. "So Midoriya is sick?" They asked as I walked outside. "Yeah now stop following me." I said walking a bit faster in hopes that I'll get away from them but they just keep following me and when I finally make it outside I see my parents and Izuku. "Kacchan." Izuku said he wobbles towards me. "Hey baby. How are you feeling?" I asked pulling Izuku into a hug. "I feel a bit better." He said before he looked behind me to see the people that kept following me. "Baby you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Can we help you?" Izuku said with a growl. "Uh yeah Bakugou was just about to take me on a date." A girl said with a snarky attitude. "No he wasn't because I'm his omega and I'm sick so why would my alpha be unfaithful when we've known we were mates since we were kids." Izuku said before growling. "Eep!" The girl shouted before running away. After she left me, Izuku and my parents got into the car and drove home. "Lets get you into bed." I said taking Izuku upstairs to our room as soon as we got into the house. "Katsuki after you get him back into bed come down here so we can talk." Dad said before he and mom walked into the living room and sat down. After Izuku laid down and fell asleep I went downstairs and talked about what happened today until it was dinner time of course we ate the samething Izuku did Miso Soup and after he ate it I sent Izuku back to bed. The next day Izuku was feeling a bit better but we did the same routine as of yesterday but without me leaving. Then as the day went on Izuku didn't want to get out of bed not even to eat so anytime I made food I would take it up to him and feed him but since all he was eating was Miso Soup he was good. "Mom I hope he is better in the morning." I said finishing our dinner. "Me to Katsuki but you know it's very rare for Izuku to get sick." She said. After I finished dinner we ate and got ready for bed. A few days later Izuku was finally feeling better but we were still waiting for our letters from UA. As the day went on Izuku was slowly slowly showing signs of his heat. "Hey baby is your heat starting?" I asked. "Huh? Oh no my heat was days ago." Izuku said. "The fuck? So when you weren't sick you were actually in heat?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked confused. "Zuku I thought you were sick." I said looking at him. "Oh." He said. "Katsuki honey are you okay?" I heard mom ask. "Yeah except Izuku wasn't sick he was in heat thought it wasn't like a heat he's had before." I said. "Well I've got good news your letters came." Mom said handing us the letters. "Well lets open them." I said as we went up to our room and opened them together, when we opened them All Might popped as a hologram. "Young Bakugou, Young Midoriya congratulations on passing both exams. Izuku you came in first on the written exam and Katsuki you came in second on the written exam. Izuku you have 75 Villain points and 60 Hero points putting you in second place. Katsuki you have 77 Villain points and 60 Hero points putting you in first place. Welcome to your hero academia." All Might said. "MOM! WE GOT IN!" I shouted opening the door and walking out so Izuku can call Inko. "Oh congratulations Katsuki Masaru did you hear that they got into UA." Mom said before Izuku came out of our room crying. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked walking up to him. "I called mom to tell her and well she's happy for me but she's not able to leave the house yet cause she, Shouta and Hizashi just mated." Izuku said crying. "Oh so it's not sad tears." I said. "No they are happy ones." Izuku said hugging me. "Alright well we are gonna go out and eat so go get changed." Dad said. After we went out to eat we came home and headed to bed because tomorrow we start at UA. "Katsuki, Izuku wake up and get ready for school." My mom said waking into my room to see me and Izuku already dressed. "Oh morning Aunty." Izuku said with a smile. "I can't believe today is your first day of high school." Mom said hugging us. "Well mom we have to go school starts soon." I said as me and Izuku walked out of our room and grabbed our lunch. "Alright well I love you be safe." Mom said walking with us to door to see us off. "See you later mom." I said as me and Izuku walked out of the door and to school. After we arrived at school we walked inside and headed to our class. "What are you doing here?" We hear someone ask so we turn around. "Who me?" Izuku asked. "Yes you. You were disrupting the exam and now your in the same class as me." The blue haired boy said making Izuku upset. "Hey back the fuck off my omega your making him distressed." I said growling. "Oh my bad." He said. "W-what's your name?" Izuku asked. "Tenya Iida." He said. "Now back up your making him nervous." I said pulling Izuku back a bit. "No you misunderstand I wanted to apologize for my outburst during the physical exam." Four-eyes said. "Baby what outburst?" I asked Izuku. "Well he kinda yelled at me when I tried to help him up and he called me a nuisance." Izuku said. "Why you." I said before getting cut off by Four-Eyes. "Please forgive me for what I said." Four-eyes said. "Well I must say if you don't disrespect anyone else then maybe I'll consider being you friend." Izuku said. I know Izuku very well he won't any friend if I'm not there. "Alright thank you." Four-eyes said. "Anyway my name is Izuku Midoriya and this is Katsuki Bakugou." Izuku said before our teacher walked. "We aren't here to make friends." He said standing up. "Eep." Izuku said jumping a bit. "My name is Shouta Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher." Shouta said. "*Gasp.* Shouta Aizawa as in the man that mated my mother." Izuku said looking at him. "Bakugou, Midoriya hang back after you change and we'll walk out together." Shouta said. "Alright." Izuku said walking out of the room and to the locker room. As soon we arrived Four-eyes and Shitty Hair was trying to block some purple balled weirdo from getting to Izuku. "Hey Shitty Hair." I said getting his attention. "Yeah." He said walking up to me. "What's your name?" I asked. "Eijirou Kirishima, it's nice to meet you..." He said. "Katsuki Bakugou is my name and my mates name is Izuku Midoriya." I said. "Wait Izuku Midoriya the person that got 2nd place?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "I would love to be your guys' friend." He said with a smile. "Alright well I have to introduce you to him." I said guiding him to Izuku. "Zuku baby this is Eijirou Kirishima." I said. "Oh uh hello." Izuku said backing up a bit. "Hey you okay?" Eijirou asked kneeling down and tilting his head in submission. "Oh yes I'm fine just a bit nervous." Izuku said. "Oh I was wondering if I could friends with you guys?" Eijirou asked. "I would like that." Izuku said smiling and motioning Eijirou to stand up. "Thank you Izuku." Eijirou said. "Kacchan well all be a pack." Izuku asked. "Whoa slow down baby we need more friends in order to do that." I said with a smirk. "Oh alright." Izuku said as he finished changing. "Oh Kacchan we gotta go." Izuku said. "Oh your right." I said grabbing Izuku's hand and walking out the door. "Bakugou Midoriya thank you for meeting with me, but it has come to my attention that Izuku is my son." Shouta said. "But your my step-dam." Izuku said with a smile. "Yes so come here sweetheart." He said as Izuku walked up to him and they hugged. "What do I call you?" Izuku asked. "Well you call Inko mom how about you call me momma. I have a son that goes here I just want to expel Mineta before I can put him in my class and your mom want's to know if you want to change you last name to Yamada." Shouta said hugging and scenting Izuku. "Yeah Izuku was thinking about wanting to change his last name after hearing that you guys mated. And he was looking at Izuku wrong." I said. "Alright I'll keep an eye on him and I'll let Inko know." Shouta said before we all walked out of the door. After we made it to the field I noticed Mineta looking at Izuku but Shouta glared at him. "Katsuki how far were you able to throw the ball in middle school?" He asked. "67 meters." I said walking up to the circle. "Try using your quirk." He said tossing me a ball. "DIE!" I shouted throwing the ball using my quirk. "Really Kacchan did you have to scream die?" Izuku asked. "What were you not impressed." I said sheepishly. "Well good job Katsuki you got 705.2 meters." Shouta said. "Alright Uraraka your up." Shouta said as she walked up not before stopping at Izuku. "Um hey was wondering if your single?" She asked. "No I'm not I have a mate/boyfriend." Izuku said. "Well does he have to know?" She asked as I walked up to her. "Yeah I do because we live together and we've known each since we were one years old." I said. "Oh my bad I didn't mean it that way I saw the way you both looked at each other. When I said single I meant if he was able to make friends by himself." She said. "Oh yeah he is but since we were bullied well mainly he was Izuku won't leave my side to make friends by himself I've told him that he could but he won't." I said. "Alright maybe we all could be friends." She said walking away and up to the circle. "Hey you." Someone said. "Yes?" Izuku said asked turning around. "Why are you with him." The person asked. "He's my mate. Who are you?" Izuku asked. "Oh my name is Mineta Minoru and you are Izuku." He said hitting on Izuku. "Good job Uraraka you got infinity." Shouta said. "What she got infinity?" I asked. "Yeah Kacchan she as a gravity quirk." Izuku said coming closer to me. "Well I'll be damned these guys got better quirks than those that were in our middle school." I said. "Yeah I know and maybe if they'll let me I can help them with their quirks." Izuku said. "How so Izuku?" Eijirou asked. "Well I analyze quirks and I can tell you the strengths and weaknesses and no it's not part of my quirks." Izuku said. "Oh. Wait you said quirks. So you have more than one?" Eijirou asked. "Yeah I'll explain them soon." Izuku said. "Izuku it's you turn sweetheart." Shouta said shocking everyone. "Alright momma." Izuku said. "So he Mr. Aizawa's son?" Eijirou asked as Izuku was walking up to Shouta. "Shouta is Izuku step-dam." I said. "Momma I have OFA so I'm going to try and use it. But first. Who has a fire quirk?" Izuku asked turning around as Half and Half raised his hand. "My name is Shouto Todoroki and I have a fire and ice quirk." He said. "Aright well can you set this ball on fire?" Izuku asked. "Baby you may be fire proof but that is still going to hurt you!" I yelled. "I'll be alright." Izuku said before Shouto set the ball on fire. "Alright now I'll start." Izuku said before throwing the ball farther than me. "903.5 meters." Shouta said in shock. "Izuku did you really have to use Fire Manipulation and you Strength Enhancing quirk as well as S class Levitation?" I asked. "Yup!" Izuku said smiling. "Woah your able to manipulate fire?" Shouto and Eijirou asked. "Yeah I have S class Levitation, Fire Manipulation and a Strength Enhancing quirk." Izuku said rocking back and forth on his feet. "Baby come here." I said opening my arms so Izuku could run into them and when his did start running he got stuck on a purple sticky ball then Mineta decided to try and walk up to Izuku from behind. "Kacchan where is Mineta?" Izuku asked. "NO DON'T USE THAT PART OF YOUR QUIRK PLEASE!" I shouted running up to him but Izuku already activated Psychic Flames after turning his head towards Mineta. "Kacchan it's to late I already activated Psychic Flames and I'm burning him from the inside out one organ at a time but I decided to go for the brain first slowly cooking it." Izuku said staring to go feral. "Oh shit. Shouta stop Izuku please." I said turning to him. "Alright." He said activating his quirk. "OW OH MY GOD THAT HURT!" Mineta shouted in pain. "Mineta Minoru go see Recovery Girl and then you are expelled." Shouta said handing Mineta a note. "What that's unfair Midoriya used his quirk on me." Mineta said. "He used it self defense." Shouto said. "Hey Shouto can you come freeze this thing off of me?" Izuku asked. "Yeah." He said. "And would you like to be mine and Kacchan's friend?" Izuku asked. "Yes I would like that." Shouto said. As the Quirk Apprehension Test went on I noticed that Izuku was starting to get hungry. "Hey Shouta, Izuku is starting to get hungry." I said as Izuku walked over to Eijirou and Shouto. "Alright well it is lunch time so everyone head inside for lunch." Shouta said. "Yes Sensei." Everyone said before walking inside and heading to the lunch room. After we ate lunch me and Izuku stayed after school to hang out with Shouta, Hizashi and Hitoshi. "Momma does Hitoshi call my mom 'mom' as well?" Izuku asked. "Yes Hitoshi is going to be your brother tho he is your step brother but I don't think you mind right?" He asked. "No I don't but I want to be scented by everyone." Izuku said when we walked into the teachers lounge and see Inko, Hizashi and Hitoshi. "Aunty what are you doing here?" I asked in shock. "Oh I'll be the new teacher that'll be teaching Heat and Rut safety." She said. "Oh mom that's awesome." Izuku and Hitoshi said at the same time. "Hi I'm Izuku and you must be Hitoshi." Izuku said. "Yeah mom and momma was telling me about you. And I'm going to be in your class tomorrow." He said. "Momma was telling me about that. And that mom wanted me to sign something." Izuku said. "Yes this paper right here makes it to where Hisashi can not I repeat can not try to take you from us." Aunty said with a warm smile. "So I get to stay with you guys even if he tries to take me away?" Izuku asked. "Yes baby you do." Hizashi said. "I'm glad. Dad." Izuku said walking up to Hizashi so they all can hug and scent Izuku. After Izuku signs the paper they gave us a ride home. "Bye I'll see you tomorrow at school." Izuku said before we walked inside to see my mom waiting there for us to return. "Why are you guys home so late?" She asked. "Oh Izuku stayed back with his brother and parents." I said. "Yeah mom had this papers Hisashi can't try to take me from them." Izuku said. "Well thats good. But come eat then head to bed." Mom said. "Alright." We said taking our shoes off and taking our bags upstairs before heading downstairs to eat. "After you get home from school tomorrow I need you both to go to the store." Mom said. "Alright just make us a list tomorrow and when we get home and changed we'll go to the store." Izuku said as he continued eating before heading upstairs and getting ready for bed. "Mom I'll help you clean up dinner." I said only to get shooed away. "No go get ready for bed." She said still shooing me away. "Good night mom I'll see you in the morning." I said before going upstairs to Izuku. After I changed I turned off the light and got into bed hoping tomorrow is going to be a good day.