
Our Fate and Destiny

After being reincarnated as a female lead in a reverse harem novel. Avery, who possessed Avyanna Brooke's body, a female lead who us beautiful, wise and strong. Every man wanted her to be their muse. And there are four male leads that seek the lady's hand. But, turns out the soul that possessed her body is a lesbian. Avery was loved at first sight at the innocent faced villainess Yelena Royal, a woman who is also candidate for the throne.

Renzi_Rei · LGBT+
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66 Chs

Chapter 1

"You had this choice." 

A woman with flaring eyes stares at me but somehow her eyes are filled with sympathy. Her appearance is dazzling, her body is flaring but she's not burning. Her light are so bright and it cannot be outshone.

Behind the woman is two other women. Their beauty cannot be described in words.

My eyes stare at the crowds, people are protesting as they stare at me, however my gaze went in one direction. And then I saw her, her eyes were filled with tears and they were overflowing down her cheeks.

Her hair's blond today because I cut them short. 

Why is she still so cute even if she's crying while I'm going to die? It will be my last time seeing her. I at least want to see her smile.

I felt my chest aching as I shut my eyes. I want to cry but my lips curve and turn to a smile. I want to be beautiful when I die. 

"Either way, I won't regret it." I whispered.

If it's for her to live, all I want is for her to have it. If this is a sacrifice, then I would gladly do so. 

For her.

"I'll proceed with the execution!"

I heard the thud of a sharp knife and the next thing slowly came. My thoughts didn't come off. 

I don't know if I should regret this or not because I still want to feel her touch. Once.... More....


I suddenly got up and my breathing was heavy. Huffing and puffing and catching my breath as if I lost all of the air from my lungs. 

What happened?

I looked down and covered my mouth, and felt the warm breath from my mouth, then strands of hair fell on my shoulder and what confused me was that it was purple.

I was stunned so I grabbed it. My mind was a mess, confused about why my hair is purple. 

I tried pulling it but I only hurt myself. That's when I realized my surroundings.

It was like a historical room. The room is so wide and everything seems expensive. When I saw a mirror, I slowly got off the bed and walked towards it.

I touched my face and I felt strange. Who is this lady?

A sudden noise of static entered my ears and it was so loud that it hurt my ears. I covered my ear but to no avail.

The static only volume louder that it started to hurt my head, too. Then slowly, something clicked in my head and it started to have flashbacks.

The last time I remembered it was that, I died. I had a freaking faucet on my side. And when I said faucet it means I'm bleeding too much from being stabbed.

I can't believe I died in a worse way. It was obviously tripped by those addicts in that dark alley. 

Was I reincarnated? Or did I transmigrate? I wasn't sure.

Opening my eyes in someone's body is probably the craziest shit that happened in my entire 26 years of life. 

I shrugged it off and then someone knocked on the door.

No one would notice, right?

I went to get the door and slightly opened it.

"Ah, hi?" I greeted the maid who was standing in front of the door.

Her eyes suddenly widened and she started to panic.

"Oh my! My lady! How are you still not dressed? The gentlemen are already outside!"

She forced herself inside my room and then went to the closet. She started to go through all the dresses and then picked one.

"My lady, what are you doing? You should get to the shower now!" She said and then pushed me inside a room. 

She opened the faucet and the bathroom started to become steamy. 

I was flustered when she suddenly took off my clothes and then dragged me to the bathtub.

The next thing happened quickly. I was still confused at the moment as she fixed myself. Bath me, scrubbed me, put a towel on me and then dragged me to get my dress done, then finally put make ups on my face.

The next thing I knew was that there were handsome men staring at me. I was very stunned and still confused.


I was flustered but they do look awesomely handsome. If I'm straight I might even fall for them but, no. Too bad, I'm interested in women. 

Yes, I'm a beautiful lesbian from modern times.

"Good Morning Lady Avyanna." One with the blue-ish hair greeted.

"Ah, hi." I said awkwardly.

"Is there something wrong, My Lady?" The guy with dark hair asked.

My eyes are already spinning, who are these people?!

My head started to hurt again. It was so painful that it felt like it was being hit by a hammer.

I couldn't help but let out a groan.


And then, it started to come to me. Where am I, who am I, and what in the world is happening.

Turns out, I'm inside a novel. And it was a novel which I read five years ago. A very cringy one at that.

A novel that started with Avyanna Brooke. A beautiful country bumpkin, monopolizing the Royal capital when she traveled to be a knight for the Royal Family.

She turns out to be attracting four men with high status.

Roshan River, Marquis in the North. He is known to be the brightest and warmest male lead despite living in the North where it was mostly cold. On some troupes I read, mostly male leads from the north are cold-hearted.

Next male lead is Andie Nathan who is the Duke from the South. One of the Imperial Vassals. This person is the opposite of Roshan. This man is the cold-hearted Duke that everyone admired and which was melted by the Female Lead's kind personality.

The third male lead is the second prince from the Imperial Palace, Arci Rye Hill. Known as the Tyrant Prince and a candidate to the throne, he fell in love with the Female lead because she was the one who found out about his true nature.

And the Male lead of the story, Riley Rye Hill. He has no interest in the throne and only wanted to be of help in the Imperial's Political situations. And because he has also fallen in love with Avyanna at first sight when she saved him from danger.

And of course, the characters are not completed without the Villainess, Yelena Zeniah Royal. Described as the ruthless ruler of the high society's circle. Punishes whoever catches her Fiance's attention, Roshan.

Okay, let's get back to reality. I can't believe I am Avyanna right now. If it was 10 years earlier, I might still love to be in the position of the female lead of the harem! But.... Right now, I don't even have an interest in these men because God knows I am interested in WOMEN!

"Let me in! Don't you know who I am?!" 

"Uhm, well, Lady..."

Our eyes turned to the person causing a scene in front of the gate. But everything suddenly became slow in my vision.

Her two-toned hair is so unique that it reminds me of the sunset beach. Her eyes shine like an emerald. 

My heart suddenly started to race and I felt so out of breath. I suddenly felt the urge to hug her, as if I was longing to see her.

And then I found myself in front of the gate looking at her. Her eyes are flaming with hatred and rage as her gaze went to me.

And I didn't know that somehow, that encounter would make me so desperate to ruin this story's stupid plot.

Fuck the plot! I'm going to pursue this villainess!