
Our Faked Love, CEO Don't Kiss Me

Stacey has always had one nemesis: Hunter Mannington. Nothing grated on him more than the mere thought of Hunter. Stacey's world revolves around the insufferable man. Yet, despite their constant clashes, an unexpected bond begins to form between them, slowly melting the icy barriers around Stacey's heart. Unbeknownst to Stacey, Hunter harbors a secret—a revelation that threatens to shatter their budding connection. Yet, as their feelings deepen and passion ignites, Hunter grapples with the guilt of concealing the truth. With the holiday season in full swing, a Christmas party brings hidden truths to light, leaving Stacey reeling from the revelation of his unexpected family ties. Shocked and betrayed, Stacey must confront the undeniable love he feels for Hunter, even as he struggles to reconcile the lies with fact. As they navigate the complexities of their relationship, Stacey and Hunter are faced with an impossible choice: confront the truth and risk losing everything, or cling to their love and defy the odds. Will their bond withstand the weight of their ties, or will it crumble beneath the weight of secrets and lies?

KitKatxKK · LGBT+
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53 Chs

Chapter 7: Hamster

Hunter smiled. Stacey sucked in the air quickly and looked past his face, hoping to hide his piqued interest in what Hunter would do next.

"You remind me so much of a little hamster, smarter than you look, cute as a button and all that squeaking, just because you want a little attention," Hunter said.

Stacey's head snapped to attention, and he glared at Hunter before pushing himself up straight, even though it brought him directly back into contact with Hunter's body again. His arms bumped into Hunter's solid chest, and Stacey ignored how much curiosity about him and said, 'Why is it so soft? He looks like he would be all muscle and annoying to hold on to.'

'Well annoying to hold on to is correct.' He thought.

"You are concentrating hard there. Is something bugging you?" Hunter asked.

Stacey tried very hard to focus on anything else. 'It's soft, I didn't…'

"What maze are you stuck in now… Hmm?" Hunter asked.