
Our Faked Love, CEO Don't Kiss Me

Stacey has always had one nemesis: Hunter Mannington. Nothing grated on him more than the mere thought of Hunter. Stacey's world revolves around the insufferable man. Yet, despite their constant clashes, an unexpected bond begins to form between them, slowly melting the icy barriers around Stacey's heart. Unbeknownst to Stacey, Hunter harbors a secret—a revelation that threatens to shatter their budding connection. Yet, as their feelings deepen and passion ignites, Hunter grapples with the guilt of concealing the truth. With the holiday season in full swing, a Christmas party brings hidden truths to light, leaving Stacey reeling from the revelation of his unexpected family ties. Shocked and betrayed, Stacey must confront the undeniable love he feels for Hunter, even as he struggles to reconcile the lies with fact. As they navigate the complexities of their relationship, Stacey and Hunter are faced with an impossible choice: confront the truth and risk losing everything, or cling to their love and defy the odds. Will their bond withstand the weight of their ties, or will it crumble beneath the weight of secrets and lies?

KitKatxKK · LGBT+
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53 Chs

Chapter 48: A mess of feelings

Fifteen minutes later Sam walked into Max's dorm and saw Max laying down on the bed, throwing his red ball into the air.

Sam sighed. 'Idiot! Predictable as always... instead of going out there, and doing something. He was in here moping.'

He walked over to the bed.

"Go sit on the couch clueless. I need the bed to lay down. I am exhausted." Sam said, shoving his friend without waiting for a response physically or verbally at all. Max rolled off the bed to the ground and groaned in annoyance.

He walked past Sam and got a toothy grin on his face.

"Wow, how was taking it?" Max asked cheekily, momentarily distracted from his own problem.

"That was fast, it's only been like an hour and a half since I ditched you guys in the hallway outside class."

Sam looked annoyed, then glared at his friend. But then smirked.

"Pretty good actually."

Max opened his mouth, thought better of saying anything about it and grinned instead.