
Our deadly lotus ( a zhuilingyizhen story)

What if jin ling was keeping a BIG secret from the whole world? and the only people that knew was Jiang Cheng and wei ying? What if he was dating his three friends and they found out his secret? will they stay with him or leave? will jin ling's secret be discovered or will he keep it hidden? read to find out jin ling's life that lead to twist and turns, heart break, and love

Lan_Suzuki_7365 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

"Your like me!!"

Jin ling's POV

I look at clan leader Nie in shock! "....what!", "the only person who knew was dage" I watch as he covers his face with that stupid fan, "wait.... so that means...Your like me!!" "yes I am"


Narrator POV

Jiang cheng hugged Jin ling tightly, "is young master Jin ok?" Nie huaisang asked concerned for his friends nephew "...." Jiang chang picked up Jin ling bridle style, and walked to his bedroom to clam jin ling down in private. "Is master Jin alright!?" duplicates followed Jiang Cheng, Nie huaisang and Nie Mingjue, Jiang Cheng only ignored them and walked quickly to his bedroom, once he got to his room he opened the door and let Niw huaisang and nie mingjue in, "Nobody will disturb us understand!" " yes clan leader" Jiang Cheng slammed the door in the duplicates, and walked towards in bed and set Jin ling on the bed. " Jin ling, will you tell me how they found out?" Jin ling shocked his head no and let go of Jiang and wiping his tears sniffling, "go change, your clothes are bearly on" Jin Ling nodded and left his uncle's room to go change. After Jin Ling left, Jiang Cheng sat on the bed with his head in his hands, " Jiang Cheng?, did something happen to Jin ling? why was he crying? Who knows what?" "Shut up!" Jiang Cheng glared at Nie huaisang, "That's non of your business", " but-" before Huaisang could finish their was a knock at the door, Jiang cheng walked to the door and opened it, On the other said was Wei wuxian, Lan xichen, and Lan Wangji. "What do you idiots want?!" Jiang Cheng was not in a good mood today and having them here is making it worse, "Where is A-ling?" "...." Wei wuxian and the others walked into Jiang Cheng's room waiting for answers but Jiang Cheng was not gonna say anything. "Wanyin what happened?" Lan xichen wrapped his arms around Jiang Cheng's waist, for comfort, "....." Jiang Cheng was worried yes, but he wasn't gonna show it, he looked away from everyone no looking into anyone's eyes. The door opened, Jin ling came into the room wearing his night clothes and walked towards his Jiejie's bed, "Jin Ling....." Jin ling ignored wei ying call and crawled into Jiang Cheng's bed, got under the covers, and hugged a pillow to his chest, sniffling, Jiang Cheng got out of xichen's hold and walked to Jin ling, "A-ling, how did they find out?" Jiang Cheng asked softly, " We went to the cold ponds and I didn't hear Jingyi calling, he grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me into the water and I didn't have the first layer of my clothes on because I was hot and when I went into the water..... they saw it" "mm" Jiang Cheng nodded and Jin ling on head, "what if they hate me Jiejie?" Jin ling sniffed, and sat up "what if they treat me differently?" "Than I'll break their legs!" Jin Ling looked down and hugged the pillow tightly, " will someone tell us what's going on?!" Jin ling flinched and looked up, he saw some of the sect leaders and shrugged, "It's a personal issue ok!" "A-Cheng what happened to A-ling?" "...." "Do you want me to tell them or do you want to tell them?" "jiejie!" " Their gonna find out one way or another Jin ling" "find out what!!" "...." Jin Ling sighed, "If I tell you guys you must promise to never tell anyone ever! and must not treat me differently alright!" " mm" The whole room went silent, Jin Ling looked at them, " I'm a girl" he whispered, " what?we can't hear you A-ling?" " I said I'm a girl! alright!" Everyone was shocked but Jiang Cheng, " how?" " I didn't know either until he came to me crying and told me his chest hurt, we went to the infirmary and found out something change Jin ling to a girl, it permanent" " and Sizhui, Jingyi, and Zizhen found out" Jin ling looked down, "A-ling why did you tell us?""because you know how people will treat me! they will think I'm weak! they will take my sect and make me get married to someone I don't even love ok!" Jin ling started to cry into the pillow and his jiejie hugged him to calm him down. " A-ling we wouldn't treat you differently! your still Jin ling, our nephew, our family, why would we treat you differently" Jin ling stoped crying and looked at wei ying "really?" He chocked on his tears, " yes a-ling" Wei ying got on Jiang Cheng's bed and hugged Jin ling, "thank you" Jin ling whispered and smiled.

Jin Ling's POV

I never knew I could feel love like this before, " get off me" I push Senior wei off me and give him a small smile, 'will the other's treat me the same way?' "A-ling, you need to talk to Sizhui, jingyi, and zizhen their worried for you" I shock my head, "they'll hate me" " they won't unless you help them understand" "...." " I know hoe you feel Jin ling" I look at Clan leader Huaisang confused, "like hell you do! I don't need pity!" I look away from him, " I'm not giving you pity and I don't lie about situations like this," I look at clan leader Nie in shock! "....what!", "the only person who knew was dage" I watch as he covers his face with that stupid fan, "wait.... so that means...Your like me!!" "yes I am" I felt amazed and shocked at the same time! I get up quickly and walk towards sect leader nie, "But how did you hide it so well!!" " I have my ways, I could teach you them but only if I get permission from Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian" I look at Senior wei and Jiejie " I don't know, is it safe for him?" "yes, It's just some basic stuff about how to hide your parts and not get caught" "fine" I look at Jiejie giving him the best puppy eyes I could master, "Fine, but don't try anything under!" " Thank you!!" I hug Jiejie tightly feel better than before! "Shall we go, Sect leader Jin?" "mm!" "I'm coming to!" I roll my eyes at Senior wei and drag both of them out of Jiejie's room feeling happy.

It takes Courage to grow up and be who you really are, and I'm glad that I told them but my main problem 'How will I explain this to them?'