
Our Dawn

Alton was a solider, someone who served his country with pride. He had a loving pair of parents whom he was supporting and a adorable daughter who although he couldn’t always spend time with was very understanding. But this all changed when he was sucked into some odd space and time warp and ended up in a completely different galaxy many light years away. Lost and alone he struggles with both his mental and physical health all the while clawing his way up to the top. But his life takes another turn when he discovers another space and time warp, could this be a good thing or a bad one? Especially when a certain man keep pestering him for a fight! (Btw- cover doesn’t belong to me~)

ilove_friedckake · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

1.) Battlefield

<p>The red sky seemed to reflect the bloody battlefield going on below. Alton submerged in blood lust couldn't quite calm himself down, the battle was ending so he needed to gain control of his emotions. <br/>People always said that the difference between when he was on the battlefield and when he was off was huge, but he didn't agree. <br/><br/>In this world, in these galaxies so far from his home, he wondered whether they had a word to describe what he did. In his old world they did. In his old world Earth…how nice it would be to go back to those peaceful days. But his wistful thinking was swiftly suppressed, just like always.<br/><br/>On earth they had yet to find other galaxies with life or even considered that another form of life was anywhere nearby. It's not that Earth had not tried but within their scope of reach they could find no signs of life. Alton suspected that Earth was sitting in some far off corner of the universe and from where he was currently a vast amount of space separated them.<br/><br/>So vast that he didn't even dare to hold any hope of finding it again. The remnants of the enemy had either become deserters or lay dead on the blood stained ground. His eyes darkened as they swept over the bloody carnage, the odd body shapes and different color blood. In this world his identity was one many looked down upon. He was a human, someone whose strength whether physically or mentally could never surpass the other races. Humans were slaves cosidered as tools. Tools for pleasure, tools to vent frustrations, tools to do their bidding, live shields.<br/><br/>So the surprise when Alton rose to power was unbelievable. From his new position he worked his way up to where he was now, Star Commander. Except the odd thing about Alton was that he didn't waste his riches on material things like food,people, objects. No, he'd rather fight on the front lines like a bloody maniac. For the few people by Altons side, all who were or had been his subordinates had tried to persuade him to leave the battlefield behind or tried to convince him to experience the joys that he rightly deserved but always failed. <br/><br/>For Alton it wasnt that he liked the battlefield, in fact he hated senseless killing and the unnecessary loss of life. Rather it was the only place he could find any solace or familiarity. The rules and structure helped him keep any semblance of self care he had towards himself, and his body. In the first few months of battle he had been reckless not to the point of suicide but to the point where he held little care for his body and pushed himself to the limits. <br/><br/>This..symptom of his was not something that disappeared. In fact it was one of the main concerns of his friends and subordinates, that one day he would just lose himself on the battlefield in a suicidal manor. When Alton first popped up on the rader of the higher ups it was after a terrible battle. One that should have wiped out an entire fleet of ships, a battle where the higher ups held no hopes for it to succeed. <br/><br/>It was there that Alton made his first big move. He saved that whole fleet. At first the higher ups only thought it was a promising young talent but as his power grew rapidly they realized he was a monster in hiding, waiting for his prey to put down their guards before swallowing them whole. So imagine their surprise when news broke out that General Alton was in fact a human!<br/><br/>It was the biggest scandal of the year, and the funny part was that even his closest subordinates had not expected it. Shock and refusal were the first two reactions, after all a human? The ones who every race consider to be the weakest? The great General Alton? The General Alton who battled for 2 years at the Great Gurr Empires front lines and because of this had successfully taken over two whole other planets and put them under Gurr Empire rule? The General who so many galactic soldiers looked up to? The person whose name could cause enemies to flinch in fear?<br/><br/>When the tests that Alon underwent confirmed that he was a human the Gurr Empire went ballistic, as did the Federation and the Alliance. At this time Alton was only an outstanding General, in the eyes of the really important people he wasn't much. It was the fact that a human had the ability to reach that point that they were shocked.<br/><br/> Many tried to use this as an excuse to get the General to surrender his power but what could they do when Alton asked them, "Has my identity stopped me from fighting on the front lines? Has my identity stopped me from being loyal to the empire? Has my identity as a human made me any less powerful?"<br/><br/>What could they say? After all Alton had achieved all of those things, it was a fact. Now the pressure was greater than ever on Alton, many people held expectations for him to fail, after all he was only a human. <br/><br/>But again and again Alton proved them wrong. The battle of the West Galactic rubble field shocked many. The treaty he headed between the Deep sea mermaids of the Blue planet and the land dwellers of the Blue planet who had famously been at odds for a melania sent out waves of change. He gradually rose in rank from a general to a Star Commander. Someone who was the head of defense for the entire Gurr Empire. <br/><br/>Of course that position came with many rules and regulations that Alton bent slightly in order to allow himself to stay at the Gurr empire's borders as well as being sent out to fight while expanding the Empire or helping allies. Overall though, the Emperor couldn't be happier, not to mention that the two had met and held several very rewarding conversations. Both these meetings left very favorable impressions on both sides. His position was very stable and with the respect and fear of many he was untouchable.<br/><br/>Now up to date, where Alton stood overlooking the battlefield, waiting for his emotions to calm down somewhat. <br/>"Commander the final death report has been made along with the summary of the battles report from the west and east flanks. Would you like it here or at your tent?"<br/>Altons reddish brown eyes swiveled to his subordinate who couldn't suppress the shivers that went down his spins after making eye contact. <br/>"I'll have it in my tent, on paper please. Send word to the west and east sides to retreat to base camp, I'll send my troops after the stragliers. Tell them we'll meet tomorrow at 6. I'll be resting in my quarters."<br/>"Understood Commander."<br/>With a quick salute the soldier left. <br/><br/></p>