
Chap 5

~ Liam.pvd~

" Beware of calm, it is often herald of an uncontrollable shit "; often told us, my father to Josh and me. Himself in the army, he used to say us this sentence; sometimes when his wife opened the door to him with a smile and he knew he was going to get fucked, others during paintball games where he was come from nowhere to bomb us. It had always had a gift to teach us to be on our guard, and to enter the army in my turn had only sharpened this trait in me. For my part i had thus learned to sniff the danger from miles and for nearly two weeks a monumental shit seemed to loom on the horizon, a particularly heavy tension seemed to have settled in the Freys.

I had stopped counting beyond 10 , the number of times I had spotted a car following Camilia and for that same account I had not been the only one to notice these idiots unable to carry out an incognito spinning. Given her ability to unmask them, i even thought at the time that she had always known that I was there and that she had finally adopted me; to finally realize that if that had been the case, I would have suffered like these idiots the wrath of this tornado that stopped at a red light; slammed its door to knock on the glass, in order to express to them surely by words that I guess very salty, its feeling.

I didn’t know what she had done to get bodyguards to follow her and to learn that the order emanated directly from Patrick Frey, gave all its importance to what I sensed. Namely that Camilia’s was still fucked up and this time, it seemed it was with a person from whom it's necessary to protect her.

Seeing her up close will never leave me indifferent, her imposed approach, her narrow gaze, this woman seemed able to dominate the world, she could have been a bad lawyer, that she could easily have converted to the world of modeling. No sooner had it rolled down the few steps of the Supreme Court building than it was invaded by a ton of reporters. It makes me think that being the center of attention was never my thing, even when I never really could escape it. I never understood what people found to expose their lives and others to snoop in. And for the umpteenth time Camilia Frey did not escape from the attention , no matter how safe she was not, she was attacked from all sides, by flashes, microphones, and in front of this spectacle my hand itched me, the desire to stick one ,to this twenty men and women who used such brutality when their profession did not require so much , made me feel limited.

At the end of the week when I make the report, I will submit a request for contact .

~Camilia pvd~

In law the press could be a powerful ally as well as a formidable enemy, and in my case I had learned to make it my deadly weapon. If some could manipulate the media by lifting a finger, I had learned the hard way that in a city like New York where most dishonest people stood shoulder to shoulder; that getting justice should be maneuvered as a strategic game. No pawn should be left behind once the game is launched, and being ready for every move of the opponent must be paramount in order to put him down. Attacking one of the most powerful families did not seem like a terrible affair to me until my father put his bodyguards behind me and I could not look up without noticing them and their dark aura. Jade had warned me, too, that what this damned Blossom family had done to her was monstrous and knew a danger weighing on my life because I wanted to make them pay all this injustice that they took pleasure in inflicting on her, don't make me be careful but to expose myself to the eyes of all to make them taste their own medicine. The opportunity to make one stone two shots was more tempting , since the friend of my enemy is my enemy.

So the headlines don’t think so well : We started hostilities , Jade who was raped, me that they tried to intimidate me by sending a bunch of journalists who were doing a bad job and the whole legal team of this agency that I put my heart into setting up. As always Nothing beats the feeling of putting a good kick in the ass to people who think they can do anything.