
Our Bittersweet Moments

Annalise is a young intelligent and beautiful girl who lived with her father after her mother ran away when she was five years old. She was raised in a judging neighborhood and society. After completing her high school studies she went further with her studies and went to college and studied law. After finding her way in college she immediately fell for Wayne Harrison who was the son of the tycoon Mr Victor Harrison but Wayne wasn't the one to fall for. At one fateful night they both decided to have fun but that fun led to their lives being twisted and had bitter turns. They both had bitter discoveries and it wouldn't favor both of them. What will happen when Annalise realises that she is pregnant? What will the neighborhood say? What will her father do? What will happen when Wayne discovers that his time is limited? What will happen to the baby? Who will be their saviour in these mess?

Likkie_Writes · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Cemetery Visit

"You're not...You're not Wayne," Annalise said with a quivering voice and walked backward slowly patting her forehead in shock. She leaned against the wall to keep her balance.

Annalise thought she was saved from death but to her surprise, it looked like she was yet to experience more than that. The man in front of her eyes looked exactly like Wayne but his touch was far different from his.

Even though Wayne never appreciated and showed any love to Annalise, she has always preserved and knew his single movement, felt his touch, heard the warmth in his cold voice, and saw love in his cold personality.

"Who the hell are you? Why the hell do you look like Wayne?" she asked with a puzzled expression on her face. She felt her head starting to ache due to stress and suddenly lost her balance.

Zayne grabbed her waist firmly on his arms and pulled her close to his chest and their lips met accidentally due to the pull. Both of them froze for minutes and maintained eye contact for a few seconds.

Annalise tried pulling away from Zayne's grab but the more she tried the more he tightened her closer to his chest.

"Let go of me!" Annalise yelled trying to pull away from Zayne.

"I would take that as a thank you for saving my life," Zayne said letting go of Annalise and walking away towards the door to leave. Annalise stood there in shock wondering who he was.

Why did he save her? Thinking about it took her back to the community saga and began to be grateful for making it out of there alive she felt bad for asking millions of questions to the one who saved her instead of showing gratitude.

Zayne turned back to face Annalise who still stood in shock as if she was trying to figure out what was going on in her life.

"You want Wayne, right?." He asked knowing the exact answer she was gonna give him but he still asked. Annalise just nodded repeatedly in approval with a hand placed on her belly.

"Be ready at sunset I will come to pick you up," Zayne said going out of the room.

It was around seven in the evening and a black limousine was seen going in the gates at the Harrison mansion. A driver went to the car and opened the door making way for Mr. Victor and his wife Mary.

The guards came rushing and helped to take out the luggage from the car boot. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison stood for a few seconds without blinking or uttering a word as if they were examining the house after a long time.

Benjamin, one of the guards approached Victor and bowed his head, "Mr. Zayne is here." They looked at him surprisingly and Victor asked again to confirm what Ben was saying is true. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes sir. He arrived today with a lady." Ben said assuring his statement.

"A lady?" Mary was shocked and looked at Victor with an expression filled with questions. Victor signaled the guard to leave. They walked into the house without any hesitation and they were welcomed by cold stares of Zayne.

"Welcome home son," Victor went to Zayne and opened his arms for a warm hug but Zayne stopped him. Victor's arms were left hanging in the air in embarrassment and he held them back quickly.

"I'll be upstairs if you need anything honey," Mary said walking upstairs to her room and stopping by the words Zayne.

"What a luxurious life you guys live here! You go out on vacations as if no one died a few weeks ago." Zayne said mockingly and looked at Mary disdainfully.

"From Mary the maid to being Mary the lady of the house!" Zayne chuckled softly. "Living off my mother's fortunes has turned you into something really big."

Mary chuckled softly and turned back with her gaze fixed on Zayne. "Well, I can see that you've moved on after so many years of losing your fiancee," Mary said mockingly looking at Zayne as if she was wondering about something.

"How long has it been now?" she raised her fingers and counted silently."Bingo! It has been two years. l heard you brought a girl here hope she doesn't vanish into thin air like Winnie. "

Mary said in a confidential voice knowing that she had hit Zayne where it hurts. She turned forward with the coldest expression and went to her room without looking back.

She went into her room and slammed the door behind her. Mary vented out her anger and frustration on the cosmetics placed near her bed and threw them down.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Huh?" she asked and sat on the bed. "I'm the lady of this house, how dare you speak to me like that?"

"Do you always have to cause such quarrels upon your arrival? Don't you get sick of it? Victor raised a question angrily at Zayne.

"Well, you know what dear dad? I'm sick of you always having to catch a glimpse of every mistake I make while you let the real culprit escape all the time." Zayne moved past his father towards the door, "I'm out of here," he said slamming the door.

"I'm still talking to you, where the hell do you think you're going? Who is the girl you brought up here? Zayne!" Victor yelled out to Zayne.

"What a boy you are Zayne! Oh!" Victor said and walked to his room. He opened his door and found Mary pacing back and forth, biting her nails, and only stopping to scream angrily throwing everything before her eyes on the floor.

"Oh, give me patience Lord," he said raising his head upwards and going in. Mary turned back and walked towards him and pointed fingers at Victor.

"What kind of a man are you? You fuckin' let your son say all those awful things to me and just stood there in silence. You're such a coward!" Mary yelled at him and he also pointed a finger at her signaling her to stop.

"Hey! Be careful not to cross your limits because I won't hesitate to push you miles away from me," he said warningly.

"What did you expect me to do? It was my first time seeing him after so many years and you wanted me to cause more tension between us, that's the last thing I need right now." Victor said and Mary just posed angrily and went out of the room.

The darkness faded letting the beautiful light take over letting the new day begin and the sunset. Delilah, the housemaid went to Zayne's room and gave Annalise clothes to put on. After some moment, Zayne came and picked Annalise.

Annalise wore a long black dress and a mini blazer showing off her belly. They both settled in the car and they didn't utter even a single word on the road.

Annalise was happy knowing that she is going to meet her beloved Wayne and did not even when they were heading to.

Zayne stopped the car near the long big trees and got out. Annalise froze for some minutes and wondered what kind of place this was. She got out and went after him.

"Cover your head," he orders her and she just looked at him surprisingly.

"Do I have to?" Zayne looked at her and she put on the scarf covering her head up. They walked past some graves and she began to freeze more than before.

"This is the cemetery, what the hell are we doing here?" she asked surprisingly.

"You'll find out soon," Zayne answered her and they kept walking past many graves.