
Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm [HIATUS]

The best assassin is much different from what people may think. He simply wants to protect, to be a guardian. And what does he do when he gets a chance to be a guardian? He takes it, as Otsutuski Tsukuyomi, The God Of The Moon. Accompany his journey in a celestial world that contains several characters from Animes. With his family that may or may not be in his harem. You’ll have to read this to know. I'M A BEGINNER AUTHOR! Please no hate comments. I use google translator for this novel. -ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. SO THERE WILL BE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!- ... Launch schedule. Five chapters per week. ... Discord imagens: discord.gg/GuJXQXJ Advanced Chapters: patreon.com/ VictorWeismann ... Insect of responsibility. I don't have any anime character from this Fanfic. The only thing I have is my original characters and my idea.

Victor_Weismann · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


Hagoromo, who was talking with the Kure Clan Elder suddenly senses the power coming from the infirmary. So he activated his Rinnegan and was surprised to see that his grandson and another baby he didn't saw before were being blessed on by the moon. 'No, she's also my granddaughter, I can feel the connection through our blood. Two babies blessed by the moon, huh? It seems the prophecy is true.' He thought after watching the scene upstairs.

The Kure Clan Elder, Kure Erioh also felt the sudden power that emanated from the infirmary. Using his Ki he decided to take a peek at the situation and was surprised to feel soo much power coming from two babies, he looked at his long time friend and asked. "What's that power?" while taking a sip of his tea.

"Nothing much. It's only that my grandchildren are being blessed by a heavenly body." Hagoromo said like it was no big deal.

*Cough! Cough!* Erioh started to cough at the news and spilled the tea that had just entered his mouth towards Hagoromo. The wise old man smoothly formed a barrier using the Truth Seeker Sphere preventing him from being hit by the flying liquid.

"Damn it!, You say it like it's a normal thing, you old monster, and your monstrous family!" Erioh mumbled after cleaning the mess he just created with his reaction.

Hagoromo just smiles funnily while looking at his old friend.

After calming down Erioh started to think about what to do with this information. 'If what this old monster said is true. Then I owe it to myself to form a more solid alliance with his clan. Being blessed by a heavenly body is something that hasn't happened since the last Millenium... so marriage maybe? My granddaughter was just born recently, they have the same age. Yeah, it's a good plan. The problem is if this old monster will agree or not.' He thought while trying to come with a way of making his new plan work.

"I know what you're thinking, old friend, but I won't break my family's rule. You should know that our bloodline is much more special than your human lineage." Hagoromo spoke before Erioh could even follow his new plan.

"Tsk, I know. You and those damn apes are the last of your kind, unlike us humans you aliens are few," mumbled Erioh with a little displeasure.

"The bloodlines of humans are adaptative, your Clan is proof of that. You have spent the last 1000 years refining your bloodline and now you are something more than just a human." Hagoromo said and added, "But we are not like that, If we start mixing with species other than our own, we will slowly lose our strength and our bloodline will surely die."

Erioh didn't argue, after all, he knows firsthand how powerful these outsiders are, but if they do not preserve themselves carefully they will be exterminated. But even then, he won't give up his plans so easily.


Sickbay. A few minutes earlier.


A strong wave of power erupts from the babies, causing Naomi and Akemi to be blown away. Naruto who was around quickly recovered from the shock and rebalanced himself before using his Rinnegan to understand the situation.

"What's happening Naruto!? "Naomi asked with worry evident in her voice.

Naruto turns off his Rinnegan and his pupils go back to the usual white.

"They are being blessed," Naruto answered, shocked by all of this.

Akemi and Naomi were also shocked by what they heard from their little brother. Then they got up and looked at the babies that were now floating a little distance from the floor.

Slowly, the babies that looked like newborns just now, started growing until they had the appearance of a one-year-old baby. Their white hair had grown until it reached the ground while their ears became a little sharper at the ends. The biggest change was on their forehead, where a tattoo of the moon appeared, indicating that they have been blessed by the moon itself.

After a moment, the moon's energy begins to fade and the babies who are now children begin to slowly fall to the ground. When they reached it, the two children opened their eyes and took a look at each other while smiling.

"Tsukuyomi, Prince of the Moon." The male child said while pointing at himself.

"Kaguya, Moon Princess." The female child said while pointing at herself.

When the newly appointed heirs of the moon declared their names. The moon started to shine brighter as if it was very happy, and because of that it then gave the two of them a gift.

Suddenly, a small white fox with nine tails and a tattoo of the moon on her forehead appears near Tsukuyomi. At the same time with Kaguya, a little nine-tailed bunny with a tattoo of the moon on her forehead appeared in front of her, before jumping and landing on top of her head. The two of them smiled softly at their new companions and started caressing them.

The room fell in an awkward silence after all this, but we can't blame them, after all, they are now too shocked by the situation to form any coherent thought.

"A lunar fox and a lunar rabbit, they've got very interesting partners," said Naruto while trying to appear as calm as possible in the outside, while using his Rinnegan to watch the little animals.

"You're just shocked by that? they have nine tails for the love of god! NINE! That should be impossible!" Akemi practically screams at her little brother.

Naruto said nothing, after all, he is as shocked as his older sister, but someone has to stay calm to assess the situation.

Naomi who was quiet until now as if she didn't care about the strangeness of the situation quickly approached her son and held him tight in her arms.

Feeling suffocated Tsukuyomi tried to escape from within his mother's embrace, but soon he found himself incapable, after all, he just grew up a little and he was by no means a match for his mother's strength.

Kaguya who was playing with her rabbit looked at this scene, she didn't understand why, but she felt a sudden prick on her heart, completely disliking this feeling, she quickly approached Tsukuyomi and hugged him.

"Hahaha, that's great, my daughter just got stolen by your son Naomi!" Akemi says mockingly, but a little jealously could be noticed in her words.

Tsukuyomi then looks at his aunt through the gaps in his mother's embrace and noticed that his aunt was releasing a black aura. That black aura picked his curiosity so he tried to get close, but soon he found himself incapable, his mother doesn't want to let him go. Then suddenly a white light enveloped his body and before anyone could question what was happening, he appeared on his aunt's side and started hugging her.

Everyone was shocked by the scene. Especially Naruto because he knows exactly what just happened.

"Naruto, what was that now?" Naomi asked while pouting and then picked Kaguya seeing that her son was giving attention to his aunt now.

"That was space displacement... But, more precisely he's using the moon's energy to move around." Naruto explains with a shocked face.

Naomi was also shocked by the words of Naruto.

"Does that mean he's one?" Naomi asks as she grabs Kaguya and started caressing her. The little princess felt uncomfortable with the attention, but she had no choice but to accept them. Kaguya then looks at Tsukuyomi and her mother who were hugging each other and started pouting.

"We can't jump to conclusions. We must wait for the Clan Elder to return." Naruto explains, and adds, "I will notify the clan members to keep what has happened here a secret." Then Naruto leaves the infirmary to make the necessary arrangements.

Naomi just nods her head in agreement. While not everyone in the clan could awaken the Rinnegan, the Byakugan was enough for them to observe what happened here, and with the earlier phenomenon, it was obvious that anyone who could feel the energy would use some method to investigate.

Akemi calmly looked at her nephew who was currently hugging her. His white hair that reached the ground, the pale skin, and the little white eyes together with that tattoo of the moon on his head. 'Kawai!' Akemi thought that this baby was really cute and lovable, slowly she started to hug and caress her nephew with a silly smile.

Tsukuyomi who was hugging his aunt realizes that that black aura that was coming out of her body has changed to a pink aura. He suddenly started to feel the same as when his aunt first started to emanate that black aura, looking around he realizes the same black aura is now coming from Kaguya. He then made a cute face and started making some gestures. The same white energy that helped him move before then covers Kaguya and Naomi and teleports them close to him. Tsukuyomi then looks at Kaguya's eyes while smiling.

Kaguya quickly jumps out of Naomi's arms and then joins the hug of Tsukuyomi and Akemi.

"Ara, it seems that my sister is loved very much. How unexpected." Naomi smiled while watching the interaction of her family. Not caring about the strange powers used in front of her.

"Shut up!" Akemi screamed trying to hide her red face.

Naomi just smiled provocatively.

"Akemi, don't leave the clan anymore, help me take care of these children. What happened here could put them in danger, at least stay until they reach maturity, its just a hundred years". She said seriously.

When Akemi heard the proposal of her sister she started to hesitate in what to do until she saw her nephew and daughter smiling at her. She then made a decision.



Edited By: Blue Grimmoire

Hey, guys. Author here.

I will travel to the city of my grandparents.

Today is Christmas, so we have to spend it with the family, right?

Knowing that I quickly made a new chapter.

I'm sorry if I can't post tomorrow.

Since it's a country town, there's no internet.

I'll spend a few days posting new chapters but I won't give up this fanfic.

My goal is to post at least one chapter a day.

When I improve my writing maybe two.

That's it.

Merry Christmas to all my readers. I hope a lot of good things happen to you today.

Victor_Weismanncreators' thoughts