
Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

A streamer who had thousands of fans in Japan, who loved otome games, reviews them posting online and making a living out of streaming. One day one of her fans sent her a very horrible rated otome game but since she was curious and it was her passion to rate every otome game that ever existed, she downloaded it and played it for the whole day. "What the heck?! All the love interests are horrible on this game?!" The production company who made the game, [Love Lily Blossom Otome Game]. Such a long name by the way, made all the love interest have some sort of distorted personality and even if the heroine does end up with one of them, she'll be either locked in the love interest's mansion, exiled, or will be the love interest's slave?! Only the villainess was the only sensible one but even she got the worst ending too for being engaged with the crown prince- and dying at every route she's on. "The author of this game is... psychotic. Why invest a Millions of Yen in a game like this? I wish I could save the Villainess myself." One day, she suddenly dies and realizes she's not in her own body anymore. She was being pinned down by the Villainess in the wall proceeding to threaten her. "If you don't leave the crown prince alone. I'll have no choice but to use other ways to shut you up." she says coldly, glaring at the cowering girl. Well that was the Villainess thought but the former streamer was just so confused and excited she couldn't help but shout- "I-I'm the Heroine of Love Lily Bloom?!" The Villainess looked at her weirdly once the Heroine was eyed leveled with her gaze. Those pupils dilated and seemed to have formed heart shapes irises. "You-! I'm going to save you!" I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! November 2021: First Idea Made. April 28, 2022: Revised. Cover Artist 2022: Sage Auger Cover Artist 2023: Myka

Zerin_Lee · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Q&A response!

Hello everyone!

This is Zerin_Lee, writer of the story Otome Game: I, The Heroine will be Your Savior!

I have requested for your many questions about my novel, anything you would like to know about the characters, world building or even the author in general.

Sorry it took me a while but here you go guys!

These are the questions!

Question: is there ever going to be an extra with the roles switching? like annalisa as the villainess bla bla bla?

-Thank you Yuki_the_gacha_kid for this question! Fun fact, actually the novel was supposed to be [Otome Game: I, The Villaines Will Be Your Savior!] back in 2022. I have thought of making a role switching chapter before but I didn't have the time or inspiration to do so because the whole story has been planned out.

If the streamer transmigrates into villainess- you can only imagine what route that will take us now. But the final answer is, maybe someday!

Question: Will Analissa's parent will be revealed in the later chapters?

-Thank you 0I_need_help0 for this too. Well, honestly they will be revealed in the future… but Analissa is going to need to polish her acting skills some more because her memory is not fused with the original host so she doesn't know how to properly act around them.

Question: What inspired you to start writing? Will you write another GL story when this one finishes?

-Thank you skysthelimt01, I got inspired to start writing at the early age of thirteen. You know I had this whole chuunibyu phase and stuff. I was a very creative little gal- watching and reading anime, manga, manhua and other novels really impacted a lot.

I will actually not write another GL after this- because I have other GLs I need to finish first. I made too much and I promised myself that well no more! Not until I finish them!

But honestly, I'm not sure if I'm fit to be in the writing business. I'm scared that I'm going to be needing to find a job and I'll stop updating due to the stress or something. We'll see!

Question: Will the MC be armed with a frying pan?

-Thank you one of my og readers Sorablu12 for this, and well- no! But she's going to be armed with something else. Rapunzel fans please don't attack me D:

Question: You have so many upcoming books/stories with unique concept/ideas/themes. I'm not complaining about the variety but when do you plan to finish atleast one of your books and how? Another question: do you find it hard to write an ending suitable to the storyline (cuz personally i do so it just never ends in my head). Another question (more like a request): are u aware about omegaverse and if u are do u plan on writing a book with this concept (i request u to do write pls)

Thank you for giving my long questionnaire sme of your time.

-This is from Searchingforwaifus! Thank you for your question and about the story thing- you see um… I made that out of pure interest and a sudden bang of an idea. You know when you get a random good story plot while taking a poop in the bathroom and you're like damn I gotta write this down. I posted it on wattpad so that I can remember to take a look at it sometime when I can.

-Its 50/50, depends on the story really! I can make an ending if I need to but this changes as the plot in the middle too.

-I am aware of the omegaverse and have read a few novels about it. I too wanted to make one but I'm too busy making otome game and a few other novels so I don't have enough time on my hands XD

Question: when it comes to light magic, are barriers and light spears/swords a part of it? also what about bending light to do stealth/ invisibiity?

-This is from Snowcastpro, thank you for the question and yes it does actually! But they're very high leveled stuff and Analissa is still a noob. Hope she gets that fixed a few chapters more.

Question: Will our favourite villainess ever figure out/get told who the heroine really is? like figure out she is just a streamer here to save her?

-This is from l_n1ght_l. If Lady Evelyn is still alive by then yes!

Question: So how are you, dear author? I don't think I have any questions. I'm just curious if it will be a long story and how do you prefer characters to mature, quickly or slowly?

-Hello Larazinhaxxz! Thank you for asking, I'm doing fine actually. The story will go to at least 6 volumes! I want them to mature slowly with the right pacing, too quickly is not that good. That's not even including the villainness' journal series on my patreon and the childhood special chaters.

Ah shameless promotion!

You can read these two types of stories on patreon!

[The Villainess' Journal].

-Containing Lady Evelyn's thoughts throughout the time she was together with Analissa.

[Childhood Stories].

-Containing stories of the character's childhood. You can bond with the love interests, antagonists and learn more about their family, culture and of course childhood!

Question: Oh I know now, Do you think by the end of this story how many chapters it will have? I know we're nowhere near the end of this story just asking. Is there only gonna be gxg in this story or it will have some bxb or bxg I just wanna know just so I can prepare mentally of course HAHAHAHA.... And btw can I ask non related questions about this story like do you have a gf or bf? or like questions about your other story?

-This is from MikaVictoria9! The chapters will probably be over 300+ will take me a few more years seeing that I update once a week due to school and other novel stuff.

-There are straight and BxB love stories here!

-I have no lover! But I prefer girls more than guys!

Question: Out of all the characters in this story, who's your favorite and why are they your favorite?

-Ah…this is a cheeky question Sizedq. I mean I'm not sure if you've all noticed but I have a small bias on Lady Serene. I know Analissa and Lady Evelyn are healthy choices but I have a thing for mean girls. .///.

Question: I mostly have questions about Farrah. (this shouldn't come as a surprise at this point). When it comes to her past, what type of warrior was she? Was she at the front lines? a medic? I'm really really curious to know!Also, what weapon does she specialise in using?

-Hi GranetPlanet! Thank you for the question, Farrah uses a broadsword… At first she was in the front lines being recognized with her muscular and amazing strength- everyone of her comrades was like damn this girl big, and thought she's going to be one beast at the front.

Apparently, Farrah couldn't even hurt a fly and was turned into a medic instead.

Question: If i had to ask a question, it would be more a mechanical one. We know the MC has a kind of aura that attracts either affection or aggression from others. Are their hard mechanics to this? For example, would this work on someone in a happy relationship? Or put stress on an existing friendship after that friendship has been established?

-Thank you for Shadeland, actually this is interesting! The mechanics for the aura depends on the person's heart. If they are toxic and tend to be aggressive, they will attack and pounce.

If the person is trained to have boundaries (a decent person), it can only give affection. Slowly the aura is also adapting to the heroine's preferences. At first in the chapters it can only affect men but as Analissa confesses that she likes women more- well… you know the rest.

For the happy relationship, no. It will not work on people who are truly in love with someone.

Question: What are their favorite foods? What are the favourite dishes of the main characters? What about their least favourite?

-Thank you for DevilWithoutDetails and The KittyChitChat! Here is the list of characters and their favorite food!

-[Lady Evelyn: Orange Tart].

-[Analissa: Sushi].

-[Farrah: Croissant/Komalpa Bread].

-[Lady Serene: Vegetarian shepherd's pie].

-[Lord Ein: Anything Spicy, because the pain feels nice to his tongue].

-[Lady Harriot: Black Pudding].

-[Professor Fraeya: Tofu].

Least Favorite Food.

-[Lady Evelyn: Anything Bitter].

-[Analissa: Bellpepper].

-[Farrah: If the food is designed in a cute way- it is very hard to eat].

-[Lady Serene: Meat].

-[Lord Ein: Anything Sweet].

-[Lady Harriot: None].

-[Professor Fraeya: Also meat].

Question: How long will the book continue once Heroine & Villainess finally start relationship?

-Hello, ! Three more volumes!

Question: What are the main character's hobbies?

-Thank you Arthur_Bosta! Here is the answer to your question!


[Lady Evelyn].

-Collecting picture books.

-Feeding birds.

-Reading about military tactics.

-Managing the student council.

-Spoiling a certain someone.


-Reading novels.


-Studying magic.



When will we see more intimate moments ; I'm dying to see more possessive scenes from our lovely villainess!!!

-Thank you DaoistxgyzZc! Well you can subscribe to my patreon to get the advanced chapters and special ones! We have over 15-20K words of content in there right now!

Or you can also wait for them to become public!

Question: What would the main character's reactions to this story be if they somehow read it?

-Well thank you Esproth! Lady Evelyn would threaten me and ask why they haven't kissed yet and Analissa is going to be begging me to not kill anyone in the story because she actually likes some of them.

Question: What are the worst fears of the main characters?

-Thank you TheKittyChitChat! Lady Evelyn's fear is claustrophobia! Meaning anything tight in space. For Analissa's fear is hospitals and medicine!

Question: We already know our heroine was a streamer, so, if the other characters were in the real world what would their professions be?

-Thank you LukLuk_2642! I'll give you a whole list of what they could've been in real life!

-[Lady Evelyn: Lawyer or future heiress of a successful company].

-[Analissa: Streamer].

-[Farrah: Baker|Restaurant Owner].

-[Lady Serene: Fashion Desinger].

-[Lord Ein:Psychologist].

-[Lady Harriot: An Actor].

-[Professor Fraeya: Private Tutor].

Question: If I may ask, does lady Serene perhaps have a secret crush on lady Evelyn? 

And what dishes does Lady Evelyn like the most?

-This is from Asteria~! Thank you for the question and Lady Serene does not have any secret crush on lady Evelyn! The second question has already been answered at the top!

I had fun answering all of your questions! Truly! I have never thought that this many people would be interested in learning more about the novel. This makes me happy and I will continue to write more!

I hope you enjoyed this Q&A session!



Thank you to my patreon! These are the awesome people that help us make better quality chapters and art!



Andres Gtz


Asteria Urbanska

Blake Roberts



Drac_ Sage

Luis Cardenas

Marius Lunde


You can join Patreon to check out the latest chapters, art and many more! We are in need for your financial help! Please support us by voting on the story, sharing it or if you want to donate please do tell me! Thank you so much for reading otome game!