
Stormy Dreams and Uncertainties

Ava woke up to the sound of raindrops hitting the window. She looked outside and saw that it was pouring down heavily. She got out of bed and stretched her limbs. She felt a sense of unease in her gut, but she couldn't figure out why.

She got dressed and walked down to the common room, where she found Lily sitting by the fireplace, reading a book. Ava felt her heart skip a beat when she saw her. Lily looked up and smiled at her.

"Good morning," Lily said, closing her book.

"Morning," Ava replied, trying to sound casual.

"Did you sleep well?" Lily asked.

"Not really," Ava admitted. "I had a strange dream."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "What kind of dream?"

"I dreamed that I was in the forest, and I saw a woman standing in the middle of a circle of stones. She was chanting something, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. And then I woke up," Ava explained.

"That does sound strange," Lily said, looking concerned.

Ava shrugged. "Maybe it's just my imagination."

They spent the rest of the day studying and practicing their magic. The rain didn't let up, and they were forced to stay indoors. Ava felt restless, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

Later that night, as they were heading back to their dormitory, they heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the courtyard. They ran towards it and saw that a tree had fallen down, blocking their path.

"What the hell?" Lily exclaimed.

Ava looked around and saw that the other students were also gathering around, trying to figure out what had happened.

"It must be the storm," Ava said.

Suddenly, she felt a surge of energy in her body. She raised her hand, and a ball of light formed in her palm.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked, looking at her in surprise.

"I don't know," Ava replied, feeling confused.

The ball of light flew out of her hand and hit the fallen tree, causing it to split in half. The other students looked at her in shock.

"How did you do that?" Lily asked.

"I don't know," Ava said, feeling both scared and exhilarated.

They returned to their dormitory, still trying to make sense of what had happened. Ava couldn't help but think that her dream and the strange surge of energy were somehow connected.

As she lay in bed, she realized that her feelings for Lily were growing stronger. She tried to push them away, knowing that their relationship could never be. But she couldn't deny the fact that she was falling for her.

The rain continued to pour down outside, as Ava fell asleep, her mind filled with dreams and uncertainties.