
Otherworldly Warrior Farm Land , Vol. 1 EARTH AND BHOLA EMERGING

VOL 1. For starting a normal journey of Bhole in the earth. A normal Boy starts to establish himself. Bhola is an innocent Boy but gets a debt of 20 million Because of the planning of their MNC seniors, with such a hard lesson and getting blacklisted from another company. Disappointed, Frustrated, and Broken returns to his parents who live their life by farming. Having a debt of 20 million, shouldered with tension he still keeps going it may be his suffering brings him luck, A ordinary looking Bead changes his life. what is that Bead? what happens to Bhola's life? Is he able to pay the debt or take revenge on his senior? Did he change after Bead or continue his innocence? Give your curiosity a boost and come watch Bhola's journey with me.

shubhamshiv · Fantasy
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18 Chs

7. Buying more seeds

As Bhola returns from markets. 

Bhola enters the house with a triumphant grin, clutching his earnings tightly in his hands. "Mom, Dad, guess what? I made a profit of 2500 rupees today!" he announces excitedly.

His parents, busy with their chores, turn to him with surprise and curiosity. "Really? That's wonderful, Bhola!" his mother exclaims, her eyes lighting up with pride.

Bhola nods enthusiastically, eager to share his success. "Yes, Mom! I sold all the carrots and tomatoes at the market, and the vendors were impressed with the quality. I negotiated hard and managed to get a good price for each kilogram."

Bhola took a moment to reflect and remarked, "I am sure after their customers taste our vegetable, they demand more than I increase its price by double."

His father stated it thoughtfully. "Why do you need to increase twice? If they refuse to buy, what will happen?

Bhola smiled. "If I sell typical vegetables, they may not accept my demand; nevertheless, as you have all tasted such vegetables,

consider what will happen if customers demand more and they are unable to provide it. Due to limited space in BEADLAND, I must sell in smaller quantities to reach a wider market.

"Also keep their demand; we should maintain its availability; if this vegetable is sold or available in bulk, they will lose their importance, or I will not able to provide vegetables regularly and the price will go down.".

His father, intrigued by Bhola's entrepreneurial spirit, offers words of encouragement. "That's my boy! I'm proud of you for taking the initiative making such a profit and thinking far head Keep up the good work!"

Bhola beams with pride at his parents' praise, feeling a sense of validation for his efforts. "Thanks, Dad! I'm planning to reinvest some of the earnings back into the farm and save the rest for our future expenses."

His mother nods approvingly, her smile widening. "That sounds like a wise plan, Bhola. We're lucky to have such a diligent and resourceful son, and thank your great great great grandfather for this BEAD .".

With his parents' support and encouragement, Bhola's confidence soars as he looks forward to future opportunities and challenges in his entrepreneurial journey.

They sat together ate their breakfast and left for the seed market. 

Bhola arrives at the seed market, ready to explore the offerings of various vendors. He approaches the first vendor, who is known for his expertise in seeds.

Bhola: "Good morning! I'm looking for some high-quality seeds for my farm. What do you have?"

Vendor 1: "Good morning! You've come to the right place. Our seeds are renowned for their exceptional quality and high yield. Take a look!"

Bhola examines the seeds with keen interest, noting their freshness and vitality.

Bhola: "These seeds seem excellent. What makes them stand out from the rest?"

Vendor 1: "Our seeds are specially curated to thrive in local conditions, ensuring optimal growth and abundant harvests. Plus, they're treated with advanced techniques to enhance germination rates."

Bhola is impressed by the vendor's pitch but decides to bargain for a better price.

Bhola: "They sound great, but I'm buying in bulk. Can you offer a discount?"

Vendor 1: "Of course! For a discerning farmer like yourself, I can offer a special price. How about 120 rupees for both packets?"

Bhola considers the offer, wanting to ensure he gets a good deal.

Bhola: "Hmm, that's a bit steep. How about 100 rupees for both packets?"

Vendor 1: "Hmm, you drive a hard bargain! But alright, I'll agree to 110 rupees for both. Deal?"

Bhola nods, satisfied with the negotiation.

Bhola: "Deal! Thanks for the discount."

With his first purchase secured at a bargain, Bhola moves on to the next vendor, eager to explore more options and strike more deals.

Bhola proceeds to explore the other vendors, keen on finding a variety of high-quality seeds for different vegetables. He approaches the next vendor, known for their diverse selection of vegetable seeds.

Bhola: "Good morning! I'm in need of some vegetable seeds for my farm. What do you have available?"

Vendor 2: "Good morning! We have a wide range of vegetable seeds, each with its own unique qualities. Let me show you."

The vendor presents Bhola with packets of various vegetable seeds, each labeled with its name and characteristics.

Bhola examines the seeds carefully, looking for theose that promise high yields and resilience to local conditions.

Bhola: "These seeds look promising. Can you tell me more about their special features?"

Vendor 2: "Certainly! Our tomato seeds are renowned for their disease resistance and rich flavor, making them ideal for local cultivation. And our cucumber seeds produce crisp, juicy cucumbers that are perfect for salads and pickling."

Bhola is impressed by the vendor's description and also thinks all vendors sell the same speech as they practiced a lot but decide to negotiate for a better price because all vendors give him approximately the same price.

Bhola: "I'm interested in buying a variety of seeds. Can you offer a discount if I purchase in bulk?"

Vendor 2: "Absolutely! For a valued customer like yourself, I can offer a special discount. How about 150 rupees for three packets of seeds?"

Bhola considers the offer, mindful of his budget and the quantity of seeds he needs.

Bhola: "Hmm, that sounds fair. But how about 130 rupees for three packets?"

Vendor 2: "I see you're a savvy negotiator! Alright, let's meet in the middle at 140 rupees for three packets. Deal?"

Bhola smiles, pleased with the outcome of the negotiation.

Bhola: "Deal! Thank you for the discount."

With his second purchase secured at a reasonable price, Bhola moves on to explore more vendors, eager to find the best seeds for his farm.

Bhola spots a cluster of flower vendors along the bustling street. As he passes by, a sudden idea sparks in his mind. "Why not introduce flowers into the bead land?" he muses. Intrigued by the possibility of enhancing the atmosphere of his farm, he steers towards the nearest flower shop.

Entering the vibrant shop, Bhola is greeted by an array of colorful blooms, their fragrances filling the air. The florist, a jovial middle-aged woman, notices his interest and approaches him with a warm smile.

Florist: "Good morning, sir! How may I assist you today?"

Bhola returns the smile, his mind buzzing with excitement over his newfound idea.

Bhola: "Good morning! I'm looking for a variety of flower seeds. Do you have any recommendations?"

Florist: "Of course! We have a wide selection of flower seeds, each with its own unique charm. Are you looking for something specific?"

Bhola explains his plan to introduce flowers into his farm, hoping to enhance its beauty and possibly attract beneficial insects.

Bhola: "I'm particularly interested in flowers that thrive in our local climate and require minimal maintenance. Do you have any suggestions?"

The florist nods enthusiastically, eager to assist Bhola in his endeavor.

Florist: "Certainly! Our marigold and zinnia seeds are perfect choices. They're hardy, colorful, and known to bloom abundantly. And if you're looking to attract pollinators, you can't go wrong with lavender or cosmos."

Bhola listens intently, his excitement growing with each suggestion. He carefully selects packets of marigold, zinnia, lavender, and cosmos seeds, envisioning the vibrant tapestry of colors they will bring to his farm.

Bhola: "These sound perfect! How much for these packets?"

Florist: "For you, sir, I can offer a special price of 50 rupees per packet."

Bhola nods appreciatively, grateful for the generous offer.

Bhola: "Thank you! I'll take one of each, please."

With his newfound treasures in hand, Bhola bids farewell to the florist and heads back home, eager to plant the seeds of his new venture.

As Bhola steps out of the flower shop, a lingering curiosity prompts him to return and inquire further. He approaches the florist once again, his interest piqued by the mention of high-priced flowers.

Bhola: "Excuse me, ma'am. I couldn't help but notice that some of the flowers here are priced higher than others. Could you tell me more about them?"

The florist, recognizing Bhola's genuine curiosity, smiles warmly and gestures towards a display of exquisite blooms.

Florist: "Of course! These flowers are considered premium varieties due to their rarity, unique characteristics, and exceptional beauty. For instance, these orchids are prized for their elegant appearance and long-lasting blooms, while these exotic lilies are known for their intoxicating fragrance."

Bhola nods, absorbing the florist's explanation with keen interest.

Bhola: "I see. They're truly stunning. But where would one sell such high-priced flowers?"

The florist's smile widens as she offers some valuable insight.

Florist: "Well, sir, these premium flowers are often sought after by upscale florists, event planners, and individuals looking for luxurious floral arrangements. You could also explore selling them directly to specialty flower shops or online platforms catering to discerning clientele."

Bhola nods thoughtfully, mentally noting down the florist's suggestions.

Bhola: "Thank you for the information, ma'am. I appreciate it."

As Bhola purchases some of the high-priced flower seeds, his excitement is palpable. However, his curiosity about potential buyers for these premium blooms leads him to inquire further.

Bhola: "Could you perhaps provide me with the contact details of some large buyers who are always in need of these types of flowers?"

The florist hesitates initially, cautious about disclosing customer information. But Bhola's earnest demeanor and genuine interest in the business eventually convinced her to share some insights.

Florist: "Well, sir, I typically don't share customer details, but I suppose I could make an exception. Just keep in mind that even if you manage to produce such high-quality flowers, the demand might not always be consistent."

Bhola nods understandingly, appreciating her candor.

Bhola: "Thank you for your honesty, ma'am. I understand the risks, but I'm willing to explore the possibilities."

With a list of potential buyers in hand and a newfound determination, Bhola leaves the flower shop, eager to embark on this new venture.

please go and read my other novel

" WILL, The Crystal Soul's journey "


Don't forget to bookmark them, Because IT will help you know when I upload a new chapter as my uploading may not be consistent.

Why will it not be consistent, dude? I am 27 years old, still without a job, and unemployed. I tried to get a government job, which is a banking job. 

In an actual way, I should be paying attention to my exam insisting on giving my time here but I am fading up with my life so just for distraction I am here.

so please give me support like comments, reviews, bookmarks.thankyou

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