
Otherworldly Survival System

World overrun with monsters? Check Brought to another world? Check Given an OP class? Che-Wait, what the hell is a cultivator?

Mixed_Marc · Games
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5 Chs

The Chase

A flash of light lit up a portion of the forest, and all the inhabitants noticed. All sorts of beasts began making their way over as this could be an opportunity to increase their rank in the woods.

The stronger beasts didn't block the others as their experience told them not to be overzealous, as opportunities are usually double-edged swords.

That didn't mean they wouldn't take it for themselves when they had the chance. It's survival of the fittest.

With Aiden

When the light flashed over him, Aiden knew he had to get as far away from there as possible.

The teen followed the dirt path and ran as fast as possible. He wasn't used to fighting in the woods and wasn't sure he would be able to detect them when they arrived. It was better to keep his eyes on his assailants to avoid attacks from his blindspots.

It would have also made using his weapon difficult.

As he was running, Aiden noticed the boons he got from awakening. He was faster than before, clearing twice the distance he normally could with ease. The wind rushed past him as he ran as fast as he could.

There was no use hiding, with enhanced presence likely boosting the traces he left behind.

However, no complaints came from the teen as he sprinted, keeping an eye on his surroundings. It took a couple of minutes, but he had finally gotten tired enough to have to stop.

No matter how much he ran, they would eventually find him, and he would need much energy to fight back against whatever found him.

Growls came from the woods as Aiden noticed something coming from behind him. He swirled around to see a large canine the size of a Mastiff barreling towards him. It had dark brown fur and three eyes, with the third above its nose.

Its eyes were red with desire.

The teen adopted a defensive position….



[Sage Mode Activated]


All the information from his senses went from a turbulent river into a steady stream. From what he remembered, canines and felines usually started their attack with one move. Pounce!

Aiden waited patiently, with the dread and panic merely playing in the background of his mind. Time seemed to slow for him as he watched the canine's stride. Dust and dirt flying into the air from where the canine stepped and drooled dripping from its mouth could be seen clearly by him.

'Just need to time it right.' That moment soon came as the canine did precisely what he thought it would, and it pounced.

Not feeling up to having his throat ripped out, Aiden quickly twirled out of the way and, with the momentum, struck with all the force he could muster.

A voice went through his head, almost breaking his concentration if it wasn't for him being in [Sage Mode].

[Moment of Truth – Successful 25% Attack Boost]

[Moment of Truth - Successful 25% Critical Chance Boost]

His staff swing aimed toward the midsection of the canine that was still mid-pounce. There are several reasons why what happened next occurred.

The canine Aiden was attacked by a Trican Wolf, a +E rank threat. A bit stronger than him.

However, the teen had several things going for him that the Trican Wolf didn't.

One, [Natural Beserker] boosts his strength and agility.

Two, [Moment of Truth] had activated, providing an attack boost and making the resulting strike even more devastating.

The swing was true to its path and struck the midsection of the wolf, sending it careening unto a tree, resulting in the tree's undeserving destruction.

R.I.P Tree

Blood gushed from the wolf's mouth, and it tried to get up, failing each time before it stopped moving.

Sweat streamed down Aiden's face as he panted slightly at the stressful encounter. It seems [Sage] only made him more efficient in handling stress but didn't wholly negate its effect on the body.

Maybe, later on, it would have this feature after he leveled up the skill.

Mason was brought out of his thoughts by a stream of pop-ups.


[Critical Strike Successful!]

[You defeated a Trican Wolf!]

[You leveled up!]

Received Trican Wolf Pelt x 1

Received Trican Wolf Fangs x 3

Received Trican Wolf Claws x 2


[Achievements Unlocked]

Great First Blood - Uncommon

Your first kill was an opponent stronger than you—a testament to your skills.

Reward - Weapon Upgrade Card

One Hit Is All It Takes - Uncommon

You took out an opponent in one strike!

Reward - Enhance Quest Rewards Card

Goliath vs. David - Rare

Killed an opponent stronger than you with one strike.

Reward - Guaranteed Skill Drop


[Third Eye - Rare]

An auxiliary skill gained from a monster with extraordinary senses. The Third Eye allows you to observe your surroundings and sense things others cannot.

Active Effects - Detection Field - 15 m.

Passive Effects - 30% Perception Boost, Ability to Sense Most Forms of Energy


Aiden took off running and skimmed through the information on the screens. His heart raced slightly in excitement before it quickly calmed down. In just one encounter, he was able to earn so much. He also felt much better than when he landed in this world.

It probably had something to do with leveling up.

This was going much smoother than he expected. As if the universe heard Aiden, an unfamiliar feeling coming from the center of his head pulsed, and he felt a pulling sensation coming from multiple directions.

It didn't take him long to figure out this was the [Third Eye] skill at work. Several more Trican wolves and other beasts came out from the forestry. Like the wolf from earlier, desire oozed from them all as they stared down at Aiden with bloodshot eyes.

Aiden slowly got into a defensive stance as he scanned his surroundings and thought about his next move. Even with all his martial arts experience, the number of fights he had against multiple foes could be counted on one hand.

Cold sweat dripped down Aiden's brow as he steeled his grip on the bo staff.

"Maybe a sword would have been better?" Something that can slice would be much more intimidating than a glorified stick.

With this thought in mind, there was already something he was debating on whether it would be a waste or not, but now living to use it later was becoming less likely by the second. Aiden gave a command to the System.


[Use the [Weapon Upgrade Card] on [Tutorial Bo Staff].]

Are you sure?



No hesitation could be found when Aiden pressed yes. Without delay, the engravings on the staff came to life, beaming with gold light. The sheen of metal could be seen as silvery metal began to cover the weapon's length.

Aiden stared in astonishment as a two-foot-long polished blade formed on the staff's end. The engravings shined even brighter as they spread onto the blade before dimming, revealing a deadly polearm made to slay multiple foes with a single swing.


[Tutorial Bo Staff] -> [Beginner's Bo Staff]

A weapon infused with the power of the God of Survival. This weapon's durability is extended past the tutorial and now has a second form.

Base Form: [Beginner's Bo Staff]

Bonus Stats: +5 STR

Bonus Skills: None

Second Form: [Beginner's Moon Blade]

Known as a Woldo, your staff becomes a polearm of mass destruction. Whether you can use it or not is the question.

Bonus Stats: +7 STR

Bonus Skills: [Weight Control] - Uncommon

This skill allows you to control the weight of your weapon.

Weight Limit - 450 lbs.


After quickly reading through the new info, Aiden couldn't help the grin on his face.

'You guys can read minds now? This is just what I needed!' After adjusting his grip, Aiden tested the skill, returning the weapon's weight to what it was before the upgrade.

It seems the monsters encircling him noticed his lapse in attention, and after one moved, they all did. Aiden quickly returned his focus to the situation and made a decision. When surrounded without any aid on the way, place all your power into piercing through!

Aiden placed all his power into his legs and sprang at the closest monster. It was a hog-like creature with tribal marks all across its body.

Wonder what they were for. Its tusks were pearly white other than the areas covered by the tribal patterns. The marks covering it were of a beautiful design as if a master made them of art.

As soon as the large hog saw the teen rush towards him, it let out a deep growl before fire burst from the markings and began to cover the rest of his body.

Aiden couldn't help blinking in surprise. Oh, so that's what they were for. Not like it will change anything.

He makes the Moon Blade heavier after taking the hand closest to the blade off and spinning using the now-heavy Moon Blade's momentum, slashing at the legs of the incoming flaming hog.

[Moment of Truth Successful - +25% Critical Chance Boost]

[Moment of Truth Successful - +25% Slashing Damage Boost]

Aiden wasn't much of a gambler, but hitting the lottery twice felt good.

If he hadn't upgraded his weapon and kept it as a bo staff, there was no way he would win this exchange, and he would be thrown back into the center to be swarmed by the rest of the beasts. But choices were made, and Aiden was not losing this battle.

The blade cut through the flaming hog's leg like butter and slid past him. Without stopping, Aiden kept up the momentum and slashed through a few more beasts that came after the boar. [Moment of Truth] triggered now and then, but there were a few close calls with one of the durable beasts who could take a hit without significant damage.

The beast was similar to the hog from before, but this one was larger and covered in rock and stone. The minerals formed a sort of armor around it, imposing an indomitable aura around itself. The tusks curled in like a mammoth and were also covered in stones. Its tail was also covered in rock with a spiked ball at the end.

Aiden cursed his luck as [Moment of Truth] didn't activate on the beast that would give him the most trouble.

The irony.

The Stone Boar turned to Aiden, and the curly-head teen could swear he saw deep-seated hatred within its eyes.

Aiden cursed, "what the hell did I do for it to be this mad?" He thought for a moment before looking back towards the earlier boar. It laid motionlessly with only the faint rising of its midsection indicating the life still within it. Sweat began to drip down his face.

"Crap...don't tell me that was your girl? How was I supposed to know?!" Aiden complained to the Stone Boar, who only replied with a guttural growl before a flick of its tail sent stone spikes hurling his way.

"Shit!" Jumping to the side, Aiden dodged the spikes, but while skidding, he was assaulted by a black feline who saw its chance. He stopped and spun to put Moon Blade between himself and the cat. He grunted as the feline struggled to rip his face to shred.

The two in the struggle stopped as the ground began to tremble, and they both looked to the side to see the Stone Boar rushing towards them with spikes now protruding from its stone armor. Aiden quickly noticed the black feline relax and kicked it off him before rolling backward out of the way of the charging boar.

Coming out of the roll, Aiden only had a split second before a spiked ball connected to a tail slammed into his side. A small cry rang from his lips as he flew towards the trees falling short of the forest.

The Stone Boar skid to a stop by its partner and nudged her to get a reaction. The flaming boar could only let out a tiny huff before the light left her eyes. The Stone Boar no longer held an air of intimidation as a depressive atmosphere overtook the surroundings, as it rubbed against the fire hog for the last time, as the corpse turned into motes of light.

As this was happening...


[Critical Strike Successful!]

[You defeated a Pryo Hog!]

[You leveled up!]

Received Flaming Tusk x 1

Received Pyro Hog Meat x 3


Aiden felt his wounds heal, and strength flooded his limbs. He breathed in a sigh of relief. "Thank god, 'cause there was no way I would be able to fight after that hit." He got up, dusting himself off.

"But there is still the question of how I'm going to beat this one, and that damn cat disappeared somewhere. Also, where are the rest of those beasts at?" Aiden questioned, confused about why he wasn't being swarmed.

He could only guess it was the same reason the cat ran off.

This Stone Boar was stronger than them, and taking its prey was asking for death. Said Stone Boar regained its bearings, but now bloodthirst was clear in its eyes.

Aiden gritted his teeth and thought about what to do.

If he could get a clean hit on it with the maximum weight Moon Blade would allow, there was a chance he could take it out, but how would he get that opportunity with that tail and armor?

Aiden thought about what to do when the stone boar got tired of waiting and charged. The spikes from earlier came back as its rage made for great motivation to skewer the teen.

Said teen wasn't going to make the same mistake twice and jumped to the side while keeping an eye on its tail.

In the future, Aiden would look back at this moment and shake his head at his tunnel vision. If the Stone Boar could shoot spikes from its tail, why not from its body?

That was precisely what happened as Aiden focused on the tail and almost missed the big spike shot at him. Surprise and panic rose before being squashed by his skill before it affected him.

Dodging was out of the question, so he decided to try and block the spike.

That went as well as you would expect as he deflects the spike enough only to get scathed by it on the right shoulder and sent staggering back. Blood ran down his back and arm as he panted from the exertion.

'That took all my strength with all the boosts from my skills and Moon Blade! If I don't find an opening, I'm screwed!' thought Aiden.

This is when he saw the Stone Boar skid to a halt before finally stopping and turning around. A bright idea came to mind, and he was about to do something that would make even the beast surrounding them think he was insane.

Motes of light appeared as he retrieved something from his inventory. As the light disappeared, what was revealed caused the Stone Boar's pupils to contract as it began to shake in anger.

"I see you recognize where this came from. Mad?" Aiden said condescendingly with a smirk spread across his face.

The Stone Boar growled and reared onto its hind legs before stomping the ground, making the entire clearing shake. Aiden staggered, trying to keep his balance.

'Maybe, it was a bit over the top?' thought the teen before focusing back on the Stone Boar as he noticed it hadn't moved. 'Wait a second...the ground hasn't stopped shaking either.'

The Stone Boar bellowed before earth spikes erupted from the ground heading in Aiden's direction.

"SH#T! Definitely, too much!"