
Otherworldly Shop

A collection of stories that surround a shop in the middle of nowhere.

humanaaaa · Fantasy
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3 Chs


It is said that the dwelling of the Court Mage of the Kingdom of Pyro, Adalius Sagg, lives in a tower on a cliff in the center of the Forest of Eternal Fog.

Adalius Sagg became the Court Mage at the young age of 17. For three years, he introduced several revolutionary objects to the world. From the Magic Scrolls to the Mana-Physics theory, Adalius became renowned for his inventions. If you were a mage and you didn't hear of Sagg, you wouldn't exist.

Adalius was predicted to become a man who will be forever in history, but when he became 20 something happened. He suddenly moved into the Forest of Eternal Fog, a forest that was filled with fog full of corrupted mana that made you unable to use magic. For two years, other than occasional letters to his family and the king, Adalius disappeared off the face of the world, Aetha.

Today, many people wonder what Adalius is doing and when he will return.



"AH, DAMN IT!" A young handsome man with long silver hair shouted in frustration, burn marks were visible on his face. This man was Adalius Sagg.

"What the hell went wrong!? I was sure that my calculations were correct!" Adalius inspected the magic circle on the ground, checking it for possible errors.

"What's wrong with the mana around here!? It's been two years and I can't even cast anything better than a mana bullet!" Adalius complained. The mana bullet was a simple spell that only required you to gather mana and shoot it.

"Even the mana bullets here are wonky! I almost destroyed my hand trying to cast one!"

"Haah... if only I could find a way to use the corrupted mana in this fog." As he said this, he recorded the results in a notebook and went towards a closet to get more materials for the magic circle.

As he got close to the closet, he noticed something unusual.

"I didn't have a door like this..." He inspected the door, finding no trace of mana, or anything suspicious. It looked like a normal wooden door, with nothing unusual about it.

"Should I go in it...?" His curiosity was piqued. Why was this door here? Does it lead to somewhere?

He prepared himself for any danger, then he opened the door.

Ding ding ding!

"Shi-!" As he panicked, he heard a young girl's voice.

"Hey! A customer!"


He went inside the door, and looked around him.

A big room with white walls made out of some unknown material and a wooden floor. At the white ceiling, which was made of the same material as the walls, there was something Adalius hadn't seen for a long time. Some lights were floating on the sky.

"Magic lamps? No, I can't feel mana from them, and they look different." As he thought this, he looked at his front. There was a table with some books stacked on it, and behind that was a white counter, behind which was a young black haired girl with amber eyes. The girl was fiddling with something that looks like glass on her hands. "Was glass this common?" He was once again, confused.

"Wait... where am I anyway?" After he thought this, he immediately said;

"Who are you? Where are we? And how did you find my tower?"

After a moment, the girl answered, "My name is Sophia Flores and this is a branch of the Delta Luna Shop. You went in here through a door, yes?"

"Yes..." Adalius replied.

"You see, you can get in this shop through doors I've released around this world."

"What sort of magic did you use to do that!?"

"Simple teleportation runes."

Adalius was utterly flabbergasted. "Basic? Teleportation? Huh? Aren't those supposed to be ancient? No one on Aetha can do it yet this little girl calls it basic? Have I done something wrong in life? Why can't I use teleportation runes then?" As these thoughts ran his mind, the girl, Sophia asked,

"Are you some sort of mage?"

"Uh? Huh? Um... yes." The question snapped Adalius back to reality.

"That's great! Then I have the product for you!" Sophia put the glass thing in her pocket, then she walked to the table. She grabbed a book, then showed it to Adalius.

The book had a blue cover, with the words: "Kugelblitz: Theory and Application by The Outer God of Space-Time, Chronos"

"This is a great book on Magic Theory, you know?" Said Sophia.

As Adalius saw the author's name, his brain started to shut down. But before then, he had to buy this book.

"How much is it?"

"100 gold coins."

"That's too cheap!" He shouted this in his mind. "Normal books on magic theory can cost thousands of Platinum Coins, let alone Gold Coins!"

The money in Aetha is incredibly basic,

[100 Copper Coins --> 1 Silver Coin

100 Silver Coins --> 1 Gold Coin

100 Gold Coins --> 1 Platinum Coin

1 Gold Coin was enough for a peasant to live a whole year.]

Books of Magic Theory are incredibly expensive! The cheapest one about fundamentals would be 1,000 Platinum! So imagine Adalius' feelings when a magic theory written by a God is 10,000 times cheaper than a book about Magic Fundamentals! Even if it was fake, he had to buy it!

"Wait for a minute!"

He went to his tower, found a hundred gold coins, went back to the shop, and bought the book.

As he went to leave, the shop owner, Sophia said, "Thank you for your patronage!"

He closed the door behind his back, and due to his brain finally shutting down, he slept.

Finally got started on this. Expect updates every two days.

Hope you like it!

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