
Otherworldly Player

Follow a man in his adventures after reincarnating from his crappy life he is reborn into a new world with a new name 'Kon Whiteblood' read as he enjoys this life and the people in it!

SlimeyBoi · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Back to life! How long Was I out?

I opened my eyes once again in the same old body, i tried to take in my surroundings but in the initial moments everything was blurry but when my eyes came to i was somewhere new around me were walls that looked as if they were made of the marble of my old world however as far as i was aware that didn't exist here and i could feel them emitting a great amount of mana, this was this worlds equivalent to hospitals, i was in my own room as they were usually very big, the marble esc walls absorbed negative mana which helps to cure illness and convert and emit it as positive mana which when absorbed into the body had a healing property, "wait" I said I grabbed the shirt I was wearing and looked to were i had been impaled and all that was there was a small scar.

"ye don't worry about that, this place's healing is insane, trust me I know" a familiar voice said

as I looked to my side i saw who it was and they weren't alone, in the room with me were my mother and father as well as Sam however Alex wasn't there.

"Is Alex okay?"

"ye he's fine his, his mother is here so he's staying with her" Sam said

"have you seen your parents at all?"

"no I come from pretty far away they probably wont be able to come" she responded

"okay, Mother, Father, Sam how long was I out and what's going on and don't lie to me I deserve to know"

my mother sighed then said "fine, the teachers and a majority of the students have disappeared the only students in the 2nd year and above who have been found were those visiting there families, the staff were a large part of the cities security, with them gone the city has gone to crap, there riots and looting and mass spread fear, the knights are trying to quell this but every high ranking knight is out of the country dealing with foreign affairs, trying to stop a potential war that could come due to this, the strongest allies right now are me, your father and the high nobles and of course you, you know with what you've become"

"w-wait you know?"

"of course we do" said my father "what do you expect we're your parents and we've both had to deal with them before"

"what are you three talking about" Sam asked

"well Sam I suppose you have a right to know, especially now, I'm what's known as a divine human, a human above a regular human, I don't have a stat cap and well I'm far stronger than an average adventure right now especially now that I resolved some things during my death like state" I then looked at my parents "I met Balor, the one from the story's"

"Ye we thought you would have" replied my father "this is serious we gotta make sure we're all ready for this fight, me and your mother will train all three of you, this time seriously, REMOVE SEAL"

my mother and father both started to shine an overwhelming golden colour.

Divine eye, however something different happened this time my eyes changed colour and what I saw before me was a bit different.


<LEVEL: 13210>

AGE: 42>

<HP: 100000>

<MP: 32345>


<STATS: [STR 15200] [SPD 78000] [STAM 26500][MANA 16000]>


Wait where are his skills?



master, all you have to do is think about

viewing them and the tab will open


have you gotten more expressive



Master, due to you not using human mode

I have been incapable of expressing myself


oh I'm sorry, skills


Active skills- Swordsmanship [LVL MAX], Divine Swordsmanship [LVL 1], Defending Swordsmanship [LVL MAX],

Defence-Offence Conversion [LVL MAX]


Passive Skills - Swordsman's Qi [LVL MAX], Grave Of The Swords [LVL MAX], True Defence [LVL MAX]


Hey all idk how long of a break ive been having but i think its been a while since i uploaded apologise i have just started school again, i will try to pick the pace back up i promise

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