
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Book&Literature
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79 Chs

Surprise Yet Again

As they materialized in front of The Burrow, Percy's astonishment only deepened. He couldn't believe what he had just experienced. There was no sound, no sensation of movement, nothing to indicate that they had just Apparated. Percy had previously Apparated with his father, but this was an entirely different experience. Harry's Apparition was unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

Looking at Harry with a mixture of awe and disbelief, Percy struggled to find the words to express his astonishment. Meanwhile, Ron and the twins were already heading towards the door of The Burrow, oblivious to Percy's stunned state. But Percy remained rooted to the spot, unable to shake off the incredulity of what had just transpired.

The twins glanced back at Percy, sharing a knowing smirk between them. They had witnessed firsthand the effect Harry had on people with his extraordinary abilities. Reminiscing about the first time Harry had Apparated them to Diagon Alley, they recalled their own astonishment at his seamless and seemingly effortless magic.

"Come on, Perce! You're not gonna stand there all day, are you?" George called out, nudging Percy forward.

Percy dragged himself inside, still grappling with the realization that an eleven-year-old could possess such exceptional skill in magic. As he entered the house, he heard the twins shout for their mother. 

Ginny hearing the voices of Fred and George ran downstairs to see them standing there with Ron and Percy. She jumped up on Fred and hugged him and George. She greeted Ron and Percy too. 

"What's going on? Why are you all here so suddenly? You were supposed to arrive in the evening right?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Fred exchanged a mischievous glance with George before responding, "You won't believe it until you see it, Gin."

Ginny's eyes darted between her brothers, waiting eagerly for an explanation.

"We didn't exactly take the train back," Percy began, his tone slightly bewildered.

"We had a little help," George chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ginny frowned, clearly puzzled. "Help? From who?"

The twins grinned, simultaneously pointing towards the spot where Harry was standing a minute ago. Ginny looked towards the spot and didn't see anyone. 

"Are you guys playing a joke on me?", she asked.

The twins turned to Percy and Ron, "Where did he go?"

Percy and Ron exchanged baffled looks, equally confused by Harry's sudden disappearance.

"I swear he was just here," Ron insisted, scanning the room for any sign of Harry.

Ginny's frown deepened as she glanced around, trying to make sense of the situation. "This isn't funny, you guys," she scolded, growing increasingly frustrated.

But as they searched the room, there was no sign of Harry. It was as if he had vanished into thin air. After a few moments of frantic searching and growing confusion, the room fell into a puzzled silence. 

"Where could he have gone?" Percy muttered, his brows furrowed in perplexity.

Ron shook his head, equally perplexed. "I don't know. He was just here," he replied, his tone tinged with bewilderment.

The twins exchanged puzzled glances, their usual mischievous demeanor replaced by genuine confusion. "This doesn't make any sense," Fred murmured, scratching his head.

As the confusion in the room escalated, Ginny's frustration reached its peak. "Where did who go?" she demanded, her voice tinged with irritation.

The twins exchanged glances, silently deciding who would break the news to their sister. Finally, George cleared his throat. "We, uh, didn't exactly take the train back," he admitted.

Ginny's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Fred jumped in to explain. "We had a little help getting home," he confessed, shooting a quick glance at Percy and Ron.

Ginny's eyes widened in realization. "You mean Harry Apparated you back?" she guessed.

The twins and Percy exchanged shocked glances, surprised by Ginny's astute deduction. Ron, sensing their bewilderment, quickly intervened. "Yeah, she saw Harry Apparate," he confirmed, coming to Ginny's defense. "She even Apparated with him."

The twins looked at Ginny in disbelief. "When was this?" Fred asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ginny shrugged nonchalantly. "It's a story for later," she replied. "Where's Harry?" she asked, scanning the room for anything Harry-like. 

As Ginny scanned the room for any sign of Harry, a voice suddenly spoke from behind Ron. "Sorry, I had to go back. I forgot Hedwig," Harry announced casually, causing everyone to jump in surprise.

Ron whipped around to see Harry standing behind him, his heart racing from the sudden shock. Reacting purely on instinct and fueled by adrenaline, Ron's eyes widened as he swung a wild punch towards Harry, who expertly dodged out of harm's way with a quick duck.

The punch missed its mark by inches, causing Ron to stumble forward slightly, his momentum carrying him off balance. Meanwhile, Fred, caught off guard, instinctively grabbed the nearest object – a spoon – and hurled it towards Harry, who deftly sidestepped the flying utensil.

George, reacting quickly, positioned himself protectively in front of Ginny, while Percy, his adrenaline pumping, reached for the nearest available object – a poker – and held it defensively in front of him.

Harry, realizing the chaos he had caused, raised his hands in surrender. "Whoa, easy there, it's just me," he said with a sheepish grin, hoping to calm the startled group.

Amidst the chaos of their reactions, Ron's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Bloody hell, Harry! Sorry about that," he exclaimed, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Fred, trying to stifle a laugh, chimed in, "Yeah, sorry about the spoon, mate. Didn't mean to throw kitchenware at your head."

Harry laughed, waving off their apologies. "No harm done, guys. I probably deserved it for sneaking up on you like that," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

As the tension eased, Harry explained, "I had to go back for Hedwig. She wasn't too keen on Apparating, so she decided to fly back instead."

Ron's expression softened with relief. "Good to know she's safe," he said, visibly relieved.

Percy and the twins exchanged incredulous glances, still processing the revelation. "Wait, you mean you can just... Apparate in and out of Hogwarts whenever you want?" Percy asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Harry chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Well, yeah. Sort of. And I'd really appreciate it if you guys could keep that between us," he admitted, hoping they would understand the need for secrecy. Percy was now having a tough time deciding whether he was dreaming or awake. Cause if this was a dream then it was too much. 

Percy's mind was reeling with disbelief, his thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of confusion. He sank onto the nearest couch, his hands trembling as he tried to process the revelation. The twins, too, were stunned into silence, their usual banter momentarily forgotten in the wake of Harry's admission.

"How... how is this even possible?" Percy stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ron and Ginny exchanged knowing glances, seemingly unfazed by the news. "Harry's done it before," Ron explained casually, as if it were an everyday occurrence. 

Ginny nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I knew about it too," she added nonchalantly.

The twins turned their attention to Ron, their curiosity piqued. "When did this happen?" Fred asked eagerly, leaning in expectantly.

Ron sighed, "Well, it was a weekend when Harry, Hermione, and I came to the Burrow," he began. Ron recounted the events of that weekend, describing how Harry had taken them to Hermione's house at the beginning of the weekend. Then, Hermione had wanted to visit the Burrow, so Harry had Apparated the three of them there in the morning. He went on to explain how they had spent the day at the Burrow, enjoying lunch with the family before heading to Harry's house, the Dursley Mansion, for dinner.

The twins listened intently, absorbing every detail of Ron's story. It was clear that they were both intrigued and impressed by Harry's abilities.

"So, Harry's been Apparating all over the place, huh?" Fred remarked, a grin spreading across his face.

"Looks like it," George agreed, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "And here we were, thinking we knew all of Harry's tricks."

Ron chuckled, "Oh come on, I'm his best mate. I'll know more about him obviously."

The twins exchanged amused glances before George posed his question. "And what did you mean by Ginny Apparating with Harry?"

Ron leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, that day Ginny, along with our parents, went for dinner too," he explained, enjoying the opportunity to share the story.

Harry smiled as he remembered the day. Then he remembered that he should get going to his home as well. Harry quickly retrieved the luggage from his pouch, ensuring everyone had their belongings. Then, turning to the twins, he made a promise.

"I'll come over for dinner today to explain about our little secret," he said, a playful glint in his eye. "And I'll bring my family along too."

The twins nodded eagerly, agreeing to wait until then. With a swift goodbye to Ginny, Ron, and Percy, Harry Disapparated from the Burrow.

Left in Harry's wake, the twins faced their curious onlookers. "You'll find out at dinner," they teased, before grabbing their luggage and heading upstairs.

Just as they reached the top of the stairs, Harry reappeared, catching them by surprise. He turned to Ginny, a box in hand.

"Almost forgot this," he said with a grin, pressing the Honeydukes box into her hand. With a final goodbye, he Disapparated once again, leaving behind a flustered Ginny and amused brothers.

Harry finally materialized back in his room, his heart full of the warmth of home. He glanced around, taking in the familiar sights and comforting familiarity of his own space. Hogwarts was wonderful, but there was something uniquely special about being back in his own room.

Eager to reunite with his family, Harry wasted no time. With a quick stride, he swung open the door and bounded downstairs, his voice echoing through the mansion.

"Mom! Where are you?" he called out, excitement bubbling within him. 

Petunia's eyes widened with surprise as she rushed out of the kitchen at the sound of Harry's voice. Seeing him standing there, she couldn't contain her joy as she enveloped him in a tight hug, her arms wrapping around him with a mother's love.

"My goodness, Harry, what a surprise!" she exclaimed, pulling back slightly to look at him. "Aren't you supposed to come back by evening?"

Harry smiled warmly at her, the familiar comfort of home washing over him. "Just Apparated back," he replied with a shrug, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Couldn't bear another boring train journey."

Petunia chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Always finding new ways to surprise me, aren't you?" she remarked fondly.

As she returned to the stove to continue preparing lunch, Harry settled into a chair, watching her with a contented smile. The aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, stirring memories of shared meals and cherished moments. Harry remembered the small token of affection he had brought for his mother. With a swift motion, he retrieved the box of fudge from Honeydukes from his pouch, placing it on the table with a gentle smile.

"I got you something mom," he said softly, his gaze filled with warmth as he watched her cook. "Your favorite fudge from Honeydukes."

Petunia's eyes lit up with gratitude as she gazed at the box of fudge. She leaned over to kiss Harry on the forehead.

"Thank you, Harry," she said sincerely. "You always know how to make me smile."

Harry chuckled, "Can I get some food? I'm hungry," he teased, flashing her a playful grin.

Petunia laughed, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "You and your bottomless stomach," she joked, turning back to the stove to prepare his meal.

As she worked, Harry's thoughts drifted to Abigail, wondering when she would return from her outing with Sirius. He glanced at the clock on the wall, noting the time with a nod.

"She should be back in about an hour or so," Petunia answered his unspoken question, her attention still focused on the task at hand.

Harry nodded in acknowledgment, his mind already turning to their plans for the evening. "Speaking of dinner," he began, his tone thoughtful, "we'll be heading to the Weasleys' tonight. The twins and I have a big announcement to make."

Petunia paused in her cooking, turning to look at Harry with curiosity. "Oh? What's the occasion?" she inquired, intrigued by the prospect of their news.

"You will have to wait till dinner mom", Harry smirked.

Petunia nodded in understanding, she knew Harry would not say anything till dinner. With a knowing smile, she turned back to her cooking. Once the meal was ready, Petunia served Harry a generous portion of chicken lemon pasta, accompanied by garlic bread and crispy chicken wings. She also placed a slice of his favorite treacle tart on the table, as she had already cooked it before when she came to know that Harry would be back today.

As Harry dug into the meal, Petunia watched him with fondness, her heart warmed by the sight of her son enjoying her cooking. She chuckled softly as he eagerly devoured each mouthful, his appetite seemingly insatiable.

Watching him stuff his mouth with food, Petunia's thoughts turned to Harry's remarkable transformation. She had spent countless hours researching magical cores after her conversation with Dumbledore, but Harry's case remained a mystery beyond comprehension. As nowhere in the books or any paper she found any evidence of anything even remotely related to his situation. She wanted to ask Harry about it but she didn't want to bring it up until Harry volunteered it himself. 

As Harry finished his meal, Petunia heard the voices of Sirius and Abigail at the front door. Abigail seemed eager, urging Sirius to hurry back so she could be there when Harry returned. Sirius, laughing, assured her that Harry wouldn't be back until evening. Harry smiled at the sound of his sister's enthusiasm, his heart warming at her excitement.

Petunia smiled as she collected the empty plates to put them away in the sink. With a flick of her wand, the dishes began to wash themselves.

Soon, Sirius and Abigail entered the kitchen, their laughter filling the room. Abigail's eyes lit up as she spotted Harry, and she wasted no time in rushing over to him, throwing her arms around him with a joyful squeal.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with delight. "You're back! I missed you!"

Harry chuckled, returning his sister's embrace. "Missed you too, Abby," he replied warmly, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Did you have fun with Sirius?"

Abigail nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! We went to see all sorts of places, and Sirius bought me this amazing dress!" she exclaimed, twirling around to show off her new outfit.

Sirius grinned, stepping forward to hug him. "She's been talking about seeing you all day, Harry," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Couldn't wait for you to get back."

Harry returned Sirius's hug warmly, grateful for his godfather's presence. He then took a seat at the table, motioning for Sirius to join him. Sirius pulled up a chair, settling in with a grin.

"So, how come you're back already?" Sirius asked, curiosity evident in his tone. "Did you Apparate?"

Harry chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah," he admitted. "The train ride back was just too boring."

As Harry sat down, Abigail bounded over and jumped onto his lap, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Harry laughed and tousled her hair affectionately before reaching into his pouch and retrieving the Honeydukes box he had brought for her.

"Got something for you, Abby," he said with a smile, presenting the box to her.

Abigail's eyes widened in delight as she eagerly took the box, her fingers already itching to delve into the assortment of chocolates within. She wasted no time in tearing open the box and sampling its contents with eagerness.

Sirius chuckled at the sight, shaking his head in amusement. "Looks like someone's more excited about Harry's gifts than our little adventure," he teased, a playful twinkle in his eye.

Petunia chuckled softly as she saw Abigail's antics. She was grateful for the bond between Abigail and Harry.

Harry smiled affectionately at Abigail's excitement, but as her energy bubbled over, he gently interjected, "Hey, Abby, I'm feeling a bit sleepy right now. I promise we'll play later, okay?"

Sirius and Petunia exchanged concerned glances, worry flickering in their eyes as they observed Harry's tired demeanor. However, Harry quickly reassured them with a chuckle, "Don't worry, I'm just tired. I could use a little nap before dinner."

Relieved, Sirius and Petunia nodded in understanding, their concern easing at Harry's explanation.

As Harry made his way towards the door, he suddenly remembered his dinner plans. He paused, turning back to face his godfather.

"Oh, by the way, we're having dinner with the Weasleys tonight," Harry informed Sirius. "The twins and I have something important to discuss."

Sirius furrowed his brow in confusion, but he nodded nonetheless. "Alright, sounds good. I'll see you later then," he replied.

With a final yawn, Harry bid them goodnight and retreated to his bedroom, eager for some rest before the evening's festivities. Harry entered his bedroom and flopped down on his bed. He didn't know why he was feeling tired but it certainly felt good to be in his bed again. He quickly drifted off to his sleep.

Harry blinked his eyes open after a long dreamless sleep. Glancing at the clock, he realized it was already late afternoon. With a stretch and a yawn, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his mind slowly clearing of the fog of sleep.

Feeling refreshed from his dreamless rest, Harry made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower, the warm water washing away the remnants of sleep and invigorating his senses. He emerged feeling more awake and alert, ready to face the evening's events.

After changing into fresh clothes, Harry descended the stairs, drawn by the sound of voices drifting from the living room. As he entered the room, he found Vernon and Petunia engaged in conversation, Abigail nestled peacefully on the couch, her head resting on Petunia's lap. Harry smiled at the scene before him, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging wash over him. Harry glanced around, noting Sirius's absence; he must have returned home after their earlier exchange.

Vernon's smile widened as he caught sight of Harry. "Ah, Harry, good to see you're up," he greeted warmly. He got up and hugged Harry. Harry returned the hug, "Good to see you too, Dad". He moved closer to Petunia and Abigail, leaning in to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Abigail's forehead.

"How long has she been asleep?" Harry asked quietly, not wanting to disturb her rest.

Petunia glanced down at her daughter, a fond smile gracing her lips. "Not long. She dozed off just a little while ago," she replied softly.

Harry nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He appreciated these quiet moments with his family, cherishing the simple joys of togetherness.

"We'll be heading to the Weasleys soon, right?" Vernon inquired, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled over the room.

Harry nodded in affirmation. "Yes, we should start getting ready," he replied, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of his surprise ahead. 

"I'll go ahead and tell them about it. You guys come by the Floo. The address would be 'The Burrow'. Give me a 10 minutes head start", Harry said while he got up to Apparate to the Burrow.

Vernon and Petunia nodded in agreement as Harry got ready to Apparate to the Burrow. 

"Ok I'll see you guys in a while", Harry said with a smirk and Disapparated. He appeared in the garden in front of the Burrow. Looking forward at the house he felt a certain warm feeling even though it looked like it would crash down immediately. He walked towards the door and knocked on it. It was opened by none other than Fred who ushered Harry in.

As Harry stepped inside The Burrow, he was greeted by the bustling warmth of the Weasley family home. Fred welcomed him with a grin, gesturing for him to enter further. Harry glanced around the drawing room, where the entire Weasley family was gathered, their eyes fixed on him with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley seemed particularly eager, their anticipation palpable.

"Good evening, everyone," Harry greeted warmly, a smile playing on his lips as he took in the familiar faces of the Weasley family. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Mrs. Weasley waved off his concern with a smile. "Not at all, Harry dear. We've been eagerly awaiting your arrival," she said warmly, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Harry's smile widened at her words. "Well, I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long," he replied, feeling a surge of anticipation building within him as he prepared to share his surprise with the Weasleys.

As Vernon stepped out of the fireplace, he was greeted by the unexpected sight of the entire Weasley family gathered in the drawing room. Their eyes turned towards him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Ah, Vernon, so glad you could join us," Arthur Weasley said warmly, rising from his seat to welcome him.

Vernon's was a bit taken aback by the scene of the entire Weasley family just sitting there. "Er, yes, thank you," he replied stiffly, still not sure what Harry was planning.

Just then, the fireplace roared to life once again, and Abigail followed by Petunia, her expression mirroring Vernon's surprise.

"Petunia!" Molly Weasley exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her. "So lovely to see you again."

Petunia returned the embrace, she too like Vernon was trying to think what Harry's surprise was. Abigail followed behind Petunia and immediately went to sit with Ginny. Meanwhile, Harry stood by the twins, observing the exchange with a mixture of amusement and anticipation. It was time for the big reveal, and he couldn't wait to see everyone's reactions.

"Dad...where is Sirius?", Harry asked Vernon. 

Vernon looked at Harry and said with a chuckle, "He is running late yet again"

Harry sighed and shook his head. Sirius is one character that would never change no matter what the story might be. 

"Looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer," Harry remarked with a resigned shrug, garnering a chorus of groans from the impatient group. Petunia's frustration was palpable, while Vernon attempted to placate her with soothing words.

Abigail was seated with Ginny and they were both taking about something animatedly. Harry looked at the fireplace for any signs of green but was disappointed. Just as he was about to start the fireplace threw out green flames and Sirius Black walked out of it. 

"Sorry I'm late, folks!" Sirius exclaimed, his tone apologetic as he dusted off his robes. "Got a bit turned around in the Floo network."

Petunia's expression softened slightly at Sirius' arrival, though her irritation was still evident. Vernon offered a resigned smile, accustomed to Sirius' habit of running behind schedule.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Sirius, his godfather's knack for causing chaos never failing to amuse him. With Sirius finally present, the anticipation in the room reached a fever pitch as everyone eagerly awaited the big announcement.

"So now that everyone is here, are you guys going to tell us what the secret is?", Petunia asked Harry. Mrs. Weasley nodding her head at her words, eager to learn what important thing her two sons and Harry had to say. 

Fred and George exchanged a knowing glance before turning to face the expectant group. Harry nodded to them, silently encouraging them to proceed, letting them know that he will fill in wherever necessary.

With a confident grin, Fred stepped forward, clearing his throat before launching into their tale.

"It all started one day when Harry tried one of our inventions, the Chromatic Chews," Fred began, his tone animated as he recounted the events. "He seemed to like it and, well, he had this crazy idea of us opening a joke shop together."

George picked up where Fred left off, his expression serious as he continued the narrative. "We were thrilled by the idea at first, don't get us wrong. But then reality kicked in, you know?" he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "We realized we didn't exactly have the funds to make it happen."

Fred and George glanced at each other before Fred continued the story, his expression shifting to one of admiration as he spoke of Harry's ingenuity.

"But leave it to Harry to come up with a solution," Fred said, a grin spreading across his face. "He suggested that we start small by selling our pranks at Hogwarts."

George nodded, picking up the thread of the tale. "It was a brilliant idea, really," he added, his tone laced with admiration for their friend. "But even then, we were facing the challenge of not having enough funds to get started. That's when Harry came up with another proposal."

Fred's grin widened as he went into the details of Harry's proposition. "Harry offered to be our investor," he announced, his voice filled with admiration for their brother's generosity.

George picked up the narrative, his expression serious as he recounted Harry's conditions. "But there were three conditions," he continued. 

"The first condition was that he would get our pranks for free forever," Fred revealed, casting a glance at Vernon and Petunia to gauge their reaction.

Vernon's brow furrowed in skepticism at the seemingly generous condition, while Petunia's expression betrayed a hint of concern.

"And the second condition," George interjected, his voice lowering slightly, "was something we didn't quite like but we had to agree to it as Harry said that he wouldn't invest if that was not the case."

Fred continued, his tone steady as he elaborated on the second condition. "Harry's second condition was that he would receive 10% of our profit," he revealed, bracing himself for the reaction.

Vernon's expression darkened at the news, his skepticism turning into frustration. Petunia's hand flew to her mouth in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"But," George quickly added, sensing their apprehension, "there was another condition to that condition. Harry would only take 10% of the profit if it exceeded 10 galleons. Otherwise, he wouldn't take anything."

Vernon and Petunia exchanged incredulous glances, stunned by Harry's unexpected generosity. Vernon felt a pang of remorse for doubting his son's intentions, realizing that he had misjudged him.

As Fred paused, allowing the weight of Harry's conditions to sink in, the room fell into a thoughtful silence. The other Weasleys, too, were taken aback by the terms of Harry's investment, their expressions a mix of surprise and admiration.

Fred cleared his throat, pushing forward to reveal the final condition. "And the third condition," he continued, "was that Harry wanted to borrow something from us for study purposes."

"We don't want to say what it is that Harry wanted to borrow because he wants to keep this a secret", George explained.

Percy who had been silently listening to everything, spoke out. "So when do you plan to start this business of yours?"

Percy's inquiry broke the silence, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. The twins exchanged amused glances before Fred replied, "Oh, we've already started, Perce."

Harry stepped forward, joining the conversation. "Yeah, we're not sharing this because we're planning to start it," he explained, his voice carrying a note of excitement. "We're sharing it because we've already taken the plunge."

"Already started?" Mrs. Weasley repeated, her tone a mixture of astonishment and pride.

Harry nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Yep, they've been working on it for a while now," he confirmed, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. 

Ron suddenly spoke up, his curiosity piqued. "So all those pranks circulating through school are sold by you guys?"

Fred and George exchanged amused glances before nodding in affirmation. "Yep, that's us," Fred confirmed with a grin. "Our pranks have been more popular than we ever expected."

Ron's eyes widened in amazement. "So, what, you guys made about 2-3 galleons by now?" he guessed, a hint of excitement in his voice.

The twins burst into laughter at Ron's estimation, causing the others in the room to look at them with bemusement. Recovering from their amusement, Fred stepped forward, handing a piece of paper to his father.

As Mr. Weasley read through the paper, his eyes widened in disbelief. He looked up at the twins, his expression a mix of shock and pride. "You won't have to work so hard now, Dad," George said proudly, a smile spreading across his face.