
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Book&Literature
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68 Chs

Christmas Plans

As Harry continued walking through the deserted corridors towards his common room, the castle seemed deserted. It was odd not to encounter any other students, especially considering it seemed to be early in the day. The empty halls stretched before him, the only sound echoing being the soft shuffle of his footsteps against the stone floor. Harry's mind wandered as he walked, his thoughts drifting back to the meet with Praesidius and Embera.

Lost in contemplation, Harry rounded a corner and found himself standing before the portrait of the Fat Lady. It was then that he remembered he didn't ask Dumbledore for the password yet again. He sighed, realizing he would need to go about the other way yet again. 

"Password?", Fat Lady asked.

He let his magical energy out and seep into the portrait yet again. As he had done this before he was familiar with the pathways and magical encryptions. He quickly unraveled the magical encryptions to take a look at the password, which turned out to be 'Pig Snout'. 

"Pig Snout," Harry stated confidently, his voice carrying a hint of relief as the portrait swung open, granting him access to the Gryffindor common room.

He entered the familiar room, he looked around to see that it was crowded with students sitting here and there doing various things. As people noticed him, the room fell silent. Harry scanned the crowded common room, spotting several familiar faces among the sea of students. There was Wood, his Quidditch captain, Alicia, Neville, Seamus, and the twins, Fred and George. All eyes were on him, and he met their gazes with a mixture of surprise and relief.

"Hi, guys," Harry managed to say, his voice breaking the silence.

Suddenly, chaos erupted. Fred and George's simultaneous scream of "Potter is back!" echoed through the room, shattering the quiet atmosphere. In an instant, the common room erupted into a frenzy of excitement. Students leaped to their feet, cheering and clapping as their youngest and most craziest seeker returned. 

Harry found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of hugs, pats on the back, and enthusiastic greetings. As everyone came around to either shake his hand or pat his back, Harry felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of excitement and support. Wood, his Quidditch captain, was just about to say something when he was swept away by the crowd, leaving Harry to navigate the sea of Gryffindors on his own.

Amidst the flurry of greetings and questions, Fred and George seized the opportunity to lift Harry up onto their shoulders, their voices booming with enthusiasm. "Our craziest seeker is back! It calls for a party!" they declared, igniting another round of cheers and applause from the crowd.

As Fred and George eventually lowered him back to the ground, Harry found himself suddenly tackled by what felt like a bundle of curly ginger hair. He chuckled as he looked down to see Hermione, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Harry, you're back!" Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with relief and joy. She squeezed him tightly, her embrace a testament to the depth of their friendship.

"Well hello to you too, Bushy Bunny!", Harry said with a laugh which earned him a punch on his chest. He returned her hug and got them both up to their feet. As Harry got them both up to their feet, Hermione's tight embrace was followed by another bone-crushing hug, this time from Ron. Ron didn't say anything, but his hug spoke volumes, conveying the depth of their friendship in a single gesture.

"Well it certainly is good to be back", Harry chuckled as Ron let go. He turned to beam at his friends. Everyone cheered and pressed Harry to tell about why he jumped from the broom.

Settling into a comfortable spot amidst the group, Harry began to recount the events of the match. "Cedric was just ten inches ahead of me," he explained, his voice carrying a mix of determination and excitement. "I knew I had to do something drastic to catch up to him."

As Harry described the split-second decision to launch himself forward using the momentum of the broom, his friends listened intently, hanging on his every word.

A third-year piped up, curiosity shining in their eyes. "But why did you want to win so badly?" they asked.

Harry smirked, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he replied, "Well, I just wanted to beat the best seeker at Hogwarts. Didn't really think about anything else in that moment."

As Fred and George who had disappeared after declaring the party reappeared, their arms laden with butterbeer bottles and various other treats, the common room erupted into cheers. Students clamored around them eagerly, their eyes alight with excitement at the sight of the goodies.

With mischievous grins, Fred and George made their way to the center of the room, where they hopped up onto a nearby desk, commanding everyone's attention. The cheers grew even louder as they began tossing chocolate frogs into the crowd, causing a frenzy of laughter and excitement as students scrambled to catch the flying sweets. 

As Fred and George hoisted Harry onto their shoulders once more, the room erupted into cheers and applause. With everyone holding their own butterbeer bottles, Fred and George raised theirs in a toast, their voices ringing out above the din of the crowd.

"This is to the safe return of Harry Potter," Fred declared, his voice carrying with it a sense of pride. "The youngest seeker in the century and probably the craziest one in a millennium. This is to the return of our brother."

The common room echoed with cheers as everyone joined in the toast, raising their bottles high in celebration of Harry's return. Harry smiled at the scene. At felt good to be here amongst these guys. 

After about an hour the party died down as the last of the butterbeer bottles vanished.

As the last of the butterbeer bottles vanished and the party began to wind down, Hermione and Ron turned to Harry, their expressions serious yet determined.

"Hey, Harry," Hermione began, "We're going to do some research in the library. Would you like to join us?"

Harry glanced at Hermione and Ron, noting the intensity in their eyes. He considered joining them but decided he needed a moment to himself first. Also he had to talk with Fred and George about the Christmas plans.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," Harry replied with a reassuring smile. "I just need a bit of time to unwind."

Hermione and Ron nodded understandingly before bidding him goodnight and heading towards the library.

As they disappeared from view, Harry scanned the room, searching for Fred and George. He spotted them by the fireplace engaged in animated conversation with Lee Jordan. As Harry approached Fred and George by the fireplace, he overheard their lively conversation with Lee Jordan.

"I nearly clobbered Georgie's noggin, mistaking it for a bludger, all because I couldn't tear my eyes away from Harry!" Fred exclaimed with a grin.

"And if I hadn't ducked at just the right moment, I'd be in the hospital wing too," George replied, his tone laced with amusement.

Lee joined in, chuckling, "The whole stadium was fixated on Harry and Cedric's pursuit of the snitch. Remember how the entire crowd fell silent when Harry took that dive?"

"Yeah, I thought someone had cast a Confundus charm on him," Fred added with a laugh.

"And Cedric? He stood frozen in place, even after the match ended," Lee recalled.

Their laughter echoed in the common room as they reminisced about the thrilling Quidditch match.

As Harry approached Fred, George, and Lee, he couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by their conversation about him. Nevertheless, he gathered the courage to ask if he could join them.

"Mind if I join you guys?" Harry inquired, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"Of course, mate! Plenty of room here," George replied cheerfully, scooting over to make space for Harry.

Lee, always the joker, couldn't resist teasing Harry. "So, Harry, planning on making a habit of jumping off your broom in every match?"

Harry chuckled sheepishly, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Hope not, Lee. Just a one-time thing, I promise."

"You have already done it twice though", Lee pointed out laughing.

Fred and George laughed at Harry's response, affectionately ruffling his hair. Harry then turned to them with a more serious expression.

"Hey, Fred, George, mind if I chat with you both alone for a moment? It's about our Christmas plans," Harry said, his tone indicating there was something important on his mind.

Fred and George exchanged puzzled glances for a moment before realization dawned on them. With a nod, they quickly got up from their seats, gesturing for Harry to follow them.

"Sure thing, Harry. Let's chat privately. Be right back, Lee," Fred said, before they ushered Harry away, leaving Lee behind with a grin on his face.

Once they were in a deserted corridor, away from prying ears, Fred and George turned to Harry, anticipation evident in their expressions. 

"So, spill it, Harry," Fred urged, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Harry, however, started by asking about their business ventures. The twins exchanged knowing smirks before launching into their tale. They revealed that after the Quidditch match, the demand for their prank products had skyrocketed, with sales outpacing their production capabilities.

With a triumphant grin, Fred pulled out a crumpled piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Harry. Initially perplexed, Harry's confusion melted away as he scanned the numbers on the paper. It was a tally of their profits, and the figure was staggering: 2989 galleons.

"And that's pure profit after setting aside your share!" George added with a smirk.

Harry returned their smirks, genuinely impressed by their success.

"Great, now I think we should break the news to your family during the holidays," Harry suggested.

"But Mom and Dad are off to Romania to see Charlie," Fred interjected.

Harry pondered for a moment before replying, "Well, write them a letter saying you have something important to discuss with the whole family. Perhaps now that you guys can sponsor the trip, the entire family can join in on the vacation."

Fred and George exchanged a surprised glance, clearly hadn't considered this possibility before. Harry smiled, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I think I'll join you guys with my family too. So let's the three of us sponsor a family vacation, what do you say?"

Both Fred and George looked excited as they exchanged looks. It seemed they had not thought about this idea before.

"How do we break it to the family?" Fred asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Harry pondered for a moment before replying, "First, write home and tell them you have something important to discuss with the whole family. Then, get Ron and Percy to pack up their things and not decide to stay."

Fred and George nodded in understanding as Harry continued, "I'll apparate all of us back home and help you break the news to your family. It'll be easier if we're all together when we tell them."

Fred and George nodded eagerly, their excitement palpable as they exchanged determined looks.

"We'll go tell Ron and Percy first, then write back home," Fred declared, his tone brimming with newfound enthusiasm.

"And after that, we'll inform Professor McGonagall," George chimed in, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Harry nodded in agreement. "I'll do the same."

With a final exchange of nods, Fred and George hurried off, eager to set their plans in motion. Harry watched them go, a smile playing on his lips. He then turned and made his way to the library, where Hermione and Ron were doing some kind of research. 

As he walked down the corridors towards the library, he absentmindedly thought about the Christmas ahead. It would be a new beginning for the Weasleys. Perhaps one that would ensure generational wealth like the Potters. There is still a lot to do but it definitely is a good start.

Suddenly, a voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to the present. "Mr. Potter!" called Professor McGonagall, hurrying toward him. "I've been calling your name for the past five minutes."

Harry turned, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "Apologies, Professor. I was lost in thought."

McGonagall's expression softened slightly. "Try not to let your mind wander too far, Mr. Potter."

"I'll keep that in mind, Professor. Actually, I was on my way to find you," Harry replied.

"That's rather convenient, as I was just looking for you myself. I need to know if you'll be staying or leaving for the holidays," McGonagall stated.

"I will be going home Professor. I miss my family and I think I would like to spend the Christmas with them", Harry replied with a smile. 

Professor McGonagall nodded, understanding Harry's response. As she turned to walk away, something seemed to tug at her thoughts, causing her to pause and turn back to face Harry.

"Why did you do it, Mr. Potter?" she asked, her tone gentle but probing.

Harry looked at her quizzically. "Do what, Professor?"

"Why did you jump from your broom during the match?" she clarified.

A faint smile played on Harry's lips as he replied, "I just wanted to defeat Hogwarts' best seeker. Nothing more than that."

Professor McGonagall's expression softened, but she searched Harry's face for something more than the simple answer he provided. Finding no further explanation, she shook her head slightly.

"Mr. Potter, you mustn't compromise your life for the sake of winning," she advised earnestly.

"I'll keep that in mind, Professor," Harry assured her.

As she turned to leave, McGonagall hesitated, then turned back once more. "Professor Snape was looking for you regarding a personal project of yours," she informed him before continuing on her way.

As the realization dawned on Harry, he cursed inwardly. How could he have forgotten about the Moonsbane Elixir? Granted, he had only just returned from the hospital today, but it was no excuse for neglecting such an important task. With a sense of urgency, Harry quickened his pace, determined to meet with Professor Snape and get started on the potion.

All he needed were the ingredients, which he was confident that Snape would have already prepared. After all, he was well-versed in the theory behind the potion, having studied it thoroughly. Brewing it should be a piece of cake for him.

With that thought Harry changed direction and headed towards the dungeons, making his way to Professor Snape's office. He walked through the corridors and finally entered the dungeons. He didn't try to Apparate there as he would be in trouble if someone saw it. He didn't want to let anyone know that he could Apparate or Disapparte out of Hogwarts. 

After a while, Harry was standing in front of Professor Snape's office. HarryMarlene Knaus knocked on the door, and Snape's voice promptly invited him inside. As Harry entered the dimly lit office, Snape glanced up from his desk, his dark eyes scrutinizing Harry.

"Ah, Harry! It appears you're finally out of the hospital," Snape remarked, his tone devoid of any warmth.

"Yes, sir. Just got back today," Harry replied, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.

Snape nodded in acknowledgment before asking, "And when would you like to begin with the potion?"

Harry straightened up, eager to get started. "I'm ready whenever you are, Professor," he responded.

Snape considered for a moment before replying, "We'll start after the break. I have several pressing matters to attend to at the moment."

Harry nodded understandingly and prepared to leave. However, Snape's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Harry, try not to jump from your broomstick anymore," Snape said, his tone softer than usual. "Your mother would have had a heart attack if she saw you do that."

Harry's expression turned solemn as he realized Snape was referring to Lily, not Petunia. He nodded in acknowledgment, silently appreciating the sentiment behind Snape's words.

With a final nod, Harry exited Snape's office and made his way towards the library, thinking about what Hermione and Ron could be researching. Now that he thought about it he would have to guide Hermione towards the sorcerer stone yet again. 

"Ah, my life is such a pain! Well at least it's not till the next term", Harry groaned as he turned the corner to stand before the library gate. He opened the gate and walked in, looking around for Ron and Hermione. 

After searching for about ten minutes, he finally found them at a corner of the second floor, huddled around what seemed like 10-15 books. Hermione was reading and Ron was taking notes furiously.

Harry approached Ron and Hermione, who were deeply engrossed in their research. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Hey, guys," Harry greeted them, causing Hermione to look up with a smile while Ron glanced up briefly before returning his focus to his notes.

"Hi, Harry! Feeling better?" Hermione inquired, her tone filled with curiosity.

"Yeah, finally feels like normal even though half of my magical energy is gone" Harry replied, leaning against the nearby bookshelf.

"That's good to hear but also concerning," Hermione remarked, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

"What are you two researching?" Harry asked, peering over Ron's shoulder at the pile of books.

"We're trying to gather more information about magical core. I came across it while reading a book and it seems like it's a new discovery in magic" Hermione explained, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yeah, we thought that if we knew all about this then we would come to know what happened to you," Ron added, his tone determined.

Harry was impressed. They didn't know it but they had guessed that his condition had something to do with the core. 

"That sounds interesting," Harry commented, offering his support.

Hermione nodded eagerly, her enthusiasm palpable. "It is! We're making progress, but there's still so much to learn."

Harry smiled, feeling grateful for his friends' dedication. As he settled in beside them, ready to lend a hand, he was impressed by all the information the two of them had gathered. He did his best to give out remarks here and there, careful not to let slip more than he wanted to. 

After a long while of hearing Hermione drone on about magical cores, Harry had created a basic understanding of what and how exactly does the magical core work. It was definitely interesting that there is the limit of every person but only a few people manage to break this limit. He would have to visit the Room of Requirements Library before going back home.

"So are we done for the day?" Harry asked as he rose from his seat, stretching his arms above his head.

Ron let out a loud yawn and stretched, nodding in agreement. "I sure hope so. My brain feels like it's about to explode from all this research."

Hermione huffed as she carefully gathered the books she had been studying and stood up. "We've made good progress today, but there's still more to do."

Harry waved his hand, and the books flew back to their shelves, neatly arranging themselves. Hermione shot him a grateful smile as she collected the parchments filled with Ron's notes.

"Thanks, Harry," Hermione said, her tone appreciative.

"No problem," Harry replied with a grin.

With their work done, the trio began to make their way out of the library, the sound of their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet space.

As they walked towards the common room, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the upcoming holidays. He turned to his friends and asked, "So, any exciting plans for the holidays?"

Hermione's eyes lit up as she replied, "I'll be going home for a bit, and then my family and I are off to a ski resort for a vacation. It should be quite fun!"

Ron, on the other hand, wore a dejected expression as he muttered, "I'll be stuck here at Hogwarts. Mum and Dad are heading to Romania to visit Charlie."

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at Ron's disappointment, earning odd looks from both Hermione and Ron.

"What's so funny, Harry?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

Harry smirked mischievously. "Oh, nothing. I just think Ron is in for a surprise," he said cryptically. "You should probably go and meet the twins first, Ron. They have something they want to tell you."

Ron looked at Harry with confusion, but before he could ask any questions, Harry simply winked and continued walking, leaving Ron and Hermione to exchange puzzled glances as they followed him to the common room.

"Whatever do you mean by that mate?", Ron kept pestering Harry as they walked towards the common room. 

"Not telling. Ask Fred and George yourself", Harry replied with a smirk. 

Throughout the journey to the common room, Ron persisted in his questioning, but Harry remained tight-lipped, teasing him with cryptic responses. Hermione found the situation amusing and wore a constant smile as they walked.

As they entered the common room, they encountered Percy, who had a peculiar look on his face as he glanced at Ron. 

"The twins are looking for you, Ron. You should hurry," Percy said, his tone unusually urgent.

Confused, Ron turned to Percy and inquired, "Where are you off to?"

"I need to inform Professor McGonagall that I'll be leaving for the holidays," Percy replied matter-of-factly.

"But Mom and Dad are leaving to Romania...", Ron replied.

"Well, you'll have to ask the twins. They seem to have something up their sleeves."

With that, Percy left Ron pondering as he made his way to Professor McGonagall's office. Ron exchanged a glance with Hermione and then turned to Harry, a mixture of curiosity and frustration evident in his expression. Harry just smirked at him which caused Ron to get more frustrated.

Ron huffed and stomped off towards the twins who were coming down from their dormitories. Hermione turned to Harry with a quizzical look. Harry just smirked at her. 

"Not gonna tell me are you?", Hermione huffed.

Harry's smirk got even wider. "Nope, you will have to find out from Ron"

Hermione huffed and stormed off towards her dormitory. Harry just smirked as he imagined all the shocked faces he would be seeing soon. 

Harry settled into an armchair by the fireplace, settling down to watch the scene between the twins and Ron unfold.

He saw the twins briefing Ron about their change of plans, and Ron's futile attempts to extract the reason behind it from them. The frustration evident on Ron's face only added to Harry's amusement.

Internally, Harry smirked at the thought of the pleasant surprise awaiting the Weasleys. He imagined Mrs. Weasley's reaction upon learning about the twins' newfound wealth and couldn't help but grin to himself.

As Ron stormed out of the common room, likely on his way to find Professor McGonagall, the twins flashed Harry a smile and a thumbs-up, signaling that their part of the plan was executed flawlessly. Harry returned the gesture with a nod as he watched the twins head up back to their dormitory, feeling satisfied with how things were shaping up.

Left alone by the fireplace, Harry's thoughts drifted to Christmas gifts for his friends and family. With a smile, he began mentally brainstorming ideas, what could he gift them? Now that he thought, he had quite a few gifts to buy. Well he could think about this later, for now he should start his packing. With this thought Harry got up and walked up the stairs to his dormitory.