
Otherworldly Gunsmith

Anthony, he is a gunsmith who has dived the firearms world for more than 20 Years. He has expertized so many kind of firearms from different types and era, and even modern heavy artillery. Unfortunately, when he starting work at his company "Gun&Smith.co", he must face his fate to be killed in action by rebels who want to occupied the factory. After that, he got called by a god for his last deed. He reincarnated to another world! Unfortunately, instead get pleasure life like he wish from previous life, he must facing another chaos that will come in the future. This is story about a gunsmith who've deal with so many chaos from his previous life, must facing again the chaos in his next life. - Note : This is my first book, probably there are still so many mistakes on my writing skill. Any suggestion always I appreciate and really helped me a lot. Hope you can enjoy this novel. Thanks Illustrator Cover : night.brush https://www.instagram.com/night.brush/

Lightwood_Light · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Warm Up

This time is my day to go to the training centre in this village. Today is my training schedule with my father. This training is for all kids around 8 to 12 years old, but there are no compulsions from the village chief or my father as a chief guard to join this training exercise.

In other words, this is a pure urge from many parents that want their children to join training exercises for their self-defence, and because of that, my father and village chief make a schedule for every kid who wishes to join. Not to mention me, who have been monitored and trained directly by my father, not because I'm his child, but purely my self-objective. And also, my father trains other soldiers. In other words, my training course was identical with the village guards.

"Have you ready?" My father asked me. Looking at me to make sure I'm not leaving anything at the house.

"Hmm… alright… I think I've prepared everything," I answered after checking everything in my bag.

Why do I use a bag if I could use space magic? Because only my parents, Mr Rize and one other person who only know my ability. I want to keep on low profile, especially on my magic skills.

Then we go out and walk to the training centre. That place is near with village gate, and in fact, that place is a training ground for guards.

We walked for a while, greeting some villagers on our way, until around 20 minutes later, we finally arrived at the training centre.

That place is flat, raised ground with a brick floor, and there are few scarecrows alike for training.

I can see other kids have arrived before us. Some kids started playing with a sword, and girls sat at the side of the ground with others and talked about something.

"You wanna join them?" My father asked while looking at me.

"I think I'll join them later, I want warm up and running few times first", I answered, also looking at him.

"Alright… take your time, don't overdo it for training later. We have some great courses today." My father told me. Then he walked to a building, waiting for other guards and preparing for training today.

Then I search for a shady tree, place my stuff and start to warm up until I realize that some girls are trying to run over me.

"IIIVVYYY…" One of them quickly run from afar and try to hug me.

Instead of receiving her hug, I just quickly avoid it.


She fell to the ground right after she failed to try to hug me.

"Uhhh… why you're avoiding me!" The girl cried and shouted at me.

Looking at her face, I recognize that she is my friend, with a chubby face and short body, Belle.

"Umm… reflex I guess?" I respond to her cry with a little smile.

"Sob… I thought I could hug you at least before this hellish training" She is sad that she couldn't hug me.

"Ohh… come on Belle, how could you defend yourself if you keep complaining about training? And isn't you state that you'll become adventurer?" The other girls scolded Belle from back; She is also a friend of mine. Have a more mature body and more height. Her name is Anna.

"Ahh… let me with Ivy today… I want recharge my mana from Ivy!" She keeps griped and doesn't want to join the training today.

I look at her; she is still in the fall position and looks at me with a pitiful face. I could only give him an awkward smile; look at Anna for a little while, but she still shook her head, looking at how clumsy Belle was. Both gave vibes back to my previous life when my child always complained about her mother's assertiveness.

I kneeled on her and patted her head.

"It's alright… don't worry, you can play with me after this training and I promise to pamper you," I said with a smile.

Then her face, from the pitiful and sorrowful face, quickly becomes bright…

"Really?!" In her response to my words, I couldn't help but giggle at her reaction. She looks like my child in my previous world.

"Fufu… of course… why not?" I said that and gave her a pinky promise.

"Okay?! I'll promise to train hard today! Don't forget to pamper me, alright…" After our pinky promise, she hurried to where the children were training.

"Thank you Ivy, without you… I don't know how to deal with her…" Anna said to me with her furious tone.

"Don't worry, Anna, she will grow into a fine woman, so don't worry about her. What you need is searching for the right husband if you bear a child with someone like her," I teased her, and suddenly, her face reddened.

"Hu-hu-Husband?!" Still, with a red face, Anna became nervous with my words; I just laughed to see how red her face was. Exactly like my wife when I teased her, do every female like that? or is it just only my way of treating a woman?

"Yeah, you need partner who will be place to return If you scold him," I said with a smile.

'Even though I have you', She just mumbled about something. Look at me with an embarrassed face. But I don't know what she said exactly.

"hmm… You said something?" I asked her again.

"Ahh… No-nothing… Bye… Don't forget for Belle alright or she will crying again!" She hurried up, covered her face, reminded me and ran away.

"Alright, take care," I said after she ran away.

Then, after my stamina recovered, I walked to a place where I'll train with guards. In a short time, I arrived at the training ground for guards. Looking for someone for a little while, and finally, I found someone I'm looking for.

I approach him, with height than me and has red hair; he is doing slashing training. His name is Zack, like the other two before, he is also a friend of mine and has a 'special' course like me and the other guards.

"Yo…" I greeted him with my old habit, and luckily everyone accepted my casual way of greeting people.

"Ahh… Ivy… ready for training?" He asks and looks at me quickly and then continues her sword training.

"Yep, I've warm up outside" I answered. I look at people around me; I can see many adults joining training today. There are also other children like me of different ages.

Until I realized someone was glaring at me, I kept looking at him while thinking, 'What's wrong with him actually'.

"Just forget about him, Ivy; Gimmy is just suspicious about you because you're a child of Mr Robert… yeah, and also envy because he feels like a loser after you preceded him to get a special training course for children", Zack explained what happened here. This is special for boys if you have a particular training course and are aligned with guards.

"Sigh… why there are some dumb*ss people in this world," I said.

He became more arrogant after getting this training course. Just hope he doesn't become a burden.

"Alright guys… Line up quick, we'll start this training today!" Someone shouted to us, and we could hear every child and guard in there. With that, our training has started.


We start to exercise at first, running, pushing up and sitting up for our stamina. Then continued with swordsmanship, and we learned some stances. In the end, we train paired with others to increase our experience in fighting. As usual, I paired with Zack.

The bell sign rings in the afternoon, and we stop training and rest for a while.

"So, why they hate me?" I continued our conversation before.

"I don't know, but I think because your father considered stealing his father's position as chief guard, probably", He explained with shrugging. Quite logical because his father was a chief guard before, even though he's just a drunkard.

"Yeah yeah… the problem is… why he took his father's problem to me… sigh" I complained about why so many people like this.

"Haha… don't worry, hope he didn't pass the line,", He said, even though there was a chance he would hurt me or do disturbing things.

I look at him; I can see he is proud of his new sword, just a sword with so few ornaments; I don't know what he's talking about, but he wants to repay something.

"I've been feeling bad about him today," I told Zack.

"What? He will hurt you with that decoration?" He asked me; he was also looking at his sword, which was quite a big coin.


"Alright, for closing this training today, is there anyone who want to go to mock battle with other?" My father asked the trainee, some of them mumbling about something, to discuss it until a kid raised a hand.

"I want some mock battle", said someone; I think he is a friend of Jimmy.

"Choose one people who want you to fight", I asked my father to that child.

Pointing at someone, "I choose Alivia to fight with me". Ou, that's unexpected, honestly.

My father was stunned for a while, then looked at me and asked.

"Are you willing to fight with him Alivia?" Ask my father.

"Sure, why not" I answered calmly.

"Sigh, alright… Give a space, everyone," My father ordered to everyone at the training ground.

Then everyone stepped back from the training ground and gave us a space around 10x10 meters.

Then, I come forward. Same with that kid from the opposite side.

"Be careful Ivy, we don't know what kind trick did Gimmy use today", Zack warned me; for a long time, he always used dirty tricks to hurt other kids, honestly.

"Alright, don't worry…" I give him a little smile to ease his worry, then walk to do a mock battle.

"Remember Ivy, you still can retreat if you don't wanna" My father gave me a chance to me; no, he was afraid that this fight would batter my opponent, I guess.

"Nope, I think I can do this, he isn't a bear that I always fought", I said, putting a smile on my face.

"Sigh, alright… don't kill him alright" My father warned me.

"Don't worry, just hurting a little bit no problem right?" I respond to my father's ward.

"Ohh… come on, how long I must waiting father and children flirting each other? This is just a mock battle, you know" My opponent tried to provoke me, followed by laughing from Gimmy and their ally.

We stand at our position, Me and my opponent opposite each other, and my father is in the middle as referee.

"Willy, are you ready?" My father made sure my opponent was ready.

"Yes!" He shouted.

"Alivia, Are you ready?" Like my father did before.


Then, my father raises his hand, signifying that a mock battle will start.

"Three, two, one… Fight!"

Right when my father dropped his hand, both of us quickly rushed to move forward. Until we are close enough, He tries to attack from the upside, and I bring my sword and slash from the downside.