
Otherworldly Bureaucrat

Mathew, a young man who worked in his city administration, uncovered a corruption scheme so big that it would rock the political sphere of his city, but, he, unfortunately, meet his end before even being able to show his proof to the world. He was bitter that after all the work he had done, the culprit would escape punishment, but, little did he expect that he would have another chance at a bureaucrat life, this time, however, in a magical cultivation world.

WrightWater · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Dramatic Turn of Events

The wooden doors of the jail trembled from the Mathew collision and came crashing down.

-" Ouch! What was that?" Mathew's whole body shook from the impact " Did I just use Qi?" He couldn't help but look at his legs in astonishment.

-" Onward everyone! We can only count on ourselves to repay all the injustices!" Mathew heard Simon's voice from deep inside the jail and jolted up he need to focus on the current situation.

Mathew tried to remember the feeling of the energy, and to his surprise, not only his legs but, his entire body began to overflow with energy. " So this is Qi, huh?" Mathew smiled as he began to run again, only to stumble on his own feet and smack down to the ground.

He quickly jumped to his feet and dusted his robes off. -" Maybe I should take it easy." Mathew was overflowing with confidence now that he knew how to use his cultivation abilities. " Governor Envoy! Wait for me!"

On the other side of the city, NIcilaus was laying in his bed as he caressed the hair of a young lady.

-" Tsk! That pig! How dare he treat you like this?" He had a shameless smile on his face, and his hands slowly moved down the woman's head into her bosom. " Don't worry dear… Soon enough I won't need him anymore."

-" Ohh Nicolaus…" The woman leaned her head on his chest and sighed. " Clifton is such a brute… You can't imagine what he is making me do."

-" Oh dear… Don't worry." Nicolaus was about to give the woman a kiss when the door of his room came down. " Who is this? What the hell is happening!" Nicolaus stood up and covered his naked body with the bedsheets. His face had a mixture of fear and rage as he saw the soldiers entering his room. " Who the hell sent you guys?"

Nicolaus wasn't sure if his affair with Andrea, the wife of the noble who he had the corruption scheme with, had been discovered.

-" Nicolaus! Rufus is requesting your presence." The guard shouted as he looked at the half-naked man and the woman on the bed.

-" Rufus? Wasn't he going to sleep? What the hell does he want?" Nicolaus was relieved as it wasn't Clifton who had come, but, he was still suspicious as to why Ruffus's guards were acting so rowdy. " Give me a moment, I need to dress."

-" Just take him to Ruffus." The guard who had spoken threw Nicolaus a scornful gaze and returned his attention to the woman. " Bring this woman too."

-" What do you think you are doing? Are you crazy?" Nicolaus' eyes widened as the guards dragged him out of the room. " Just wait until I tell Ruffus how you are acting!"

-" Silence!" The leader of the guards had an annoyed expression " You will be lucky if you still have your head on your shoulders after today!"

-" Tsk! He was the courage to scam Sir Ruffus, and still acts like he doesn't understand what is happening." Another one of the guards commented as he kicked Nicolaus' butt.

-" Scam Ruffus?!" Nicolaus' face paled as he finally understood what was happening.

Nicolaus and Andrea's faces were stricken with fear as they were taken to Ruffus, and as they arrived there the look on their faces only worsened as they saw a fat man pacing around the entrance of the villa.

-" Andrea?!" The fat man almost fainted from shock, he almost didn't believe what he was seeing. " Why are you naked? What are you doing with Nicolaus?" Clifton's face grew red as he looked at Nicolaus, who was also naked. " Bastard! Don't tell me that you and Andrea were having an affair!"

-" Clifton! Don't misunderstand this! I was in my bed when they dragged me! I don't know where Andrea was." Nicolaus tried to make an excuse, but, he knew that this would be his end.

-" Lies! Lies! Why would Ruffus's guards bring Andrea if she wasn't with you?" Clifton had also been called by Ruffus and had just arrived shortly. " You Whore! Did you cheat me this whole time?"

-" Dear! Don't say something like this!" Andrea trembled with fear, she lived with Clifton so she knew how ruthless the man was. " This is a ploy! Yes! This a ploy by the envoy to cause us to fight!" Andrea was terrified and spewed out the only thing she could think.

-" A Ploy?" A burst of sinister laughter echoed from inside the villa. " The true ploy here is how every one of you thought of me as a fool." Ruffus slammed the villa's door open and faced the group. " Daring to scam me! Don't you fear for your lives?"

-" Scamming you? Do you even have proof to say something like this?" Nicolaus felt scorned, he had to find a way to deal with all of this or he would have no more future in this city.

-" Don't even try to deny it!" Ruffus was even more enraged as he saw Nicolaus trying to play dumb. " A young man came earlier to my room and gave me the documents!"

-" A young man?" Nicolaus froze, he had told one of his trusted guards to dispose of a young tax examiner who came to work for him not long ago. " Impossible! This must be a forgery! Why I would even keep a record if I'm stealing the funds of the city!"

–" Are you still trying to deny it?" Ruffus shacked in rage and turned his attention to Clifton. " And you! It serves you right that your wife is cheating on you! I was the one who helped you to get your noble title, and what you have done? Conspired against me with this sleazy man!"

-" Ruffus! I would never backstab you!" Clifton froze in fear, he had gained everything he had thanks to Ruffus's position, and he could easily lose it if Ruffus learned the truth." It was all those two! I don't have anything to do with it." Clifton's eyes were full of wrath as he stared at his wife.

-" Nonsense!" Ruffus slapped Clifton's face and walked closer to Nicolaus. " The deal was that I would get thirty-five percent of everything! And not only did you two hide the true amount of gold we made, you even began to sell slaves!" Ruffus stomped Nicolaus' body, who could only cower in fear.

Clifton swallowed as he heard Ruffus' words, it looked like he had truly uncovered everything. -" Ruffus! I can explain! Please spare me." He kneeled as he begged the man for mercy.

-" Shut up!" Ruffus spat in Clifton face's and continued kicking Nicolaus, who had already passed out. " My money! I want everything that you guys have stolen from me!"

-" I will give it to you! I will even pay more!" Clifton was too used to the life of a noble and didn't want to lose his position. " Just give me time!"

-" Give you time?" Ruffus was about to start beating Clifton when he heard a group calling for help behind him. " What is happening now?" Ruffus turned around and was shocked as he saw a group of guards rushing to him.

-" A revolt! A revolt!" A guard came screaming in Ruffus's direction. " The citizens are rising up!" The guard froze as he saw Nicolaus' half-naked body on the street. " Good Lord! The citizens even got Nicolaus!"

-" A revolt?" Ruffus cursed as he saw the beaten-up face of the guards. " Tsk! What a damned village!" Ruffus couldn't believe that the guards couldn't even deal with some farmers.

-" Sir Clifton we need help!" One of the guards sighed in relief as he saw the familiar face of the only noble of the village. " Simon escaped from the prison and is heading to your manor! He said that he will set fire to everything you own!"

-" S-S-S-S-Simon? Why is this old man revolting now?" Clifton trembled in fear as the guard mentioned the name of the old man.

-" Just kill him then!" Ruffus couldn't understand why they were making such a fuss.

-" Simon is too strong!"The guard almost started crying. " He was even in the army."

-" In the army? How could you guys arrest him then?" Ruffus felt that his head was about to explode, he never expected that a small visit to this village would turn out to be such a mess.

-" Simon didn't resist his arrest, as if he did he would just end up having to hide in the mountain for the rest of his life." The guard quickly explained the situation to the envoy and urged him to act. " Please! Stop Simon!"

-" Fine so be it! Guards follow me!" Ruffus's face twitched in anger, dealing with a revolt wasn't something he expected when he arrived here

-" What about Andrea and Nicolaus?" Clifton shivered in fear as he saw Ruffus's face.

-" Take care of them!! I will deal with you three after I return."

Mathew watched the governor envoy leave and sighed in relief -" What a dramatic turn of events! I can't believe that there is even a cheating plot!" He quickly jolted up from the bush he was hiding and dashed in Clifton's direction.

Mathew clenched his fist with all the strength he had and punched Clifton's head, all of Sigbert's memories involving the fat noble were pretty bad causing Mathew to have a natural hatred toward him.

-" This is for Sigbert!" Mathew screamed as he saw Clifton smash into the ground.

Mathew felt a strange blooming of happiness after punching the noble, he didn't know if this was Sigebet's influence on him or if he had just grown to dislike everyone involved in his current situation.

Mathew took some time to appreciate the view of the two scumbags that caused Sigebert so much trouble laying on the floor, and only then rushed to the envoy's room. He didn't even care about the remaining guards in the villa, as he knew was pretty confident in dealing with them.

Mathew quickly arrived in the room and sent the door down with a kick. -" Fuck! Where are the scrolls?" Mathew searched the entire room, but, the scrolls were nowhere to be found. " Don't tell me that he took them?" Mathew was sure that the man or the guards that accompanied him didn't have anything on their hands.

-" Huh? You again?" One guard the leftover guards came to see what caused the noise and was surprised to see the man that they had taken to the jail a few minutes ago. " This fucker doesn't know when to give up." The guard unsheathed his sword and was about to point it in the direction of the man, but, Mathew swiftly gave the man a flying kick directly to the face.

-" The Scroll! Where did you take them?" Mathew grinned, he thought that he would have to search for the entire villa for the scrolls, but, he was lucky that there was still someone there.

-" Do you really think that I'm going to give them to you?" The guard had his face full of resolve.

-" Oh?" Mathew's grin grew even wider as the guards tried to resist. " I think that you should meet my dear friend." Mathew planted one of his legs on the ground and the other on the man's stomach and opened his palms.

-" What do you think you are doing? Just wait for Ruffus to co———" The man was mid-speech when Mathew slapped his face.

The slap was so powerful that the man saw the world around him spinning. -" Fucker! Just wait for——————" Just like last time, Mathew slapped him again, but, this time on the opposite side cheek.

-" So what do you think of my friend?" Mathew never thought that slapping someone would be so satisfying.

The guard's eyes spun around, he felt that any more slaps from the man would take his brain out of place." T-T-The scrolls are in the last room to the r-r-right." The guard had enough of the man's beating and finally gave in." Please don't slap me no more." Not only were the slaps weres painful, but they were also pretty humiliating too.

-" Oh? I guess that you didn't like my friends very much." Mathew finally took his leg off the man's body.

The guard sighed in relief as he thought that his beating was finally over, however, his relief was short-lived as Mathew raised his hand, and slapped him once again.

Mathew had used all the strength he could muster, and the guard was knocked out cold from the final slap´. " To think that he thought that I would let him go freely…" He shook his head as he headed in the direction that the man pointed.

The room was completely dark, and Mathew had to get one of the candles that lit the hallway to see the room. " What the hell are all those things?" Mathew was puzzled, the room was completely empty aside from two chests, Mathew had to put some force to break the lock on one of them, and was stunned to find that the entire chest was filled with coins. " Are those silver coins?" Mathew took one of the coins and looked at it closely, the coin was completely white and had the face of a man engraved in it.

Mathew gulped as he couldn't even fathom how much money the envoy was getting from this scheme, " They must have made quite the bank, huh?" Mathew approached the second chest and broke its lock too, Mathew took a deep breath as he saw the scrolls laying on top of the pile of silver coins. " Now all I need is to warn Simon." He grabbed the scrolls and rushed outside only to find a crowd of people running away from the village's center.

-" Everyone run! The envoy is too strong!" One of the men shouted as he sprinted to the forest on the outskirt of the village.

Mathew was confused by what was happening and grabbed one of the fleeing men. " Where is Simon? Why is everyone running away?"

-" Simon is facing the governor envoy, he told everyone to run!" The man's face was completely bruised. " The envoy is too darn strong! Not even Simon can win against him."

Mathew almost dropped the scrolls as he heard the man's words." What are we going to do now? What about Simon?"

-" Just run! Simon told us that someone is already on his way to the governor to tell him what is happening." The man freed himself from Mathew's grasp and sprinted out of the village.

-" Someone is already on the way…" Mathew knew that this someone that Simon spoke of was him, he knew that the only way to resolve the situation was to go to the governor, he was worried about what the envoy would do to Simon, but, only he could take the scrolls to the governor. " Please be safe, Simon." Mathew slapped himself as he calmed down, and searched Sigebert's memories for the direction of the capital city of this province.