
Otherworlder's Adventure In The Dungeon

There was a nameless soul who was granted the chance to reincarnate in another world, and it accepted. It was given the chance to customize it's appearance and starting skills and then thrown into the new world. Quite literally. This is the story of a nameless soul's adventure in a dungeon-fantasy world which is very familiar to a certain anime. NOTE: This is a Danmachi fanfic which has the purpose of fuelling my imagination, I don't own the characters that appear in the fanfic, only my MC. Another Note: I don't own the cover.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

[Arc 1]Chapter 4

Ryu Lions' POV

'Nhmm..', I yawned as I brought myself off my bed. I brushed my teeth and then put on some clothes. The clothes I chose to wear were a simple long sleeved green shirt and straight brown pants. I wore leggings and put on my leather boots.

"Hmm.", I let out a noise of appraisal as I looked at myself in the mirror.

My ears are nice and long, and my green hair is shoulder length. My blue eyes that carry some light are also stable, there's no sign of the despair I felt that day. It's already been a long time, and I'm quite thankful to Syr for giving me this new chance. Though, my desire for revenge will never die.

There was a steel glint that appeared in my eyes, and when I realised that it was there I tried my best to soften it - or as much as I could to soften it - then I tried to give a small smile. The small smile felt stiff, hence I stopped.

"Haaa...", I sighed briefly and equipped a sword and then headed to exit my room, however before I exited I threw on my green cloak.

"I'm heading out.", I said briefly to Mia.

"Have a safe trip, and be back before we open.", she said with a smile, while counting the valis she earned yesterday.

I exited the bar and then headed towards the dungeon. I'm quite thankful to Mia for lending me a room to sleep at the bar, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same. Everyone who works at the bar is hiding something, but thankfully she made three rules. One, no prying. Two, no slacking. Three, take disputes outside.

On my way to the dungeon, I saw the sun was beginning to rise. 'I should speed up my pace', I thought while putting more power in my legs.

When I arrived I saw that there were already a few parties already entering the dungeon, and just decided to enter the dungeon myself.

I headed towards floor 12 because that's where the strengthened orcs are. They're also humanoid which should help me train.

On the way I killed many monsters such as: kobolds, goblins, war shadows and killer ants. It took overall around 15 minutes to run through them, and it makes sense considering I'm [Level 4].

I killed all the monsters who were trying to attack me and headed to the monster rex - The floor boss - and then I drank a potion which decreases my [Level] to [Level 1] temporarily. It's surprising what you can find on the black market.

I headed towards the monster rex orc and waited for it to notice me.

"Guh? GAAAAAAH!", the orc gave a questioning look at first, then when it realised that I was there it lunged towards me.

The moment the orc's weapon tried to attack me, I dodged and let it sink into the ground. While it was attempting to lift it's axe from the ground, I jumped on the axe and leaped towards his eyes and cut them both.

"GAAAAAAAHHHHHH!", the orc screamed in agony.

"Hmph.", I humphed when I put more power into my legs and flipped over to its behind.

"Ha!", I then reached out towards my blade at sliced it's head off.


I landed on the ground while pointing my swords towards the standing corpse. I only let my guard down once it vanished and became a large magic stone. I opened my satchel and then sucked the magic stone inside it, like all the others.

"Tch. Not enough.", I clicked my tongue.

After killing the monster rex, I proceeded to clear the floor and then on my way to exit the dungeon I continued to clear the remaining floors.

After I left the dungeon, I jumped from roof to roof and then arrived back at the bar. I entered and then headed towards my room to get dressed.

I later arrived in the kitchen in a different attire. The attire I was currently wearing consisted of: a green above the knees dress with long puffed sleeves and a white collar, a white apron and headband, a small orange bow tie under the white collar, black leggings and small brown ankle boots. It resembles a maid attire, but it fits in more in a bars rather than a mansion.

"I'm back.", I said to Mia.

"Good, Your early!", Mia smiled widely while giving me the first batch of customers. It looks like this time it's mine and Chloe's shift.

It's the morning so there should be less troublesome fellows. I really, really pity anyone who works the night. That's when all the troublesome adventurers and drunkards arrive.

The people who come in the morning are all good folk, it's probably because they're all citizens. Adventurers are just too arrogant to eat a meal in peace. Even some of my former party members were arrogant too, however they kept it to a minimal level. These adventurers on the other hand, are too arrogant and reckless for their own good.

A few hours passed of serving the respectful customers however...

"Come on, missy!", a drunk rugged voice said pervertedly towards a young woman, who looked no older than 15 years old.

Me and Chloe looked at each other and began to communicate through our eyes.

'You do it.', she glared towards me.

'No, you.', I replied.

'But I did it last time too...', she glared while looking depressed.

I sighed deeply and replied with:


'Yipeee~', Chloe looked at me enthusiastically.

Hah... I walked towards the drunkard and incited a conversation.

"Sir, please refrain from disturbing the other customers.", I said in a monotone voice.

"GAHAHA... You want to become mine too?", the drunkard responded.

Hah... Why can't they ever just listen to reason? The alcohol isn't even that strong. I pried the customer away from drunkard and did what was normal.

"GUHAAAA!", the drunkard screamed as he was blasted through the entrance and landed outside.

"Please come again, when you are feeling clear-minded.", I said with a hint of disgust.

I was going to head back inside but I heard something.

"Uuuh...", someone groaned.

Yes, that was a groan. Not a rugged groan, but a youthful groan. I facepalmed when I realised I once again did it, but this time it wasn't someone old it was someone young.

My face paled as I kicked the drunkard off the youth. The youth had black hair, and was wearing simple clothing. I opened his blue eyes, only to see that he was unconscious. When I was busy fretting, I heard someone clear their throat.

"Ahem.", it was a slightly deep feminine voice.

I could visibly feel my face paled even more. I sighed deeply, and then did the only thing I could.

"Would you like to have him rest in a spare room?", I said slightly nervous.

"Yes, I would.", she said with a scary smile.

That was my first encounter with the boy who would later be known throughout Orario, and beyond.