
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The Demon Realm (7)

"Ugh… cough."

With both my body and spirit completely shattered, I had no choice but to crawl on the ground towards the library. Life had really been too tough; it was unbearable.

I was gradually getting used to it, not thinking about Earth nowadays. But now, I truly longed for the life I had back then.

If I could go back, I'd even enlist ten times over.


But I couldn't return. I initially ended up here because I died. I was here in this state because I died, so what was the use of talking about going back or anything like that?

Thinking about it made me feel so down that I thought I might vomit. Who could possibly understand the feelings of someone whose original body was shattered and ended up in the netherworld?

"Olio. Gambas Alhaio."

—Shuffling sounds.

As I crawled up the stairs with great difficulty, like a miserable worm, I finally reached the floor with the library.

"Huh? That's odd."

A calm voice came from the side.

"Who's there? I thought I was the only one searching for the library?"


Looking, I saw a girl of a similar age to the demon girl who laughed at me earlier. She was tilting her head, holding a dark book close to her chest, and looking at me.

A girl with long dark hair… wearing a fancy dress of a dark hue. She didn't look particularly fierce. On the contrary, she appeared cute and pretty, but I already knew.

Demons approached me like this to mock me.

"And why are you crawling there… Wait, are you the brother? The one participating in the Demonic Advent Ritual this time?"

How the hell did everyone know?

These guys didn't even have smartphones. Where were they getting this up-to-date news? If there was such a community, let me know. I'd ask on the spot what the Demonic Advent Ritual was about.

"Ah, yes. That's me."

I tried to keep my composure, preparing myself for any mockery I might hear.



The girl, who had been holding a large book, set it on the ground and crouched down in front of me.

"You're pitiful… You're going to die if you go."

Then she looked down at me with a gaze similar to how one would look at a pitiful puppy.

"So that's why you were crawling? Because you know you'll die, and you're in despair."

Sharp observation.

It was genuinely saddening.

So much so that the emotions welled up inside me.

"Sniff… sob!"

"Huh? Are you crying, brother?"


"Oh my, what should I do? Hold on. Please, don't cry, brother."

For a moment, I let out a cry. The girl reacted as if she genuinely pitied me and tried to touch my head.


I immediately burst into tears!!!


And then, I cried out! With a pleading look on my face!

"Sis, can you help this pitiful brother out?!"


A startled expression.

But there was a possibility of evoking sympathy!

"Please! Please help me!"


I quickly lunged forward, grabbed the girl's ankle, and wailed pathetically!

"Kyah! Wha- what are you doing?! Wait! Speak clearly! You want help?"

Did she react to my plea for help? Definitely! She was showing pity towards me! And she looked young! If she was young, she might be soft-hearted! I was like that when I was young, too!

I was aiming for that!

"Sniffle…! Help, please help me… Please save me, sob!"

"What… what do you need help with… This is difficult… If you're like this…"

Even though I was holding onto her ankle and crying, the girl just stood up. She didn't show any sign of kicking my hand away… There wasn't even firmness in her tone!

This might work!


And so, I cried out even louder!

Like a baby!

"Alright! I'll help, so stop crying, brother. Oh my. What am I going to do with this…"


I found a mark.

The library was quiet since no one was using it. Even the librarians were summoned beings with non-human forms, so they made no sound. Occasionally, the sound of flapping wings or squelching was heard, but it couldn't even be considered noise.

"My name is Karutiya. Karuti Bellacruel."

The girl who took me to what she called her designated seat introduced herself after seating me.

"And your name, brother?"

"I am Kyuse… Kyuse Bellacruel."

"Stop crying and tell me."

I immediately wiped my tears away and nodded.


"Yes, I'm done."

With a clear view, I looked straight ahead.

She looked very prim and proper, and she was beautiful. I was certain now. This girl would grow up to have a beauty akin to the Duchess, whose beauty could stop one's heart.

But there was no comparison.

Unlike the cruel demon race that drove their offspring into the abyss of death, the girl named Karuti in front of me had extended her hand to me.

She possessed a human heart.


And right now,

Shamefully, after pleading, crying, and clinging to Karuti, who possessed such a human heart, I managed to get her help. It was so pathetic. It was too pitiful for me, a former soldier of Korea, especially one who served the army till the rank of staff sergeant, to be begging a kid much younger than me for help.

But it was inevitable.

If it was for survival…

I might even lick someone's shoes like a dog. I had that courage right now. The courage to lick someone's shoes! Who without courage would do such a thing? I was braver than anyone! I would bravely push through!

"Alright. It seems you're ready to talk. So, Kyuse? Let me start by asking this. Why did you come up to this floor of the library?"

"Ah, about that."

While I did receive help, Karuti seemed very powerful. Firstly, her horns were quite aesthetically pleasing, and the aura she emitted wasn't ordinary. The more I observed, the more I felt that inheriting the power of the Duchess would make one's appearance resemble hers more.

"It was also crawling up, right?"

"That… Karuti, can I call you that?"


"Karuti. Do you know about my situation?"

"That you'll be participating in the Advent Ritual? I've heard. Rumors have been circulating for a while now. The lower-ranked families in the palace were worried they might be chosen, but you, Kyuse, were the one picked."

She knew it well.

"You definitely look weak. You seem to have a good background. Was there an issue during your creation?"

"You know that much?"

"Roughly. But not in detail. Only the Duchess would know that. Anyway, why the library?"

"That's because I don't know anything about the Advent Festival or anything of that sort."


I briefly explained my background.

Whether it was a problem with my head or not, I had almost no magical power, and due to a serious defect in language acquisition, I couldn't learn to speak and lived as an outsider. Because of this, I lacked almost all the basic knowledge a demon should possess. In the midst of this, the Duchess called me, and it felt like the declaration of the end of my life, or rather, my demon life.

"Poo-… That's pitiful…"

After hearing my story, Karuti covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes misting over. It seemed she genuinely pitied me.

"Pitiful, isn't it?"

"So that's what happened… The Duchess can be merciless in such matters… She's affectionate, but that's about it. She sees us as mere tools."

Karuti looked somewhat sad as she spoke.

She probably yearned for her mother's love.

"As something that can be used and replaced whenever necessary… Sigh. Anyway, had you grown up normally, you might have lived in the palace with me. It's truly pitiful that you turned out to be a failure. So very pitiful…"

I was too pitiable to even reply.

That pitiable existence was me.

"Exactly. That's the situation. So, I know nothing. And no one will tell me."

"No one will tell you?"

"That's why I came to the library, to look for information. I thought knowing and learning more would increase my chances of survival."

"So you came to the library for information?"


As I nodded, Karuti suddenly said,

"Heh, indeed."

With a tone of pride or perhaps one of pleasure…

"The library is the best place for information! Most demons wouldn't know that! You're quite knowledgeable!"

She exclaimed.

"You like books too, right? Huh? Hmm?"

"Well… somewhat? But I don't know much about them."


What was with her? Did she have a reading hobby? The atmosphere around her, along with the large magical book she was carrying, suggested a fondness for books.

She seemed delighted that someone shared her interest.

Indeed, she was still a child. Despite her cruel demon nature, there remained a trace of innocence. Unbelievably adorable.

"Then Karuti will help you! The library has quite a few complex books, you know! It'll be hard for you to choose! You'll need Karuti's assistance!"





"Th-thank you!!! Karuti!!! Thank you so much!!! You're my savior!!!"

"Savior might be… a bit much. But, more importantly, how about this place, Kyuse oppa?"

"This place?"

"Here! My designated seat!"

Karuti twirled around, spreading her arms as if gesturing to take in the surroundings.

Come to think of it, she did mention her "designated seat."

The place I was sitting in was a space between the giant bookshelves of the library. But it wasn't just an empty space.


It resembled a child's block playpen.

Thick books were stacked on top of each other to form walls, and even the ceiling was covered in books. It felt like those secret bases we used to make and play in as kids. Decorations with parchment and scrolls were also present, and it even had lighting, making it feel cozy.

"It's like a house made of books? It feels like some secret cozy spot."

"Right?! I made this with all the books I've read!"

"You've read all of these?"


Karuti answered, her eyes shining as if she was quite pleased.

Her reading amount was impressive for someone her age.

"Wow. You really love reading, don't you, Karuti?"

"I do!"

A pure smile.

"So, ask anything you want to Karuti!"

She was genuinely a kind-hearted girl!!!!!!!!

I felt like I was about to burst into tears!!!!!!