
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The Demon Realm (5)

"Such a peculiar child, isn't he?"

A child with such an unusual character.

The Great Duchess of the Demon Realm, Keraxis, had laid numerous eggs throughout her existence and, as expected, had many children under her wings. However, this was the first time she encountered a child with such a demeanor.

All her children blindly followed her.

The Five Dukes of the Demon Realm. Her being able to occupy one of those positions was largely due to having children willing to throw their lives away for her.

Of course, even without her children, Duchess Keraxis was formidable. She was arguably one of the strongest in the Demon Realm. But mere strength was not enough to become a Duke governing one-fifth of the Demon Realm.

Alongside absolute power, there needed to be something that transcended that power.


The blind loyalty of her children.

She didn't feel such loyalty from the child named Kyuse. What could be the reason? Was he a failed creation that turned out this way?

Above all…

"Where did such a personality form?"

It was genuinely an alien character.

"I am curious, though."

While her curiosity was piqued…

"I can't be too harsh on a beloved child."

She had no intentions of capturing and interrogating or dissecting him for research. After all, wasn't he a lovable son? Even if they just met, their relationship remained unchanged.

Especially since they had a pleasant conversation. She won't engage in any harsh actions, especially since he has to partake in the Demonic Advent.

"I wonder if he'll manage?"

Thinking of her son, who might perish in the middle realm, saddened her. The Duchess held her chest, feeling the weight of her sorrow. Having lived for so long had made her emotions somewhat muted, but… if she said it didn't hurt, that would be a lie.

"It's quite pitiable."

Even if she was seeing this face for the first time today and devoid of any real affection, it was impossible not to feel pain at the thought of letting go of a child.


That was all there was to it.

She loved her children. She was pained by the thought of them dying. But that wouldn't make her change her decisions.

Even now, many of her children, belonging to the slave class, toiled mercilessly. The Duchess wouldn't rescue them. Thinking of her children living as slaves pained her heart, but she felt no more than that.

Similarly, her heart ached when she thought of the numerous children battling fiercely against the angels of the High Heavens at the Demon Realm's frontlines. But it couldn't be helped.

It was just something that needed to be done.

For the Duchess, her children were just such entities.

Used according to their utility, living to execute her commands, and eventually facing their demise. She felt pity but never stopped any of this.

Of course, the Duchess did feel a slight wonder about her emotional state.

"Would I feel different if I truly bore a child?"

She looked down, gazing at her abdomen.

— A gentle stroke.

And she caressed it softly.


If she were to conceive a child, truly, by receiving the seed of another being… wouldn't she feel something different? But that had never happened. After all, Duchess Keraxis had never once received the seed of another male.

"The Demonic Advent."

A ritual now considered antiquated and hardly taken seriously by any demons. A ceremony with no significant meaning and used only for other purposes.

In the past, the Great Demon King, Ozvalca Palos, single-handedly invaded and subjugated the Middle Realm. He ruled. He dominated.

The demons who occupied the Middle Realm shined brighter and were more powerful than those who came before or after.

Hoping for such a being to emerge again, the demons held the Demonic Advent and performed the ritual.


A heat arose within her.

"Sigh… sigh…"

Could such a magnificent being appear once again?

If a demon king truly descended upon the Middle Realm… Yes. She would consider such a demon to be her husband.


Such thoughts embarrassed her slightly.

She, too, was a demon. A cruel, powerful, and ruthless lord of the Demon Realm, but when she heard the term "Great Demon King", a deep part of her heart fluttered. Ever since she was a young girl, she had admired the concept of a Great Demon King.


Of course, that was unlikely.

Not a single demon had achieved its true purpose throughout the countless Demonic Advents. That was why the Demonic Advent had become an antiquated ritual. Without results, it naturally faded. Nowadays, wasn't it used more for other purposes than hoping for the advent of a new Demon King?

"The Demon Realm, too, will fade."

Under the absolute ruler known as the Holy Archangel King, the angels of the High Heavens had completely unified. Meanwhile, the demons were divided after the Great Demon King's death, fighting amongst themselves.

For the Demon Realm to persist, a Demon King must be born.

Everyone knew it, but with the state of the Demonic Advent ritual being what it was, they could do nothing but sigh.

"Perhaps I should rest a bit earlier today."


With a gesture, the Duchess conjured a sinister-looking gate. Rising from her throne, she stepped through the gate, heading straight to her bedroom.

—A space where only darkness prevailed.

Before she knew it, the Duchess was unclothed.

Her ample chest and slim waist contrasted with her wide hips, and every curve of hers seemed brimming with maternal allure. The sight of her, so full of sensuality that could stir desire and passion in any onlooker, was proof that she was the mother of countless children.

Even the darkness couldn't conceal the Duchess's beauty. She climbed onto her bed, leaned against the headboard, and slightly parted her legs.

"Sigh… sigh… Oh, uh, mmm…"

It was time to lay an egg.

It was the only respite for the cruel Duchess of the Demon Realm.

"Insane woman…!"


"Psycho bitch!"

I was left with nothing but curses!

"She's ruthless…! And cruel! She treats me as if she's euthanizing a pet!"

Whenever the Duchess looked at me, she spoke with genuine sympathy in a soft tone, saying she felt sorry and heartbroken. But that exact demeanor was what made her seem so psychotic!

What mother in the world tried to kill her child with comforting words!

Insane bastards!

They were truly mad!

Already, these demonic creatures were insane, but if one of them possessed the utmost power, then she was bound to be crazier than the rest!

"These demon bastards…!"

I never liked them from the moment I was reincarnated! I despised all of them! I could never forgive them!

I was truly screwed! Seriously screwed!


No lies, but I, someone who had no luck, ended up being chosen to descend the Middle Realm to play the role of a Demon King that wasn't even in my destiny!

I never imagined she would treat me kindly on the surface, acting motherly, and then utter such cold words! That hurt me even more!!!

"Someone save me…!"

There was no escaping. Hadn't I lived in the Demon Realm for nearly 10 years? Escape was impossible. I would be compelled to descend to the Middle Realm without any resistance!

I felt like going mad from the injustice, but perhaps this was the fate of the weak. It was something that couldn't be fought against.

"I have to find a way."


I finally heard a glimmer of hope.

"If you show results… you can return."

The Duchess clearly said so. She promised she'd secretly rescue me if I displayed potential after descending to the Middle Realm.

To be honest, being rescued and returning to this crazy Demon Realm was a bit absurd, but after spending almost 10 years here, I had come to think of the Demon Realm as my home.

It was like when you were in the military. During a night march, as soon as you saw the barracks in sight, you felt like you had finally returned home. It was that kind of feeling.

Living in the Demon Realm was a hundred times better than dying in the Middle Realm. After all, I was a demon. Just as fish live in water, demons should live in the Demon Realm.

"To do that… I have to survive no matter what!"

I had no choice but to work hard in the Middle Realm, whether it was as the Demon King or anything else!

Honestly, being a Demon King seemed a bit much. Maybe a Demon Lieutenant or Demon Captain, but ascending to the role of Demon King seemed too hard.

"But I have no other choice."

I needed to do whatever it took to survive.

"I need information."

I needed to gather information, whatever it was. That was the only way to live.

I couldn't just wallow in despair. That was a guaranteed death. I couldn't die like this…! I was reincarnated after a ridiculous and unjust death; I couldn't die in such a miserable way again!


Thankfully, I was allowed to stay in this palace. Given that I was confirmed to participate in the ritual, I could probably leverage the Duchess's authority. If I asked something, there was a high likelihood they'd answer.

"But what exactly does a Demon King do?"

I truly didn't know anything.

I was a blank slate.

First, I needed to find out about that. How did the Demonic Ascent Ceremony work, what were the criteria to be acknowledged as the Demon King, and what should I, as a demon named Kyuse, do to increase my magic power and battle prowess…

"You there."

While engrossed in thought, someone called me.

It was a female demon with magnificent horns. She seemed beautiful for a moment, but having just seen the Duchess, she looked rather ordinary.

Really… she was beautiful.

"I've received the Duchess's orders. I will guide you."


So she was here to guide me?

Let's follow her.