
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Strengthening My Foundation (3)

"Eek, what?!"

Karuti let out a scream.

"K, Kyuse oppa, what are you doing?!!!"

She hadn't been able to monitor for the past few days because she was busy. Finally having some time, she started the video with excitement, but a shocking scene unfolded before her.

—Zzup… Zzup…


Though the screen had a bit of static, identification wasn't an issue. What was identified was, unmistakably, an intimate act between a man and a woman.

"What happened?!"

Karuti, surprised and blushing, covered her eyes with both hands. But she slightly spread her fingers to secretly peek at the screen.

—Zzup… Zzup…

"My goodness…!"

But something seemed strange.

"Why would someone do such a perverted act!"

She thought it was a scene of them making love, but it wasn't. Kyuse, who was holding the dryad from behind, wasn't penetrating her but rubbing his private part between her thighs.

"Oh my! What should I do!"

What kind of perverted act was this?

"Oh my goodness!!! Go away!"

Pushing aside a demon horse that was having a fit, Karuti refocused on the video, of course, covering her eyes with her hands.

—Zzup… Zzup…

—Zzup… Zzup…

The two were completely engrossed in their act.


She knew Kyuse slept with the dryad, but seeing them do this was a first. What happened? Why were the two so engrossed in such a perverse act?

With these questions in mind…

"Could it be?"

A sudden thought struck her.

"Could Kyuse oppa… not know?"

Could Kyuse not know how to have intercourse?

Because he didn't receive sex education?

So, instead of normal intercourse, he was doing this perverted act?

No. More than anything, did one need to be told to know this? Karuti might not be well-informed herself, but she very well knew that this wasn't a normal act.

"It shouldn't be done like that…"

Whether it was wrong or right, Kyuse kept rubbing his part against the dryad's thighs. As if he couldn't stop because it felt too good. As if he firmly believed that doing so could impregnate a woman.


Gently. She rested her hand, which had been covering her eyes, on her lap. She leaned forward and slightly squinted her eyes.

—Zzup… Zzup…

—Zzup… Zzup…

—Zzup… Zzup…


Karuti couldn't turn off the video.


Until it turned off by itself.

"Why is this the end?!"

Of course, after giving her sex education, I found myself engaging in thigh fucking with Sharan every night… We were, after all, a man and a woman sharing the same space. We were often in physical contact, and it was hard to control the urges.

"Sharan, Sharan…!"




Savoring the feeling between Sharan's thighs, I uncontrollably continued to stimulate myself. It felt as if every sensation I experienced was centered there.

All the stress from my rigid life melted away during this thigh fucking.

"Master… Is Sharan's private area comfortable? Is it?"

Perhaps because her private area was stimulated during our thigh fucking session, Sharan occasionally caressed herself. She expressed feeling at ease and seemed to enjoy it.

That wasn't all.


I could distinctly feel the upper part of my private part being grazed by a rigid protrusion. Yes… It was Sharan's clitoris. Her erect clitoris slid back and forth over mine.

Seeing her clitoris react, it was clear Sharan was also feeling something. But she probably didn't realize what she was feeling.


As usual, I ejaculated on the inside of Sharan's thigh. I repeated this countless times. I ejaculated several times, and each time, Sharan scooped up the semen and licked it all up.

"Haah… Sharan."

"Master, is it over?"

"Yes. It's over now…"

After climaxing five times consecutively, I was completely drained.

"Then, should we sleep together?"

"Yes. Let's."


Suddenly, Sharan released her energy. A purplish aura emerged around us, cleaning both our bodies.

It was incredibly convenient.

"Master, should I turn around?"

"No, let's sleep just like this."

"Is it okay if Master's face isn't buried in Sharan's bosom?"

"It's fine today. Thanks, Sharan."

"Sharan is also thankful to Master. Sha-sha."

With that, I closed my eyes while hugging Sharan.


I was aroused again.

"Master. It's morning."

"Huh… Already?"

When I opened my eyes, Sharan was shaking my shoulder. And below her face, I could see Sharan's heaving bosom… My member was already as hard as it could be, thanks to the morning arousal.

"Sharan, will you greet me good morning then?"

"Yes, Master."


Sharan immediately grabbed my aroused member.



She started gently rubbing it. My head instinctively tilted back, my breath taken away. And just after a short while of her touch, Sharan took my member into her mouth.



A powerful sense of pleasure encompassed my brain.

I merely taught her the "morning greeting" method, which was fellatio, but Sharan completely fell for it. Hence, she was servicing me early in the morning.




I climaxed deeply in Sharan's mouth.

"Shaashaashaa. It tastes so good."


Well, roughly, that was my morning.

"Thank you, Sharan. I love you."

"Sharan also loves Master."

After that morning greeting, I stood up. Feeling refreshed after relieving the morning arousal.

"Guys! Get up! Let's eat!"


When I shouted, I could hear Buril's voice from the other side. The subordinates would prepare the meal on their own. I went outside the dungeon and started the military calisthenics.


Sharan was following the calisthenics beside me. Her moves were so adorable that I touched her ears.

"Sharan is so cute."

"Sha, shaashaa… Thank you, Master…"

"Hehehe, yes."

Well, that was roughly how the morning went. There was plenty of hobgoblin smoked meat, so I had a quick breakfast and then went to the waterside to carry out the main morning tasks. I had to fill the water container.

"Really, Sharan. This water container is amazing."

The water container made by Sharan was truly the best. Now, I could store and drink water in bulk.

"Should I make another one?"

"No, today's good."

Having collected the water, the official morning tasks began.

"Alright, guys! Let's begin our work!"



The entrance's expansion was somewhat complete. Now, there was no need to bend down all the time. It was nice to have more space.

"Buril, let's pause the expansion today. Let's do that other thing."


"We're going to build a master bedroom in the dungeon."

A master bedroom was needed.

A room for both Sharan and me. Honestly, it was enough to stay in the dungeon corridor until now. A king should at least have a room to stay with his woman.

Of course, after the master bedroom, I was thinking of building a hall for our goblins.

"Look here, follow me."

And with that, I entered deeper into the dungeon. As we went deeper, we had to bend more.

"Here, dig this wall like this? We'll create a room. Got it?"

After a brief explanation.


Buril nodded.

"Got it?"


"Hehehe, kiddo. As I said, you're smart. Now, for some mana infusion. Poof."


Upon receiving the mana infusion, Buril's eyes filled with joy.

"Okay, Buril. You start the work with the others."


Inside the master bedroom, it would be great to have wooden furniture and such. Maybe I should set up a honeymoon room with Sharan.

"Master, a master bedroom? What's that?"

"A space for both Sharan and me."



Those flapping ears were really cute.



Imsoong hopped around, seemingly wanting something.

"Imsoong, you'll do that. That thing. With Gyuil and that idle guy, let's make ropes."


The kids had become experts in making ropes these days. And with Muturi, a renowned rope maker, the quality would surely be even better.

"Muturi, how do you feel?"


He still seemed weak. But when Imsoong brought the materials for the rope, he started working without a word.


That was enough.

"Buril! Come out for a moment!"


"Ha, kiddo. It's good because it's sharp. Anyway, Buril. I'll be out with Sharan for a while. If you feel it's dangerous, arm yourself immediately, get into formation, and respond, okay?"


Buril, beating his chest, assured me that he got it covered.

"You're the only one I really trust. Then, Sharan, let's go."

"Yes, Master."

Today's task was reconnaissance.

It was about time to increase our troops. Whether it was goblins, imps, or kobolds, anything will do. Let's look for their dens. Once we found the den, it was game over. We could immediately overpower them with our forces.

Let's see.

We needed to create a goblin squad. And an imp platoon as well. The same went for the kobolds. If we increased our troops, I would essentially be both the battalion commander and the chief of staff.


I couldn't help but smile.

"Master, are you in a good mood? Hmm?"

"Yes, I'm feeling good."

"Sharan feels good, too."


"Because Sharan is with Master? It's good."

"Aigo! Me too, Sharan!"

Such a cute thing!

Deceiving such a kind-hearted girl like this!


I immediately hugged Sharan and kissed her on the cheek, which she clearly enjoyed. Then I let go.



Sharan called me.

"Sharan wants to play the peeping game. Play the peeping game with Sharan."

"What, what? Again?"

The peeping game… I once described Smata as a sort of game, and that seemed to be her understanding. This term seemed a bit too suggestive, though.



Sharan, having removed her panties, shook her hips at me… It was a very seductive dance. She knew very well that I liked this.


I swallowed hard.

But I resisted for now.

"Sharan, you want to do that?"


"Heuheuheu, thank you. For suggesting it. I'm so happy."

"So, play the peeping game with Sharan."

"We can't right now."


"If we just keep playing, we won't survive. We need to work now."


"Yes, we need to work. So, Sharan, let's hold off for now and do it tonight. Is that okay? I also want to, but I'm holding back. We need to work to live well with Sharan."

"Shaa… Okay, Master."

Sharan looked upset. But she seemed convinced. I gently stroked her ear to console her.

"We'll do plenty tonight. Hold on, for now, Sharan."

"Yes, Master."

Shall we go then?


And so, Sharan and I proceeded with our reconnaissance.


While walking, I stumbled upon a kobold lair. Worth the distance we traveled.

"Found one."

The lair looked promising.

But could we capture the leader? They were known to be strong. It might be tough. But if we managed to turn it into a subordinate, it might supply us with kobolds regularly.

"Sharan. Let's mark this place. We'll attack next time."

"Yes, Master. Mark, mark? What's that?"

"Just think of it as 'remembering'."

"Remembering… Sha."

I also got to teach her some language along the way.

"Let's go further."

Though we defeated the hobgoblins, we couldn't let our guards down. There could be more threats. Hence, we ventured even further.

ㅡThe sound of flowing water.

There was a valley.


Where did it lead to?

"Sharan. Let's follow the stream."

"Yes, Master."

Continuing along the stream with Sharan,


A small lake appeared.

"Sharan. Look, a lake."


The lake looked pristine and clear. The sight itself was refreshing.

"Shall we go there?"

"Yes, Master."

We headed towards the lake.


When we reached the shoreline, no lie, the water was extremely clear. It was so clear; I could see right to the bottom.

As I thought of washing my face, the moment I put my hands in the water…


"What the!"

Suddenly, a small water pillar erupted ahead! Damn it! Was there another monster in this lake, too?! I grabbed the spear I had tucked under my arm, aiming at it.


What emerged was…

Not a monster.


A woman.


A woman with hair that seemed to encapsulate the shimmer of the lake… a beauty. Her figure was as sensual as Sharan's, with a full bust and toned thighs.

Above all, she was naked.

Emerging from the water, the seductive naked woman looked at me.

"Those ears… Are they ears?"

Her ears looked…

Almost like fins.

The water maiden smiled faintly and then gestured at me as if beckoning me closer.


Suddenly, Sharan stepped in front of me.