
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Strengthening My Foundation (1)

The Hobgoblin tribe had been subdued.



My soldiers roared.

I felt their emotions. The goblins, now skilled in handling weapons, were moved by the astonishing combat power derived from those weapons…!

Weapons and training! These two turned the prey-like goblins into predators!


And the respect directed towards me, the one who made this possible! Led by Buril, all the goblins cast a gaze of awe at me!

"That's right! I am your master! Trust and follow only me! Then we'll always be victorious!"


After the battle, I started tidying up. Now, we must farm.

Ignoring the burnt-down huts, we gathered and organized the goods after thoroughly searching the tribe.

Food. Equipment. Clothes. Various other simple tools. Many useful items were secured. These could be used right away. These hobgoblins sure produced a lot.


I couldn't help but laugh as I looked at the items.

War and looting.

What I did now was looting. Taking others' belongings through violence. While it was a bad deed, I now sympathized with why humans historically waged wars and looted.

You gained a lot from winning in war.

"But among them, you seem to be the most valuable."

The captured blacksmith.


The restrained fellow cried out in pain. I felt sorry. His family and friends must all be dead. The ones who escaped won't survive long, I was sure.

But I ignored all of it.

The only thing I was concerned with now was:

His ability.



I called my subordinates. The only hobgoblin left here was this fellow. All the rest were my subordinates.

Given the situation, it should be possible.

"Intimidate him a bit. Buril, you're good at beating them, so hit him a few times."


Upon my order, Buril started to beat the blacksmith.


Not just him. Other goblins hissed and began a primitive dance with excessive actions.



I simply observed them.



Sharan also made fierce noises, intimidating the hobgoblin. Soon, the hobgoblin was completely panicked. Taking the opportunity, I activated my domination skill.



The moment the domination skill penetrated his head.

"Gr, Gr-ugh!"

He began to convulse. I ordered my soldiers to step back and quietly observed him. Success? Or failure? I hope it was a success, but even if it failed, it didn't matter. Dragging him as a prisoner and roughly throwing some skin on him with a few punches would get the message across.

And then.


The domination skill worked.


"Release him. No, I'll do it."

"Release the restraints immediately."


The fellow obediently knelt.


"Creak… Creak."

His demeanor was stiff, devoid of any attachment. It felt as though he had accepted his defeat and capture.

It was a submissive attitude.

"Lift your head."


There was no strength in those eyes.


It was quite different from the attitude of the goblins.

Was it always like this? Different reactions based on intelligence. Hobgoblins were smarter than goblins. It seemed that he fully understood that his tribe was decimated. Given that he had been subdued, it's like he had given up on everything.

"It hurts my heart. Stand up for now."


The fellow, who responded softly, stood up. Judging by his obedience, it was clear my command was effective. Regardless of how he felt, the skill of crafting was very urgent. I must make use of it.

"Muturi. Your name is Muturi."


I picked up some leather that was lying around.

"From now on, this. These leathers. You need to process them well. You have to continue what you are doing. Nod if you understand."


Muturi nodded.

"Good. I understand. As long as you work well, I'll feed and shelter you."


Honestly, I didn't think I could get along well with this one. But, as a Demon Lord, I couldn't always be on good terms with my subordinates.

If he had submitted, that was good enough.

Now, let's go back.

"Hey guys! Gather the loot! Let's head home!"


At my command, the goblins began to gather the loot. And then, as if she had been waiting, Sharan lifted up a dead hobgoblin.

"Master. This is Sharan's. Sha, sha-sha."

There were still many words she didn't know, and she was explaining with 'sha' sounds, but I could roughly understand from the context.

"Oh dear, Sharan. Can you help?"


"What you're doing now is helping me. To help."

"Master, to help."

"Say, will you help?"

"I'll help."

"Good! Hehehe! Thank you, Sharan! You did well! Sharan is special!"

As I patted her head, Sharan seemed to smile with joy!

"Keke, keke-keke."

"Ah, Buril did well too."


But Buril was making some hand and foot gestures pointing at the loot. Roughly, it seemed like he meant we couldn't carry everything.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. We will make several trips."


"We will come and go several times."


Buril nodded, seeming to understand.

Wow, as we continued to interact, we were starting to understand each other. This was completely different from when I was in the demon world. Back then, there wasn't anyone I could converse with.

"Let's set out!"

Victory and return.

With this, I had completely crushed my strongest competitor. Now, I didn't have to worry about the hobgoblins. More importantly, I had acquired a lot of supplies. I had also gained a leatherworker, so, well, one could say the dungeon's tech had skyrocketed.

"I can focus on expanding the dungeon for a while."

I had both troops and supplies.

It was time to consolidate my foundation.

The military training was briefly halted.

Because they had to transfer the items looted from the Hobgoblin tribe. After transferring the supplies, they converted the corpses of the Hobgoblins into smoked meat and finally resumed the dungeon expansion work.

Although there was so much to do that it was overwhelming, it was manageable. It wasn't just the two of us, Buril and I, there. Thanks to the presence of as many as eight goblins, the work went on somehow.

Above all, the Demon King Kyuse himself was leading the work. I made swift decisions, delegated tasks, and provided immediate feedback, ensuring that the work efficiency was unparalleled.

I thought I should dominate more Kobolds as laborers and catch more Imps to use as flintlocks, but I decided to deal with that later. That was not the most important thing right now.

The priority was to teach Sharan the language.

"Then Sharan! Let's study the language again today!"


Sharan, who responded energetically, fluttered her ears and stood in front of me. Sharan seemed to enjoy studying language very much. It seemed she was greatly interested in the idea of communicating with me properly.

"Master. Please make me feel good."

"Alright, right away."


I immediately infused my magic power into Sharan.


Sharan shook with immense pleasure as I poured my magic into her and then snuggled up to me.

"Sharan, what do you say when the Demon King makes you feel good?"

"Master, I love you!"

"Ha, ha…!"

Hearing those words of love made me ecstatic! It really felt like a surge of energy emanated from my whole body! I was glad I taught her!

"Master. Please pet my head more."

"Hehehe, okay."

I continued to pet her head as she requested.

ㅡFlap flap.

Her ears fluttered adorably.

"Sha-ah sha-ah!"

Sharan seemed very pleased, rubbing her body against mine. As she did, Sharan's ample bosom brushed against my torso. Really, she was still so unaware.


I pushed Sharan away and sat down.

It was time for the conversation lesson.

"So, Sharan. Let's study now."

"Yes, Master."

Sharan immediately sat down.

What should I teach her today?

"That's right, Sharan. You know about food, right? Eating?"

"Fruits and meat."

"Wow, you got it right away! Clap clap clap! Clap for Sharan!"


She was truly adorable.

"Hehehe, anyway, what does Sharan like to eat the most?"

"I like meat. Grilled, sha-ah? Cooked? Sha-ah sha-ah?"

"Grilled meat."

"I love grilled meat."

Sharan preferred cooked meat.

ㅡFlap flap.

Perhaps thinking of cooked meat made her happy. Sharan flapped her ears and grinned. She was insanely cute.

"Oh, but Master. There's something even tastier."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Master, here."

Suddenly, Sharan approached me.


She pointed at my lower half.

"I mean here, Lord?"



It finally came.

"Did you mean… 'sha-a'? Is it tasty to drink?"

Why the hell did I even bring up this topic? No, wait. We had to have sex education eventually.

To be honest… Right now.

I had been looking at Sharan in a sexual way. I couldn't forget that day's act. I wanted to do the same thing again, but for now, I held back. I thought we should have a conversation first. My emotions were all over the place. I just wanted to push Sharan down this instant.

"Master. I want to drink it."

"Just a moment, Sharan. Let's have some sex education first."

"Sex education?"

Just how explicit was this going to be?


Anyway, I took off my pants and underwear. I thought it'd be easier to explain by showing. Honestly, I hoped Sharan would be more understanding from now on.


Sharan's eyes lit up when she saw it.

"Did it come out from here?"

"Huh, come out?"

What in the world? Calling semen such a cute name? Only Sharan could describe it this way.


"Yes, it came out from here."


Sharan stared at it as if she saw something fascinating. She didn't seem very interested when we used to bathe together in the valley, but now she seemed intrigued.

She probably got curious after tasting it.

She seemed to have developed an interest because she found it delicious.

"Master. What do you call this?"


Poke poke.


Sharan poked it with her finger, and I felt a sudden electrifying pleasure. Instantly, it became erect…!

"Master. It's getting… bigger?"

"Ah, um. Let's move on. Sharan, you asked what this is?"


"This is a male genital. It's called a penis."

"Genital… penis?"

Sharan touched her lips with her finger and tilted her head.


"Ah! But, Lord! Sharan doesn't have that!"

As if realizing something significant, she said.



Suddenly, she undid her leaf underwear! Sharan's private parts were fully exposed! The valley enclosed by the plump labia…!

"Master. Look, see. Sharan doesn't have it."

"Hu, Huh…!"

I was sitting, and Sharan was standing. In that position, she was pressing it right into my face…! This is driving me crazy!

"Ah, Lord."

"Sharan, wait!"

"Last time, did Lord… with Sharan here? With your penis, sha-a sha-a?"

She remembered everything from that time!