
Chapter 11

Three days dragged by painfully it was like time itself refused to move forward. The skies above were dull and grey reflecting Ellie's mood. Although at the time she agreed with Asmodious she regretted it not long after. It's not like she never wanted to see them again she just wanted to be in charge of her own future. She knew he meant well but it didn't stop her feeling spiteful. On the third day day Miranda called her name. This was it! Butterflies filled her stomache and the miserable feeling she had seem to dissipate in a matter of seconds. She tan down the stairs and skidded it front of Miranda. She could barely contain her excitement, she looked expectantly at Miranda.

"The boys are playing in the woods I need you to go get them it's almost dinner time. "

It was only a few words but it completely shattered her excitement. Ellie nodded forcing a smile on her face attempting to hide her disappointment. She turned and headed to the woods to search for the boys.

It had been hours. No sign of them. She had whistled but no one came. It was strange they usually did. She kept walking and searching.

A branch grabbed her foot and she fell towards poison ivy suddenly an invisible force grabbed her waist and pulled her back. The touch was gently but firm she could feel a body pressed against her at her back as well as a laboured breath gently tickling her neck.

"That was close you could have been seriously hurt. you should watch where you going." The voice was cold and angry. It sounded familiar...

Ellie turned in his arms and came face to face with the a young handsome man. He looked like the man she had seen in Asmodious study but he was clearly younger than that man not to mention his eyes were blue not green.

"I found her!!" His voice boomed and he released her.

Asmodious emerged from the undergrowth and strode towards Ellie pulling her into his embrace.

"You honestly have been causing so much trouble lately. Why did you leave your room? "

He was scanning her. She knew he was searching for traces of magic. She shrugged him off and smiled trying to reassure him she was fine.

"Miranda called on me a few hours ago to look for the boys for dinner so I have been looking for them but I can't find the rascals they are too good at hiding. "

She laughed and shook her head. Asmodious exchanged looks with the strange man.

"Ellie why don't we head back now I have something to discuss with you."

Ellie nodded and began to follow Asmodious. The strange man followed too. They reached the church and went straight to the office. Asmodious sat down behind his desk and gave Ellie a concerned look.

"I want you to remain calm for what I'm about to say and don't panic okay?..."

She nodded.

"Ellie Miranda and the boys left this morning for the boys annual check up...They are still at the doctors.."