
Other Worlds Than These Box Set

Eight short speculative stories of gay men celebrating love and lust in worlds vastly different from our own. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Escape</strong>: When a prison ship crash-lands, Delta-23 replicate Davin jumps at the chance to meet someone different. A prisoner onboard, Trace uses the crash as an opportunity to escape, but the last thing he expects is to meet a replicate eager to get up close and personal with a natural-born.<br><br><strong>Navigator's Log</strong>: Tylar Daire is the navigator on a space mission whose focus is to discover a cure for a mysterious illness killing colonists on Terra. The crew consists of the captain, a soldier for protection, a scientist to study the virus, Tylar himself, and hot-shot ace pilot Rion Z'ev. From the moment Tylar and Rion meet, sparks fly.<br><br><strong>Parking Lot Hero</strong>: It's the weekend of the Super Bowl. Vic is looking forward to a quiet Saturday with his lover, Matt. But when a trio of ruffians terrorize their landlady in the parking lot of the local grocery story, Vic finds the superhero in him called to action.<br><br><strong>Star-Crossed</strong>: On the night of his graduation from the Betelgeuse Flight Academy, Reth finally managed to corner the flamboyant Xan Anders. But what he hoped would be a tender moment that might lead to something more was interrupted when Xan slipped away. Seven months later, Reth is surprised to find all the old feelings still remain when he runs into Xan again.<br><br><strong>The Bard's Song</strong>: Taurin is the king's knight, but he has a weakness for song. When he hears of a new bard performing at Jeanty's Inn, he has to go see the half-elf flautist for himself. Quim's music is captivating, and Taurin returns to the Inn a second night. The knight's interest is evident to the bard, who invites Taurin to his room for a private performance.<br><br><strong>The Fall</strong>: Gabe fell in love with Luce the moment they met. Unfortunately, love is a forbidden emotion among angels, and their sin costs one of them his wings.<br><br><strong>VR Palace</strong>: In a future where pleasure is bought in virtual reality parlors, one man creates the perfect lover. Spun from binary code, everything he could want in a boy except real ... or is he?<br><br><strong>World Enough and Time</strong>: The world is coming to an end. Allan is pretty sure that’s the only explanation for the rain of salt that’s been falling for days, killing people in the streets and bringing Armageddon on a bit sooner than everyone expected. Then he meets Ricky.

J.M. Snyder · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Chapter 2

Then Reth was brushed aside. Xan stepped back, widening the gap between them. He ran his hand through his hair again, an obviously nervous habit. &ldquo;I&rsquo;ve got to…&rdquo; He looked around, as if searching for something else to distract him. His gaze flickered over the balcony and into the night sky, but never settled on Reth. &ldquo;I&rsquo;ll be right back, okay?&rdquo;

&ldquo;Xan?&rdquo; Reth reached for him. What the hell had just happened? One second they were this close, and now fear shone in Xan&rsquo;s face, fear Rethhad put there. &ldquo;Was it something I said? Listen, we can stay here if you want…&rdquo;

Catching Reth&rsquo;s hand again, Xan brought it to his lips. He kissed the fingertips, his gaze focusing on Reth one last time. &ldquo;I&rsquo;ll be back, I promise. Wait for me?&rdquo;

Reth nodded, hesitant. With a wink and his usual sexy grin, Xan swore, &ldquo;Be right back.&rdquo;

Then he stepped into the light that fell from the banquet hall and slipped away into the crowd of graduates and family and friends. Reth leaned against the railing, staring out into the stars, replaying the evening in his drink-clouded mind. Was it the invite to his room that had frightened Xan away? Or was it all just too much too fast? Maybe the few stolen moments they&rsquo;d shared meant nothing. But he said he was coming back…

Why didn&rsquo;t Reth believe him?

* * * *

Seven months later, Reth was still waiting.

Not on that balcony, no&mdash;he&rsquo;d given Xan a generous ten minutes to return but the flyboy never did. Reth, more than a little hurt but not the least bit surprised, had finished his jojobu juice and headed back to his room alone. In the morning, he packed his things and boarded a transport with the other grads joining Star Corps. Xan was not among them. When Reth moved into his quarters at Corps Central, he tried to put that interrupted tryst behind him.

He thought he&rsquo;d succeeded. He&rsquo;d had his share of lovers&mdash;nothing to write home about, but guys he liked, guys he slept with, guys who all seemed to have Xan&rsquo;s carefree hair or cavalier grin. But when the USS Appomattoxsigned on for the Kressl ore run and Reth stood on the receiving deck beside the ship&rsquo;s captain to welcome the new crew of gunners, only his Academy training kept his back stiff and his arm angled in a salute when he saw Xan among them.

Time seemed to fold in on itself, everything between then and now canceling out. Reth&rsquo;s heart stopped in his chest at Xan&rsquo;s bright laugh. When Xan looked at him, looked throughhim, Reth almost passed out like a lovesick schoolboy. He thought he&rsquo;d moved on? Who was he trying to kid?

The flicker of recognition in Xan&rsquo;s eyes ignited Reth&rsquo;s blood, but there were too many people around and he had his reputation to think of, so Reth stayed at the captain&rsquo;s side. He smiled on cue, and laughed when prompted. But as they mingled in the ship&rsquo;s large ballroom, part of him kept tabs on Xan the whole evening. At all times, he knew where Xan stood in relation to himself. Each time Xan touched anyone, Reth felt that hand on his own body. Each laugh pierced him like a lepidopterist&rsquo;s pin. And whenever he looked around, he found Xan staring back.

Reth suspected the USS Appomattoxwas not going to be large enough for the both of them. Just being in the same room with Xan made Reth&rsquo;s skin warm and his mind whirl. His baggy flight suit threatened to tent over a slight erection that made standing uncomfortable and sitting unbearable. Any closer to Xan and Reth thought he might go nova.

When the captain announced the new gunners, raucous shouts and wolf whistles filled the air. They were a rowdy bunch&mdash;gunners usually were&mdash;but Reth could hear Xan&rsquo;s voice rise above the others. With a glance at the new crewmembers as he sipped his cocktail, Reth tried to infuse enough alcohol into his system to justify speaking with Xan or slinking off to bed, one of the two. As the crowd applauded, he wandered over to the food table to pick at a display of chilled fruit. He couldn&rsquo;t close the distance between himself and Xan&mdash;after seven months, a galaxy kept them apart. But he had to say something, didn&rsquo;t he? Make it look like he&rsquo;d moved on, even if he hadn&rsquo;t? Show he was above&mdash;

A breathy voice sighed into his ear, startling him. &ldquo;Hey, sexy.&rdquo;

Reth jumped and took a step back, only to find himself in Xan&rsquo;s quick embrace. For one delicious moment, he savored the strong arms around his waist again, the warm chin resting on his shoulder. Then he turned and bumped into the food table in his haste to get away. &ldquo;Xan. Hey.&rdquo;

&ldquo;You remember my name.&rdquo; Xan ran a self-conscious hand through his thick hair as he grinned. &ldquo;And here I thought you might&rsquo;ve forgotten me.&rdquo;

How could I?Reth wanted to know. Those dark eyes still shone in the same infuriating manner, as if lit from within. Those lips still smiled as wide, Xan&rsquo;s heady scent still aroused him like an aphrodisiac, and God, that hair! Still long, still tousled, still streaked with an impossible shade of blond.