
Other World Apocalypse

A young boy who was caught in a crossfire, woke up to find himself in a post apocalyptic world as a little girl, she seek shelter to the first people she found by sneaking on their truck. Then Woking up with strangiest thing, finding an interactible holographic screen that only she can see.

PB0425 · Action
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5 Chs

The Fantasy Element In a Dead World

My eye slowly opens up, at first view i saw white curtains. I was layed down in some sort of makeshift hospital bed, i get up slowly and found a greyish transparent holographic screen, similar to that of a game interface infront of me.


Name: Zoey Linsfort

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Physical Attributes

Strenght: F

Speed: 13 KMH

Durability: -F


Ailment Status



Skills -Skill Point 10-


«Doubles the user speed for 5 Seconds»

‹Cooldown - 90 Sec›


I stare at the screen, reading the details written from it.

"Zoey... Who's that?" I muttered half awake. Then suddenly cry of rooster morning call was heard

"I-i need to get up now. I'm gonna be late for work" The Holographic Screen suddenly shrunk down to a small box "huh?"

Suddenly, i fell of the bed. Dropping down real hard.

I grunt in pain and notices my arms and the long hair, i pinched my face once again to make sure.

"Those were real!!" I screamed, my sudden outburst called the attention of a certain person.

An adult women enters, she has a dark tanned skin, wrinkles in her face and long curly brown hair.

She wore a Dark blue Coat and Orange Traffic vest. Brown Tunic leggings and a dirty black boots.

"Oh my god, are you alright" She approach me after seeing me in the floor "LIAM!! She's awake!"

She then gently lifts me up and puts me back in the bed.

"What is it!?" The person named Liam enters, he was a young teenage man with light brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a White Baseball Jersey, Darker blue Pants and a pair of shoes.

As soon as he saw me up, he eyed on me before saying "So your up... We got a few question for you" acting like an interrogator.

"Hold your horses, i got this. Just tell the other guys"

"Eeeehhh, you always get to play that role. I want to be the one to ask this time" Liam rants telling the adult women to let him do it.

"Stop with your childish behaviour. I'm serious"

"Bummer" He pouted before going away "it's not like interrogating a child is hard" his voice slowly faded as he distances away.

The adult women look at me with a worried expression "I'm allison, whats your name?" She ask.

"I-im, james" i answered

"James?... Is that your name?.. Your telling the truth right?" She ask showing her suspicion, her face filled with wonder.

Then remembering my current state, she showing her suspicion wasn't wrong. While my name is indeed james, it doesn't apply to the current female me as the james name sounds more muscular than that of a girl.

So i answered again remembering a name i just read recently "I mean, Zoey... James is uhmm.. " A hint of sadness glitters in my eyes.

I felt sad and wondered if I would ever be able to return. I hadn't asked for a new life, and certainly not in a world like this.

"Oh, sorry about that" she said misunderstanding the sadness inside me "Well continue our little chat later, just rest here for a bit and i'm going to bring you some snack okay, you must be hungry after what you've been through" She said her words accompanied by a warm welcoming smile.

I nod at her words and sitting tight here. Then remembering that strange screen. I tried looking at it again.

I clicked the box with my hand and nothing happens "how do i open in this" I said pouring all my attention at the said box.

Do i need to say something?

"Open sesame" I chanted and nothing happened

"Openemus showemus" i don't even know where i picked this up

"Alohomora" ofcourse it won't work.

"Bring forth, magic mirror" Wait this sounds wrong

i tried several lines i know and nothing happens "Just how do i open those status like window"

Then suddenly, the said screen appeared again at the mention of 'Status Window'

What?, wait how?

As i Re-reads the details written. I found a rectangle below at the status screen with double line down of arrow drawn.

I knew touching the the said screen wouldn't work as i already tried earkier, it was useless. So i trued garnerning all of my focus on it. To my surprise. It worked.

The screen changes showing a shopping like screen.


Skill Shop

Basic Martial Arts

«Gives you the basic knowledge of martial arts»

‹20 Skill Points›


«Give's the detail of any object or living»

‹200 Skill Points›

Hightened Senses

«Raises your senses to an inhumane level»

‹70 Skill Points›

Night Vision

«Gives you the ability to see in the dark»

‹50 Skill Points›

basic Sword Arts

«Gives you the basic knowledge of swordsmanship»

‹25 Skill Points›


What is this?.

I scrolled down with my thought until i saw.


Astral Projection

«Seperate your soul to your physical body»

‹70,000 Skill Points›

Magic Veins

«Allows the user to Utilize or materialize and use mana at will»

‹1,000 Skill Points›

Basic Cultivation

«Gives talent and knowledge to make the user able to cultivate»

‹1,000 Skill Points›


"Astral projection" i muttered. This skill could be related why i'm here. Then i thought, what about the current earth time. Why is there a zombie?. Am i in the future? Or was i sent to another world.

These unrealistic unscientific stuff races in my mind. A lot of things has already happened that make me believe about the supernatural.

Soon Allison came back with a tray of meal, a bowl of poridge and a single glass of water.

"Here you go" She places the tray infront of me.

I dismisses the holographic screen or status screen. Atleast thats how i called it.

I held the spoon and scoop the poridge to my mouth. It taste a bit bland but i couldn't argue.

"Can you answer some question as you eat?. Ofcourse you can refuse if you want"

"Ye-yes... "

"Ok then, are you alone?. Are you with anyone?" The first question came

I shook my head telling i was alone.

"How old are you"

"14" i answered.

This earned a surprised look from her.

She's younger than i thought

"What were you doing in the city?" She said her tone hinting of worry.

I didn't know what to say. What reason, these question in my head came.

Why was this girl even up there.

"I-i " I couldn't come up with an excuse.

In the end i couldn't say anything, seeing how uncomforatble the subject was. Allison decided to change her question.

She ask where i previously live before going in the city, this too was left unanswered.

She nods and take notes of everything i said.

"Once you've rested enough, you can come out in any given time"

Finishing the food she gave me, i placed the empty tray on my side.

I get up slowly, getting down in the bed carefully to avoid falling again.

I walked outside and saw tall reinforced wall and gates. Trucks and cars entering the base premise and getting inspected.

I turned my head around to see what kind of place i was in, i found several kids playing around and adults working in different area.

I strolled around and saw allison entering a big warehouse. It was heavily guarded.

I watches how they deposit most of the collected food in the building.

As i was watching, i felt a hand landing on my shoulder behind "what are you doing here brat"

I was startled by the rough voice, i slowly turns around and saw a tall man. He has a black messy hair, wearing a Grey T-Shirt and brown shorts, his face scarred under his left eye.

He looks scary to say the least, but i know very well not to judge a cover by it's book.... uhhh What? That sounds wrong.

"You... Your that child who sneak into the truck. What are you doing here"

"I was just sto-strolling around to familliarize myself in this place"

"You speak as if your sure were letting you stay here"

He then grabs my arm and drags me with him "Come er... That dress won't do. If you manage to survive alone out there, surely you can help me out here.. "

We came to stop at a small 2 story House. He brought me inside "stay" he told me

I look inside, the place is kind of cozy. The other electronic stuff was nowhere to be seen.

The T.V, Electricfans or basic stuff that relies on eletricity to work.

I guess i was really in a zombie world huh... This is hard.

I waited for the man to come down.

After a few moment, he came down with pile of clothes. Mostly are male wears.

"I don't know your size. And i don't have any female clothes. Take your time" He gestured me to do it inside as he went out to get a breather.

I stripped down, i feel slightly embarrassed. I was originally a male after all.

"Drop the curtains airhead" Screamed the guy "I can see you changing here"

My face flushed red as i hurried to close it down.

I found a mirror in the corner. I went to it and examine my appearance "Cute" i muttered.

I have a black shoulder lenght hair, round eyes and soft face. Not a single hint to how i used to look before was present.

I went ahead and pick a clothes for me. I chose the only thing that fits me. A black jacket with high collar and black pants.

Kind of gives an Emo vibes. But i can't be picky. I can just change again later.

I finally went out and saw the guy carving arrows "you sure take you time. Come on"

He stoods up and went straight to a barn.

"In case your wondering, allison told me to give you some light work to get yourself used in this place"

I never really thought about things like that, i just followed him absent minded. But i guess in other perspective. It really looks weird to make a child work fresh from the hospital.

But i wasn't injured or anything so i guess that explains things.

"I'll be fixing the fences on the back. Keep a watch to any zombie's out there. Call out if you found something"

I gave a light nod

He looked at me for a moment "You should speak some more. Communication plays an important role in survival"

"I'll keep that in mind"

Then he went on his way. I went to a tall watchtower and see how he does things.

Removing the zombie's caught in the iron wires and repositioning the fences tored down by the zombies.

As i keep watch, i found a telescope placed down.

I grabs and use it to get a few farther. Looking at it, i can see couple of trucks driving in the road, coming in to the gate.

It was perfect view up here. I can see the sun slowly setting in this place.

Then suddenly, an explosion accured. I look to where the sound was and saw a towering tail of smoke climbing up.

I found several people responding to it. A crowd gathered splashing water inside to put out the fire.

"What do you see" the guy ask

"A burning house"

"Can you be any specific?"

"Uuh. It's a red painted store, or what i thought it was that was turned into an engineering spot or something... I dunno, sorry"

"I see... Well, back to work"

I tilted my head in confusion.

Isn't he worried what happened inside?. He acts like it's a daily occurance.

"Don't mind it. It's probably just Ron failed machinery again.. "

Ah... I see. So it really was something as daily thing, like that.

I turned back to watch him work. He was almost done, then 2 running zombie attracted by the loud explosion came out of the woods.

"There's 2 from the woods. Just came out"

"Runner or walkers?" He ask

"2 runners" I guess this is how they differentiate which type of zombie. I wonder if there's only 2.

The guy grabs his bow and takes aim. He waited till he can see them before realesing his shot.

The speed of arrow ripped through the air, the tipped of the arrow portruding in the other side of the head.

The remaining zombie lunges itself towards him which he easily countered by grabbing it's arm and slamming down the ground. Giving a heavy stomp crushing its head in against the ground.

"Lets go find Ron"

He said as he walks away going back to the base.

Suddenly i felt something in my mind. In my view, the small box was marked with a red exclamation mark.

I check what is it, struggled to open it but get it done anyways after a few seconds.

A meesage box appeared besides my name

Opening the message box and seeing the message, i read it out loud


Quest -Human Farm- Automated Quest

Time duration: 3 Months

[ A cannibal person manages to break in, find him and stop their plan to make the entire place/city their own living operating farm ]

Rewards: 100 Skill Points

Penalty: Death of every single person in the city


Wait... Is this real...

"Hey, hurry up" the guy called

"Huh?.. Uhh yes!!" I followed him back.

There's no way that quest thing is real... But if it is then.

A grotuesque image of imagination playaed in mind. The key word being cannibal and farm.

I thinked of people skinning people alive, children in grinders and being chewd on by the sick headed cannibal humans.

I felt a strike of dizziness.

Please... Gi-give me.. A... Break