

Tranque and Zwyah are 16 year old brothers in the year ????? and they will do whatever they can in this colorful world to stop Tantekuno from corrupting the world. Tranque is a swordsman with a long black ponytail a shirt, a trench coat, pants, ans shoes in all black Zwyah has short, spiky hair and weilds a crossbow. He wears a black vest and a brown overcoat Sorentaku wears red Dragon armor and wields a 3 pointed spear. She has long yellow hair These main three will do whatever they can to help the world and eternally bring it to peace!

GinisGod · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Mighty 15! Plus 10 to 1!?

"Allow me to tell you my name! It's Hito Jikusaku! (Human axolotl)"

He thought it sounded cool but to me it was the most boring name yet! I jump over him and turn my hand into a black hole gun and shoot. Hito and everything around him was absorbed and I went on to fight the old geezer who was surprisingly number fifteen!

"Hey ya little whippersnapper! My name is Akuma Porutagaisuto! (Demon ghost)" the old man said

I rushed up to him with my arm sharpened and jabbed! My arm went right through him!

"Listening You little thingamajig! My ability is that I can't be harmed by physical means ya hear!?" The old man said

I quickly turned my arm into a tornado and blew him away. I quickly shot a beam of energy out my hand and as soon as it got inside the old man I msde it explode. The explosion was destroying the entire town. I summoned multiple arrows of fire and wind down from above trying to get as many hits in as possible and when I say them hit the man I instantly realised how to beat him.

I turned my arm into a blade but this time it was made from fire, I run at the old man and dash through him! After a couple seconds.....His head came clean off. I asked the Gods if they could restore everything again and of course they did. I feel a strange presence so I followed the source of it trying to figure out what it was. It took me a few hours to get there but when I got there I didn't know how to feel It was all the rank two warriors from 10 to 1 and in a castle! They all looked at me confused, Thankfully Soren and the others came to find me.

"What have you gotten yourself into!?" Zwyah scolded

"Why do you look like that?" Soren asked me

"I dont know!" I replied

"Well it doesnt matter! also I found out a new way to use my yin yang form!" Soren exclaimed

"Don't make fun of us!" said the number one warrior while pulling out his polearm

"Soren, Zwyah! Go deal with the other ones! this guy is mine!

"Right!" Soren and Zwyah replied

"I admire your choice and for that I'll tell you my name. My name is Fushi no Zanshu (Immortal Beheader) Just call me Zanshu" Zanshu said

"Let us begin!" Zanshu said

I rushed at him and attack with giant claws but he vanished instantly!

"You and both psychically and mentally slow. For as soon as you took one step...I was already behind you" Said Zanshu

He cut me right in the back and sent me flyimg with force alone. I put on my royalte mark and come back at him this time landing a hit. But he knew that the claws I hit him with were poisoned and he cut off his arm and it regenerated almost instantly! He jabbed me with his polearm but it went through me instead of hurting me. I took to fingers and jammed them in his arm and said


and his arm got stuck in place. He looked into my soul and I froze in place, giving him time to hold his swird I'm his other arm and cut his paralyzed one off. I attempted to roundhouse kick him but he blocks it with one hand. He squeezes my leg and says


My leg was disappearing! I didn't know what to do! But somehow my leg was fighting back and regenerating! Even Zanshu was surprised about it! My leg won the battle and regenerated and I fake round house kicked Zanshu then then spun around and punched him right in the face! The earth itself started cracking from the impact. I started punching and kicking rapidly and pushed him back by a lot. I did one final flip kick then charged up a powerful black hole and launched it at him. But instead of being scared he said.

"Really? I'm disappointed HHYyya!"

BOOM! kkkkkrrrrttttt crack! Crack! KABOOSH!

"Impossible! He punched it and it was destroyed!" I thought to myself

"You are much weaker than I thought you'd be"

Shut up!

"Tranque! its time!" Zwyah shouted

"Right!" I replied

He aimed his crossbow at me and I pointed my arm at him. He shot and I stabbed. We were fusing once again! Tranqwya is back and better than ever! We went right behind Zanshu with him even seeing us move! We shoot him with a simple bomb arrow and follow up with slicing him right in the chest then we kicked him right in his face! As soon as the arrow on his back blew up we punched him in the gut with a giant boulder like fist then follow that up by shooting him shin up.

Then we created multiple clones of ourselves and said


Then we all shot slicing arrows in all directions causing him to be cut straight in half and also to be drained of all his life force, powers everything. It belongs to us now, and when we separate we Will each have half the power he had. We where confronted by four and five but Soren dealt with them

The fight was intense Soren was in her yin yang form. Number four and five both wielded rapier and the both attack at the same time Soren blocked there attacks and countered with a long slash which transformed into two dragons which shot beams that are the opposite of their color meaning black would shoot out white and white would shoot out black their beams of energy incinerated four and five and then the dragons ate the remains and went in to Soren. When they did Soren told us their powers were to see in to the future and time manipulation, necromancy, psychic abilities and matter manipulation. Now she has those powers....I hope she careful with them!