
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Performance ... begin

31 days later.

A gun shout reverberated through the air.

"Yes. Finally. A perfect product. " I reloaded my shotgun. This gun is different from previous shotgun. Where is the different. The first difference is laying in name. The moment I created this gun, I named this gun was demon hunter X-1 while previous shotgun was just a nameless gun that I made without much efforts. This gun had a lot of modified place. Each mag had 30 shells, each shells was special bullet. It was a automatic shotgun. It was heavy in exchange for power.

"I can't wait to test this thing on demon" I was shivering in excited.

"Hehe. Just imagine already makes me drop saliva" a series of maniac laugh rang out. I was daydreaming until.


"Whoa. You scare me. What's wrong." I jumped back in surprise and embarrassment.

"Your sword is going to be delivered today." she said.

"Then when they come."

"Maybe this afternoon" she raised her hand to calculate time.

"I will wait… "

Suddenly, a voice interfered.

"You bastard." a far, a guy with ridiculous mask rushed towards me.

That mask, I recognized it. It was my blacksmith.

"You know how much time I spent to make this sword. You bastard." he raised the sword while speaking in angry tone.

In just less than half of minutes, he arrived before me.

"You. You." he said in heavy sign

"Did I do something wrong to you?" I asked in confusion. In the past, I did request them to make a sword that I designed. Did something happen?

"Your design lack of details. You know how much time I spend to make this thing. I spent less time sleeping to come up a solution to compensate the rest."

He was beating me with my sword.

"Stop. Stop. Let's settle this like intelligent people."

"Settle this in intelligent people. You know how much I sacrifice to make this." he was beating fiercer than before.

"I thought all blacksmith like unique design sword." I said while holding my head.

"You say everyone is a big mistake. Only me don't like doing much. I just want to take a rest without working much."

"You have enlightened me. This is the first time I heard this sentences from famous blacksmith."

"I am tired now. I spare you this time but remember one thing" he took a deep breath."Bring your ears closer to me"


"Remember not to break this sword. I folded the metal 100 times just to make a sword that I didn't do before" he shouted at my ears. My ears went numb for a few minutes.

I should have expected this.

"Here. Your sword. Come and take it." he threw the sword on the ground.

I looked at the sword on the ground and the back of person who was leaving.

"It was my bad luck to meet this kind of blacksmith. My luck was this bad before."

Seeing this scene, I can only shook my head in endurance.

"Well whatever. I still got my sword." I picked up the sword laying on the ground.

I can notice the handle of this sword was very special. I pulled the trigger on the sword. Immediately, the blade retrieved inside the handle.

"Good stuff. As expected famous blacksmith. Although his attitude is very bad, his skill is a real thing" in the end, I still appreciated his effort for making this sword and his skills.

The blade of sword was too sharp that just looking it can feel something was cut. There is also a strange aura exuding.

Suddenly, the color on this sword changed to blue.

"Is this the result of special ore? This is fantastic."

"Sisters, brothers. I'm going to have a long trip away from home. Take care your health."

"Jean. Is this your choice. With your talent, you can do many thing without going front line." it was a sister who take care of me when I was sent here.

There is a momentary pause between me and her. A rustling wind passed through the gap between us.

"I can't march forwards without carrying fear on my back. That is why I make this decision"

In fact, I don't have that kind of talent. It's just that I lived 2 human life.

"I understand your concern but don't worry. I will come back. Wish me good luck" when I said this, the sunlight appeared behind my head.

"Take care" the children said.

"Take care" she finally chose to believe in my belief.

"Then I will take my leave" I opened the door. Revealing a new scene, a crowd of people was lively going on street. The noisy here is the main theme of this city. A most popular and dense population city. When coming this city, the first thing you need is money and money. Second is talent.

It was my modern knowledge that helped me have a place in this city.

"My stage is waiting for me at night. Our performance will." I holstered gun and the handle of sword on my waist.


I pulled out a list of summary of reports from my police department.

What I wrote on here was a murder case with no explanation. However, I knew the culprit of those. Demon.

Without waiting anymore, I made my way towards those high murder area.