
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Night train

Train station: 9:50 PM

"That was a marvelous ending" I exclaimed when I read a best selling book in this edo era.

"I look forwards to seeing many good story like this in multiverse" I made my way to a train to go to new place.

I have done my part in this place so I have to move to new place to continue my hunting.

To be honest, I like this new job. I like to challenge myself and learn new skill. Now I can detect human and demon just only ears.

"Ticket please."

"Here" I gave him a ticket.

"You can go"


I entered the train.

"Hey, wait. Come back here" staff ticket immediately became panic when he held my ticket.

When he said that, I already disappeared.

Turning out, that was a fake ticket. I made it while I had free time. Why I do that while I have big company.

Cause I was out of money. I spent all it on crafting ammo. Now I'm the poor ghost. Beside, although I have bank, I'm not the one who hold most influence in there. That is why business is complicated.

The moment they heard I draw money, they will send assassins after me. I always stayed exclusive to do this dangerous business. To avoid trouble, I didn't expose my presence.

My experience taught me that. If you want happy, you must be vicious. And if you are being honest and generous, your effort will be compensated. From my point of view, this line wasn't different from encouragement you to do good thing. Good thing always exchanged something to achieve.

For example, peace require sacrifice so you must appreciate peace we got. Who know one day war will breakout.

"Where is she."

"Not here. Check again."

Those attendants hastily moved between train carriages just to find me. I doubted they can find me.

I was disguised when I came here so what they want to find is an inexistent person.

"Look like I will enjoy first class service for a while." I observed surrounding me. Everything is luxurious and extravagant. I was sitting with high class people. They laughed, chatted, drank wine,… Activities that only the rich can do.

"Give me your most expensive menu." I said to server.

"Yes, lady."

"Just another day of my peace. Hope something bad didn't happen." I enjoyed drinking coffee in night trip.

The mission this time is moving to remote village to eliminate demons. Before that, I must go to big city to prepare something.

"Here is your food. Lady."


The server placed dishes on table. Everything looked very delicious.

I picked the knife and started eating while enjoying night scene.

"I think that brat go over there."

"Why this happen twice in one day. Go catch him. We are not allowed to let something like this spread to outside."

I could hear their conversation behind the wall. It looked like someone drive this train illegally like me.

But I don't care, it's not my business.

They opened the door and passed through me. They glanced me for a few second and left. In return, I also glanced them. Until they entered the new chamber, I left my eyes.

When I returned my eyes to dished. It was already gone.

"What the hell. Where my dish went."

"Sorry. It was me who did that." a voice spoke beside me. When I turned, I saw a dirty boy was eating my food.

To be honest, I was very pissed right now. However, how can I not sense him with my hearing sense.

I maintained composed outside and asked."Who the **** are you"

Without polite, only rudeness inside my question.

"Sorry. It smells delicious that I can't hold back. My last meal was 15 days ago." he was talking while eating.

I touched my umbrella ready to draw the sword. I felt an urgent to hack this boy but luckily for him, I held it back before he become dead corpse.

"You are lucky that I belong to thinking before action"

In case like this, I should report him but I can't. Cause I also drive this train illegal like him. This is something called karma.

"Thank your meal. I'm full now" he complimented me but for me, this is not different from taunting.

"By the way, how can you solve them." he pointed to the window. I only saw darkness outside.

"Are you trying to make fun on me." this time I decided, I will only punched him. A very hot one.

"No no. I'm being serious. You didn't see them." he was still stubborn with his statement.

I looked outside again and saw something fickle outside.

Immediately, a window was broken. A bullet grazed my face leaving a straight cut. Hitting a server beside me, his head was blown into million pieces.

The passengers didn't understand anything but they can only do one thing.

"Ahahah. Someone is dead" a lady screamed out.

Hearing this, the crowd started to disperse in panic.

"F*ck. Bandits." I looked outside. The attacker finally revealed his face.

The night covered them but I can caught some small details. They were riding horses but.

"Why horse can catch up with the speed of train"

"Those horse feel strange." the boys beside me said this.

I also felt the same. "That guy also looks strong."

Hearing this, I looked the person that this boy pointed.

I was very shocked. The person that I was looking is demon. And for the rest, they are human. This is very rare relationship because demon sees human as their food. They rarely cooperated with human.

[A new foe appears. Red Death.] system said with cold voice.

"Hey. What is that for"

[For fun]

His reply made me froze for a few second. Since when my system know to make a joke.

Anyway, from his breath, this demon is very strong. Even I felt some difficult to kill him.

"I run first. It's nice to meet you."

He ran away leaving me behind me. He followed with rest of people.

"please calm down and follow the guidance" the attendant said.

"This boy. Surely know how to make people angry."

I opened the suitcase and picked anaconda revolver up. I started to shot back.

This demon wasn't allowed to exist.

I pulled the trigger 4 times and 4 bullet came out. After thundering shout, 4 bandits were dead.

The rest was firing back.

I changed the position to firing back. Those horses who carried 4 dead people were stretching our their neck in strange angle. As I expected, they chewed their head like pudding.

"That is disgusting. This is first time I met demon reached this intelligent."

No matter the bandit or this train, the one benefits most is still him. The more human he devoured the stronger he became.

Not like other demon who prefer attacking small or remote village. He attacked the train where many people were on here.

I can't shot them back because they are firing too fierce.

"Let test new trick." I picked the hand mirror up and placed it beside the window. Their reflect was illuminated on mirror. I aimed at them according to mirror.

2 shot, 2 people dead.

I kept firing while they moved closer to the train.

I can see one person was entering the train. Immediately, I can hear the scream from section behind me.

"It's not a very good situation for me."

Immediately, the rest was entering the train.

"Whew, look like I will defend this place."

Suddenly, a hand placed on me.

"Customer. Please go this way." it was a person who placed dish on my table.

"Okay. But you should stop tugging me."

"I'm sorry."

"This way." he led the way.

"I have a question. Can I ask?"

"Sure. What do you want to ask?" he replied.

"You know. The night trip is very rare but why there know there will be a night trip in this place."

"That's just a coincidence. They ambushed us before that."

"Yes. That is a good answer. Are you one of them?"

"No. There is no way I was one of them." he looked me with confusion.

"Yeah. Your words are full of lie" I pointed gun at him.

"Don't be hasty like that. I'm trying to help you."

"Never and never"

Seeing that I didn't change, he quickly reached his waist. But I shot first. I made my way to corpse to inspect. He hid his gun in his waist.

"This skill is useful. Now I can detect people honest or not."

However, he stood back up in strange pose.

"What's now?"

I can see clearly the hole on his head and beside a hole, there is purple acne one his head.

"It moves. It's a living creature."

He moved towards me in zombie way.

"So it turns out like this. They are not cooperating but rather they are slaves and demon is their master." I dodged his attack.

I drew a sword from my umbrella.

[Breath of water: 2nd form]

I sent his head flying separating his head from body. His body fell to the ground.

"That demon will be a very troublesome opponent."

His body was starting to swollen up. Feeling this is not good, I kicked his body. After his body reached to certain measure, it exploded creating a big hole on train.

"Holy shit. Human's bomb." I exclaimed.

I peaked my head outside while the train was moving around mountain. Thank to this that I can assess the situation of other section. Blood and blood on window.

"It look like only me alive for now"

I guessed they are all dead becoming food for that demon now.

Update will be slow because school stuff.

Hai_Thicreators' thoughts