
Revealing Himself

Anyway in this chapter MC is going to reveal his intentions to someone, as I mentioned before, he is not 'good' guy or 'bad' guy, if I could give him an alignment it would be Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good, he is someone who does whatever he wants, and this is only prelude to thing he will do in other realities in not so distant future.


"Ha Ha! it's going to be so much fun to tease you from now on! most of my girls get pass this phase so quickly because of our cultivation method!" Raynor shook his head from amusement, seeing just how much this cute asura spirit pouts at him, and they only just met!

Her cheeks puffed even more, if only she had her cultivation! But that moment she stopped in her tracks with his kind of thought.

'Like it's going to help!" She quickly pushed that thought away and started to think differently.

"Fine then! I accept your offer! I will be your spirit if you can give back my cultivation!" She said that with crossed arms.

Raynor just continued to be amused by her, he loves when someone so cute tries to demand things from him, reminds him of Xing Tong quite a bit.

"Very well, so you accept your new name since you have not told me your original?" Raynor teasing continued.

The blush instantly returned on her face, she huffed and looked to side instead of him.

This only lasted a few moments because Raynor smirking face and the super annoying attraction to him is making whole things extremely difficult!

It's like she has to fight huge part of herself for everything!

Eventually she caved in and took deep breath.

"FINE! fine! I will be your 'little Darkness' so can you give back my cultivation!?" She looked at him cutely and Raynor instantly gulped down seeing that kind of expression.

He does sees it on his Yue'er from time to time, but his Yue'er is more beautiful sexy type, while this one is cute sexy type, they are like sisters they never knew they had!

"Sure thing... but beware... I am not very knowledgeable with this reality cultivation levels..." He said that while walking over to her.

"What does tha...*MOAN*" Newly dubbed Xiao Hei'an moaned on top of her lungs when Raynor released flood gates of energy into the dark beauty who instantly started to drool and twitch like Xue Ji who is still getting over the power boost!

Moments later the Royal Asura Spirit collapsed on the ground and started twitching and drool, it looked quite lewd to Raynor who looked away, it was not time for that yet!


Around half an hour later both of his spirits were finally back on their feet, his little Darkness looked away with an embarrassed blush while Xue Ji had healthy red cheeks while looking at Raynor with some sort of expectations.

"Well, how much did my energy improved your cultivation base?" He asked curiously since he can't see much difference in the smaller realms.

When they say that he or she is bigger by whole great realm, to him it would look like a it's just a little bit bigger spark...

First one to speak was Xue Ji while his cute little Hei'er is having a hard time looking at him...

"Just by forming bond with you, my cultivation reached the realm of True Immortal!" She happily said that.

She was just Martial Ancestor before, yet once she formed the bond she got increase in cultivation by whole Great Realm! Just like that!!!

When Raynor heard that he just blinked in confusion.

"Congratulations? I have no clue if it's incredible or something..." He awkwardly scratched back of his head.

Xue Ji shoulders slightly dropped and she looked at him weirdly for second, but then she realised that he is not from around here.

"It realm were one is getting closer to true Immortality." She explained very simply.

"I see and how does this reality perceive 'Immortality'?" He asked curiously.

"This realm has a life span which is around ten thousand years and above, with the next two stages it is said that one body fuses with said immortality." Xue Ji continued with her explanation.

"Hmm, so it's like Divine Origin..." He hummed looking at her from top to bottom.

'Well it's maybe more like half-step Divine Origin because the power is not there yet.' He though after checking what kind of output there is in her aura.

Xue Ji just shrugged she has no clue what that realm means which Raynor just mentioned.

"And you Hei'er?" He asked his cute dark spirit.

She quickly crossed her hands and huffed.

"This Queen is at Martial Immortal, you gave me three realm to much power! not that this Queen compla..." Before she can finish Raynor already engulfed her into a hug.

"OH.MY.GOSH! you are so cute when you call yourself 'This Queen'!" He rubbed his cheek into hers, the Royal Spirit face exploded into enormous crimson blush with borderline steam coming out from her ears!

She suppose to be one of The Asura World Queens and one of the most respected individuals in there, that alone brings fear to people hearts! yet now she is some cuddling toy to this Stupid God!!!

While Xue Ji next to them just snickered seeing that, she never seen such amusing sight before! who would have thought that she will see a day when one of those Royals will be treated like this!


After having his share of fun with super embarrassed Hei'er Raynor left his inner world and started to think how to progress from here.

'Should I just go to the centre of the universe and do it, or should I warn someone?' He hummed to himself while thinking about this.

'Well there is someone to whom I should say 'thank you' for the pair of spirits.'

He then looked at the sky, his Rinne-Sharingan glowed and tomoes started to spin.

Next moment he just took a step and disappeared from the Holy Light Galaxy!

~~~~~~Seven Realms Galaxy~~~~~~

Raynor reappeared in fancy looking room, he noticed a very beautiful woman cultivating on her bed.

With shrug he casually walked and took a seat on one of the chairs available in this room, he then pulled a table, and a kettle from his storage dimension, then followed by an empty teacup, a teabag, small spoon, and some sugar.

He then started to make some tea, with helps of his laws he can make it anywhere he wants...

Both of the Asura spirits inside of his inner world looked at his actions with confusion, How in all what is holy the woman haven't noticed him yet!?!

Couple minutes later he was finally done, slowly he started to sip his tea and watch how the woman is cultivating...

And... as everyone else in this or any other martial universes this lady was doing it the old fashion way, it's quite funny that only the protagonist sometimes develop some sort of unorthodox means to upgrade his cultivation base faster than rest...

Eventually he got tired of watching, no matter how much she was eye-pleasing sight.

"You know... with your speed it will take you around decade to breakthrough to next small realm." He said that with sigh.

That moment her eyes snapped open and out of nowhere her aura exploded and she was about to attack him.

Raynor reaction to that was just a raised eyebrow which was enough to make her lose all the power she gathered for attack.

When she released her cultivation base he felt it was around Divine Master... something he doesn't even bat his eye at...

While the spirits inside his inner realm realised just who this woman was!

'That's her! the one who trapped us inside that brats Spirit World!!!' Xue Ji growled and Hei'er just furrowed her eyebrows at seeing her, she was quite pissed as well.

'I know, that's why I am here.' Raynor said back to them.

"So, you are attack first ask questions later type of person?" Raynor asked her while casually holding his teacup.

Her eyes bulged out as she realised that her whole cultivation base was nullified... by his...eyebrow!?

"W-Who are you? how did you appear inside my private room? how did you even passed through the security?..." Her whole body just froze because she sensed what is happening outside!!!

"Finally noticed? you hotheads are all the same..." Raynor shook his head.

"Over five hundred years old yet, behaving like pre-teenager, combined with your husband's partial madness no wonder your son has become like that..." Raynor shook his head in 'disappointment'.

"You...know..." Her whole body just shook.

"Someone who is at my level, it's hard not to know things... anyway!" He waved his free hand and then continued..." My visit here is quite a simple one, I want to thank you for the Asura Spirits you left in your son, they will serve me well." His words made her explode in killing intent, but Raynor just took another sip of his tea.

"They are my son's spirits! give them back!" She snarled at him, pity that there are power behind any of her actions.

Raynor narrowed his eyes, he hates when people get angry or something similar and then the point of talking vanishes... so he just flicked his finger at her and erased any anger she had on him.

Chu Feng's mothers eyes got hint horror as she realised what Raynor just did!

'Who is he!? He manipulated my emotions!?!'

"I exist outside the concept of Power, Mortal! your snarling, anger or whatever you feel is no use on me! Why I am telling you all this is for you to find your son and husband or whatever and run away and hide..." He grinned when he said that.

"Because What I am about to do will unleash unprecedented chaos on your whole Nine Galaxies..."

Jie Ranqing whole body just shuddered when she saw that look he was showing, she was terrified!

"What are you going to do?" She softly asked, realising that there is no point to resist someone who calls her 'mortal'!

"I will reap Whole Spirit Realm and take it for myself, meaning your Organisation will lose any power they had and your bloodline will be utterly useless." He casually explained to her.

While the woman reaction to this was utter shock as she leaned back for second and lost balance dropping on the bed, her eyes expanded and narrowed trying to process what she just heard.

"Well, I have warned you, so I will take my leave now, good look Jie Ranqing..."

After saying that he disappeared with his table and whatever was on the top of it.

That moments she felt how her cultivation has returned and the whole galaxy was unfrozen...

~~~~~~Above Central Galaxy~~~~~~

'That woman! she dares to treat us like some property!?' Xue Ji snarled that.

'Well Ruler's Bloodline is very powerful when it comes to things related to Spirits, that's was the natural arrogance which comes with that.' Raynor just shrugged at that.


'After seeing her I no longer have qualms at what you are about to do.' Xue Ji said while she still had some anger in her voice.

'Like you can do anything to stop our new... master..." Hei'er said to the other Asura spirit.

'It's not my place to try to stop him! I am his spirit and if he needs any help I would try helping him!' Xue Ji explained proudly to Hei'er.

'Oh, my... such loyalty!' Hei'er said with teasing voice.

'Of course! and you should follow along! your Royal status is meaningless here... Hei'er.' Xue Ji teased her back.

The cute Asura spirit pouted and huffed then looked away, at least she is stronger the her!

But then she had horrifying though.

What is stopping that wild woman getting a powerful boost like she got!?

'You know that I can hear anything you two are talking about?' Raynor said with very amused voice.

Both of them blushed as they realised that their conversation was heard by their master!

"Well anyway... both of you just sit back and watch..." He said that as he closed his eyes and that moment as if time itself has stopped flowing...

Everyone in whole Universe felt a shift, as if someone just woke up!

Here is my Discord, if anyone wants to talk about my fanfics.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

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