
Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

We all know how cultivation novels are, starting from nothing and by the end of the novel, he becomes god. But what if the Main Character becomes god by the end of the first volume? then add the fact that he got multiverse travelling powers? and most of all he is Otaku who 'tries' living normal life and fulfilling his Otaku dreams? A 'Wish Fulfilment' type of story, when a normal Otaku type of guy gets the power to travel the multiverse! Cover Art Created by ZeroExperience20

Dragon15681 · Others
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147 Chs

More 'Battles' And Aftereffects

After finishing talking about weapon intents RWBY offered Raynor and his group to join them to watch the upcoming two remaining matches.

And glad they did, because the seats they have are leagues above the ones they received as spectators.

Not that Raynor used them, he used his laws to shift them into comfortable couches.

This time he didn't need to do any of that, as the seats were great as it is.

Raynor got comfortable in one of the seats, he had a large pack of popcorn with him, Weiss looked at him with a sigh, he just finished eating, all that stuff before! and now he has more!?

Then her eyes bulged out when she saw that Goddess looking girl just get comfortable in his lap and start feeding him the popcorn.

"W-What are you doing!?" The white-haired girl asked with disbelief, do they know how many people there are in the stadium?!

"I am feeding my master, want to join?" She asked her curiously, Weiss reaction to that was priceless as her mouth opened and closed several times in disbelieve.

Since Weiss got a seat next to Raynor, on purpose, of course. She made sure Ruby is sitting next to her instead of Raynor, who has his assistant girl sitting on the other side.

"H-How can you be this shameless!" Weiss hissed at Long Qing with embarrassed look, this whole thing reminded the Dragon Empress of Divine Dream who was now slowly getting out of her shell...

"You think I care what everyone thinks? Oh, how little do you know little Weiss." Long Qing patted the Heiress head, as if she was just a small girl who left her house for the first time.

Weiss instantly turned red and wanted to push the woman's hand away but she was to slow as Long Qing hand was already away.

The White-haired girl pouted for a second then huffed and looked at the arena.

Raynor who was forced to listen in because they were close to him, could only shake his head.

Long Qing already found Weiss 'interesting' same way she found Divine Dream 'interesting'.

Both of them returned to watch the fight which was all over the place.

In this tournament people fight in biomes, this fight has evenly split in two.

One is forest, the other one is mountainous terrain.

The team which JNPR was facing had a sniper which went to hide in the forest.

"That one cowardly method to fight." Long Qing complained seeing a girl using sniper, she was trying to shoot Pyrrha down who is strongest of JNPR.

"From where you are Long Qing that's a maybe, but this place is all about humanity survival by any means necessary," Raynor said with a shrug.

The RWBY team could only sweat drop hearing Long Qing complaining about snipers, especially Weiss who knew that this woman is much more stronger then Raynor assistant, she could probably catch the bullets or even outrun them...

While RWBY was thinking about Long Qing comment the Primordial Dragon observed the team leader of JNPR.

He was pretty much useless and his command were far too complex, which confused his teammates.

"Doesn't teams go through drills to get an understanding of each other? why that lanky blond is confusing his teammates?" Raynor asked with barely hidden amusement.

Weiss groaned hearing that, and Ruby sweatdropped, the little reaper tried to think ways to defend his first friend...

"He... anxious?"

Weiss groaned again.

"He is just trying to look like he is doing something! and that is not helping!" Weiss said with deadpan look.

"Right..." Raynor said that with his deadpan look.


"Emerald, you have something for me?" Cinder asked her spying/thieving follower.

Emerald handed over a scroll (Remnants version of Phone).

The black-haired beauty looked over pictures Emerald has taken.

"All our clues point to this man, Cinder." Emerald showed at the handsome black-haired teenager with brown eyes, his clothes looked extremely regular, the only thing about him which looked out of place are tattoos on his hands, one was blue and the other one was purple, there was another regular black ink wolf tattoo on his right hand, apart from that he was just handsome looking guy.

And then there was two nearly ethereal looking women with long black hair which were following him, they looked like followers or even bodyguards...

"His description matches with one given by Torchwich, and Atlas specialists are not far from him." Emerald showed another picture showing Atlas specialist following some distance away.

"I see... so, this is the God, my Mistress was talking about." Cinder said with purring voice.

Emerald frowned hearing that.

"Are you sure? We only know that he can shoot beams from his pistols, it could only be some unknown technology developed by Atlas." The Mint Green haired girl asked sceptically.

"You forgot that he can fly, can pull out demonic-looking sword with wave of his hand and that he cleansed Mountain Glenn which had our trump card hidden!" Cinder said with narrowed eyes.

Emerald quickly raised her hands in defeat.

"I-I apologise Cinder, but It's hard to believe that this man is a God! I mean he has unique powers that's true, but taking to level of a...God?" The thief girl make her point.

"I was like you before I spoke with Mistress." Cinder sighed at Emerald, she was told to be extremely careful, and if need be, she will tell Emerald everything about him, she is not allowed to be arrogant and miss her step because she underestimated who she was dealing with.

"Here... read this and don't question me again on this..." Cinder transferred something to Emerald scroll before handing over to her.

The thief girl opened the folder, her eyes slightly widened because it was top secret file from Atlas high command.

"Atlas leaders eyes only?" Emerald asked with shell shocked look.

"We do possess best hacker in Remnant, Emerald, continue reading." Cinder said with voice telling not to bother her anymore.

The thief girl nervously nodded at continue to read, the more she read the more horrified she was.

His assistant alone can freeze kilometres of land?, he can summon monsters from place called Spirit Realm! one of them being a shapeshifting demonic creature which can shoot energy beam capable erasing entire city blocks...

Most of them all it was his doing which made Cinder's maidens powers harder to control!

"H-H-He balanced the whole reality?" Emerald gulped down if she was not been sitting she would now.

"Hard to believe, since this information came from a Schnee, but she was with him the whole time in Mountain Glenn, and Mistress confirmed the shift in Remnant personally, maiden powers ARE harder to control now." Cinder turned toward Emerald.

"Now, you will continue to observe him best of your ability, you are natural at sneaking around." the black-haired girl said in a commanding tone.

"I doubt my semblance will work on him..." Emerald quickly said that with pale look, she doesn't want to be anywhere near someone who can alter reality with a snap of his fingers!

"Of course not, I don't need your semblance here, I need you to observe and gather information on him, we only know things what Schnee girl reported, and what Ozpin gave away to General Ironwood, which are very little and straight to point."

In laymen's terms, 'You mess with him and you cease to exist alongside with your family and nation'.

And now their whole plan is a mess, Atlas is extremely paranoid and everything they do is like they are walking on very thin ice.

They brought less mechs and more human personnel, most of Atlas specialist are here.

The whole 'chess table' is a mess now, as third player appeared who has absolute control over everything, even her Mistress is now less scary to her, because there is someone who can alter reality with nothing but his fingers snap!

"I understand Cinder..." Emerald said while gulping down nervously.

She is so fucked up that she doesn't even want to think about it! eyes dropping on freaking God? does he already know that they are plotting? maybe he already knows their plan!?

"...doesn't he already know that we are plotting? I mean he is God no?" Emerald asked, Cinder snapped at her for interrupting again.

"Mistress said that God's doesn't operate like that... at least the ones she knows, and so far nothing has happened, if that God is friendly with Ozpin he would already dealt with us, and yet he has not..." The Black-haired woman explained, her words didn't made Emerald less afraid.


After the match has ended, and JNPR surprisingly won, the next one was a team from Shade academy which is in Vacuo, and Haven Academy which is in Mistral.

The team from Shade was pure female team and team from Haven was pure male team.

Weiss huffed when she looked at the male team.

"Knows someone, Princess?" Raynor asked her.

The white-haired girl just rolled her eyes.

"Weiss asked the blue-haired guy for dance, since she didn't want to go alone, but the guy didn't agree and later we found out that he can't dance!" Ruby easily spilt the beans with a giggle.

"Heh... if you wish to dance in our date Weiss I can prepare biggest ball In Remnant for you." Raynor teased Weiss who narrowed her eyes at Ruby for spilling the beans, if Raynor was there she would have asked him out, or he would have already asked her out!

"I am fine with normal one, big balls are Atlas thing and I don't want to think about that place." She said that with a slightly angry tone which Raynor picket it up.

He will find out later from her, not that he needs much information to know what going on, it's probably related to her father which is 95% possibility, the other small percentage is her indecisive mother...

For now, he stopped thinking about that and focused on the match.

The Primordial Dragon looked at the teams below which started their fight and Raynor instantly noticed the weird behaviour of the blue-haired guy.

"Is, he... afraid of water?" He asked with disbelieve as the dude was holding a goddam Trident in his hands yet he was looking with panic towards the water biome area.

"Now... that you mentioned... he is shaking In his boots," Weiss said with disbelieve.

"And the funny thing is his name! Ray look at the board!" Arno who was sitting next to Yang pointed at it.

"Neptune Vasilias?" After reading it, he started laughing to the point of tears, Arno joined him only his was more tame.

Few moments later they calmed down.

"Oh man, that's a good one!" Raynor said while wiping away some tears from his eyes with his free hand.

"Not that I find it funny to laugh from guy who is afraid of water this much, but why you laughing from his name?" Yang asked with confusion, so did rest of RWBY.

"Because Neptune is a name of a God who is ruler of seas, and his weapon of choice was Trident," Raynor said with a grin.

RWBY eyes widened before they started laughing as well.


The battle was amusing in a unique way, Neptune most of the fight was useless and his teammates had to lift that extra weight to deal with the fight being 3 vs 4, that's of course didn't last that long because the all-male team had several tricks up their sleeves.

Eventually the whole female team ended up in the water and very terrified Neptune used his trident electrical dust to shock the all-girl team inside of it.

"Well, he is still useless in my eyes." Long Qing brutally said that, the fear of water is weakness which should be ridden as quickly as possible! her birth reality beats those phobias out of people before they become adults.

So, seeing someone like this guy to have a phobia for water is pathetic! all she needs to do to beat him is to drop him into a river, lake or sea and he will drown!

Team RWBY could only grimace seeing the Goddess looking woman speak so emotionlessly about the whole water Phobia.

"Don't take her words to hard that much, she originated from pure martial arts reality, over there people don't have a concept of fear." Raynor casually said that as they started to leave coliseum for the day.

The 4 vs 4 rounds were done and 2 vs 2 going to start In couple days... but before that...

Once more the sun got blocked by another large cruiser it was probably the biggest one or maybe because it looked much bigger because it was closer than the others.

Weiss looked at it with a bright smile.

"She is finally here!"

If people are interested in this fanfiction I have a Discord for this.

Over there I have more extended list of World MC will visit and from time to time I spoil some stuff.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

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