
Otaku Cultivator Exploring The Multiverse

We all know how cultivation novels are, starting from nothing and by the end of the novel, he becomes god. But what if the Main Character becomes god by the end of the first volume? then add the fact that he got multiverse travelling powers? and most of all he is Otaku who 'tries' living normal life and fulfilling his Otaku dreams? A 'Wish Fulfilment' type of story, when a normal Otaku type of guy gets the power to travel the multiverse! Cover Art Created by ZeroExperience20

Dragon15681 · Others
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147 Chs

Decided The Fate Of People Over Some Cocoa

After the introductions were over, Ozpin invited Raynor for some hot chocolate, its something The Primordial God could not say 'no' to!

Why? because the man bragged... slightly, how he spent MANY years figuring out how to make the best tasting hot chocolate! something Raynor could not control himself and just agree to taste it!

The new guys from Atlas could not believe how quickly the Headmaster made the teenager looking deity to agree!

Once again Raynor and alongside his two girls were in the Beacon's main tower, at the very top where Ozpin office is, its quite spacious something the Primordial Dragon could agree to.

The Headmaster would like to ask who its the new lady which was following the teenager, what he felt from her was very similar to Raynor, but where his power felt like limitless, her's were 'nearly' limitless, the old man could only make some heads or tails to this because of his vast living experience, but even then it was just a guess on his part.

Does this mean from where he comes from there are many more 'monsters' of this kind of level?

That thought alone made him want to dig a hole and hide!

"Headmaster you need more furniture in this place..." Raynor sighed as he waved his hand and a glass coffee table appeared surrounded by soft couches.

People from Atlas could only gulp seeing such display of power in such a casual way, the tamest reaction was from The Beacon's Headmaster who simply agreed with Raynor.

The Headmaster has send RWBY to rest and Arno joined them as he wanted to spend some time with the fellow blonde.

Raynor could not understand his friend's fascination with that girl, well now he knows how his friend feel about Raynor's fascination with 'dark beauties'...

He just shrugged internally, well everyone has their 'kinks'...

If he likes a girl which is close to his mother in looks AND is wild in some way... well it's his choice, Raynor never was party type of guy, he prefers going to the cinema and restaurants...

While he was thinking about preferences in girls He walked over and got comfortable in one of the couches.

His assistant prim and properly strolled and continued to stand just behind him, while Long Qing knew that it was not time to sit on his lap, but still she got comfortable sitting next to him.

Ozpin without saying anything went to sit opposite from Raynor, the man already has above average understanding of the individual in front of him, as long as he is not 'touching' certain thing he is safe and maybe even going to get something out of it.

Basically like mafia boss, respect the 'Hood' and if the boss likes you, you might get something from it.

Only that the scale of such thing are at planetary if not universal size.

No pressure...

Seeing that the Headmaster is sitting General Ironwood joined him as well.

Only Winter Schnee was standing and the Deputy Headmistress.

"Glynda, can you get us some Cocoa use my special blend for this." The Ozpin asked his Deputy.

The blond woman nodded and went to make some Cocoa.

"Tea and Cocoa are one of my favourite drinks, some realities spend an incredible amount of time developing it into fascinating art which can even help one to break through into higher realms of understanding of the universe," Raynor said that with a smile as he remembered drinking tea done by Li Suo, Sheng Mei, Soaring Feather and even Divine Dream, its something which made even Erina mad, as these women made tea into some sort of profound art and the test was incredible!

"Truly? interesting..." Ozpin for second thought about it, it uniquely made sense...

"It is, I know several people who existed for a very long time and their tea making is an art." Raynor for second looked at Long Qing who ONLY has several million years of memories, but she knows how to make exquisite tea and has instructed Mu Feixue when she was feeling bored.

In other words, he always has good tea makers around him...

"But then again, when you live that long Ozpin you start picking up things over the long period time," Raynor said with a smile.

The man slightly chuckled, and Ironwood with Winter looked slightly confused at this, they know Ozpin very experienced huntsman but when does he have time to do research Cocoa?

"You look, confused but I guess Ozpin never explained everything did he?" Raynor said that after noticing the confused facial expressions.

"Your world 'Remnant' is a Remnant of magical civilisation which existed approximately over one thousand and two hundred years, and Ozpin here is one of two people who survived the end of it."

Both of the people looked at Ozpin with shock, before they can say anything, Raynor continued.

"That where Ozpin knows about Gods because that civilisation was created by the Twins." The Primordial Dragon said with sigh.

The information about Gods being real made both Winter and Ironwood suspect that the legends about Twins were true, now this just confirmed that.

"Does this mean that you learned more about them?" Ozpin asked curiously, he was not surprised that his origins were revealed like that.

"Learned? I knew everything about them the moment I found them...." Raynor casually shrugged." They are energy constructs which are born from light and darkness, these two energies moulded their personalities, in other words, they will never understand humanity, but if you are to meet them then God of Darkness would be your only bet to survive."

Ozpin nodded after hearing that, his theories were spot on, after so many years he had time to think about them as well.

"And if they would to return now, what would you do to them?" The headmaster of Beacon curiously asked the Primordial Dragon.

"The answer is quite simple..." Raynor eyes slightly glowed red, the air in the whole room that moment got heavier.

"First I will humiliate them, then I will strip them of their powers, before making them cease to exist," Raynor said with dead serious voice, which tells them that he will make that happen one way or other.



"I see... as I thought, you are from a higher plane of existence," Ozpin said that after some breath period of silence.

"Oh, that's a new one, but that is not entirely correct or wrong, I do come from different Universe, in a sense I am proof that Multiverse is real, there should be such theory in your labs General," Raynor said the last part as he looked at the General Ironwood, his words just snapped the man out from his thoughts.

Knowing his kind of people, the man probably already started to think of contingency plans for alien invasion from a different reality after learning that aliens and all sorts of creatures are real.

"I believe there is such a theory." The general nodded at Raynor question.

"Hmm, then I suggest from this moment you should start to believe in simple concept that 'everything is real until it's proven otherwise', because the multiverse is very realm, I originally come from a place where humanity is at the apex of the food chain and there are over 5 billion humans around in the world." He then motioned at his two girls

" And these two come from places were martial arts reign supreme to point that people call themselves 'God-Emperors', because they wield a large amount of destructive powers." He casually said that.

"In other words, there are many, many different worlds."

General started to think seriously about this, is multiverse is realm then time travel is real too? so much to think about!

"While... this is all fascinating... I believe our hot Cocoa is here." Hearing that from Ozpin, Raynor gaze went to the trolley which had the drinks coming their way.


Raynor hummed with satisfaction as he taste the chocolate drink.

"Yes this is the stuff..." The Primordial dragon took the sip.

He motioned for Winter to join them as well, she wanted to say something about duty and all the stuff, but a single look from Raynor made her sit on the couch instantly, he then did same to his assistant who was now quietly drinking the cocoa.

"Mr Valeron, we would like to ask your assistance in making this event as safe as possible, we have intel that there are some people who infiltrated the Tournament." General Ironwood said finally could not hold and he asked.

"Hmm, yes and I think I know who it is," Raynor said after remembering the black-haired woman and amber coloured eyes.

"While sensing evil is not my forte, I have means to do that." Restia proudly huffed inside his inner world.

Raynor words made General and the specialist instantly get relieved.

"But, taking them in custody would be unwise, since we don't have any proof that they did anything wrong."

Ozpin slowly nodded hearing that.

"They are Salem agents who wish to get to the Maiden." The headmaster of Beacon said while casually revealing one of the secrets which he finds it's pointless to hide at this moment.

"I see... and this maiden is hidden under Beacon?" Raynor asked for confirmation.

"Yes, half of her power has been taken, I created the maidens many years ago to increase the amount of magic-users there is in the world to help me to fight Salem." Ozpin words made Winter look at him with shell shocked look, because today she learned so many mind-boggling secrets which she doubts she will able to sleep for several days! she might need to get something to drink!

"Don't look so shocked specialist Schnee, most legends have some piece of truth in them," Ozpin said with a chuckle.

While his deputy headmistress rolled her eyes at the Headmaster and her boss, the man became more eccentric than ever before!

He even stopped doing paperwork now his magic is doing that stuff for him!

"I see, so did you noticed that half of her soul taken out? and she is constantly in pain?" Raynor asked him, and Ozpin quickly nodded at the Primordial Dragon.

"Yes, but we don't know how to fix such a thing, its something completely new, Salem created something to get Maidens of her own," Ozpin said with a slighly frustrated sigh.

"Is she fully on your side?" Raynor asked seriously, he doesn't like when a girl is suffering like this, and the feeling he gets from her is... wrong, like feeling half of person it freaked him out when he sensed for the first time...

"Yes, she is."

Raynor simply sighed, and snapped his fingers, now he won't going need to sense this woman missing half soul, and messing with people plans are always his most favourite pass time.

"Now she is fine, I have her healed, her soul had taint of Grimm, so I suppose Salem has developed a Grimm to pull out the power, this means another thing, and most logical of them all, is that the other half power went to another woman." Raynor explanation made Ozpin nod, same did Ironwood.

"Do you know how she looks like? We could start following her as well then, the moment she does something suspicious we will capture her." Ironwood suggested.

"While such thing will avert a disaster, in a long term plan this woman is just a powerful pawn, a pawn which can be replaced over time, and time is something Salem has in droves."

Ozpin nodded at what Raynor just said, with Amber( one of maidens) around now he can relax and wait for Salem next move.

"Still, here is the pictures of the people who were around this woman." Raynor with hand wave created several pictures of Cinder Fall and her lackeys.

Ozpin and the rest quickly picked them up to look.

"Now, I helped you, in return I want to enjoy this tournament, as long it's not interrupted I am satisfied..." Raynor looked at the General.

"You have brought you ships and army I expect them to keep the peace, but then again one of my domains is Chaos, and if she will bring chaos to this place, I will gladly assist in containing it, as only I am allowed to cause it," Raynor said it with a smile which made General Ironwood gulp down nervously.

Did they just played with fire and made stakes much higher!?

After saying that Raynor finished the Cocoa and started leaving the office, leaving shell shocked General somewhat perplex Ozpin.

"Winter go with him and on excuse to visit your sister, find out more about his way of operating!" General ordered his specialist.

The older Schnee quickly went after them.


"I need a vacation..." Ironwood said with sigh.

"You not the only one," Glynda said with frustration as she looked at nonchalant Ozpin.

If people are interested in this fanfiction I have a Discord for this.

Over there I have more extended list of World MC will visit and from time to time I spoil some stuff.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

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