
Otaku Card System

Hana Zhao never thought reality would change after one night. She fell from the top assassin in a peak organization to a powerless teen straddled with debt. Transmigrating into the mysterious Tower Between Worlds, she is now part of a world where humanity has supreme abilities. Dangerous dungeons are an integral part of life on every floor. Within this New Age, Hana will climb her way to the top as a dungeon hunter. Who cares if they can tame beasts? Her Pokemon will dominate all in battle. Elemental weapons? Check out her Zanpakuto collection. Hell if she really wanted, she could drown a city with her Djinn equips. While her predecessor thought her ability was useless, Hana knows she has the ultimate cheat. This will be the time when otakus reign supreme! Note: Cover photo isn't mine.

FlyingDreamFairy · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Absolute Victory

The girl bathed in flames faced off against the boy surrounded by vines.

The stunned crowd slowly revived. The cries and jeers amped up the atmosphere, turning in Hana's favor. They had witnessed a hidden powerhouse in the school. And it was a beautiful girl!!

"Beat his ass!"

"Roast him into barbecue fire goddess!"

"Worshipping the fire goddess! Please send a smile this way!"

"Go go go!"

A fan club of admirers was building up.

"Oh my god," Meng Xiaoyi gasped. She spun to Huang Feifei next to her. "You said Hana Zhao was an F - ranked! Are you freaking blind?"

Huang Feifei glared at her. "Who did you call blind?" The stupid file in school clearly said she had some F - ranked summoning ability. What the fuck was this?

Huang Feifei wasn't completely dumb. She immediately starting thinking.

Does that mean someone changed Hana Zhao's file? With her level of power, she could come from a big family like Renae. Maybe she was just in hiding right now, but when she went back . . .

Huang Feifei's mind was running through conspiracy theories and possibilities. "No, its not possible!" She couldn't afford to offend such as person, but it was just speculation right now.

Huang Feifei bit her lips. "Well, this has nothing to do with me anyway. There's no proof right? I, I was just joking around. It's all Song Lin's fault." She was breaking down.

Meng Xiaoyi was scared. What if Hana started taking revenge for what she did to her in the past? It was all this useless best friend's fault! She stuck to her because she was rich, but who knew she would drag her into this mess.

While the two were sweating it out in the audience, Song Lin was sweating in the arena from the heat of Hana's flames.

He snarled. "Die!"

This time, he ran forward, using the vines to boost his speed. Vines rose around Hana, trying to fence her in.

"Take this!" Song Lin launched a punch at Hana's face. He was adamant this would work. There was no way this weak little girl could fight. So what if she had fire? If he knocked her out, it would be his win.

But to his shock, Hana caught his fist in her palm. "How — "

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" In a blur of red and fiery heat, he was sent flying away again.

Hana clasped her fists together. "Now for the this." Her heat aura skyrocketed.

"Fire Dragon's Secret Art! Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!"

What could only be described as a swirling tornado of flames assaulted the arena. While most of the attack seemed to have gone into the sky, the arena was throughly fried. In addition, everyone in the first few rows looked like they had gotten a mild case of sunburn.

Song Lin lied on the ground, completely wasted.

An absolute victory.

"Still alive," Hana sighed in relief. This power was actually pretty easy to control.

Now, what should she try next?

Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang?

She probably couldn't go into other elemental modes, but secret arts were fine.

Fire Dragon's Claw was a pretty common move too.

But the roar was fun as well . . .

Her fist burst into flames. "I'll try them all then. I'm all fired up now!" The line came so easily that she smiled with uncontrollable glee.

To the audience however, it looked like the smile of a devil. She was still fighting?!?!? Looking at Song Lin's state, he wasn't gonna last much longer . . .

Some were even pitying the poor guy. After all, he was unlucky enough to fight the girl who was actually tiger playing as a pig.

Song Lin blanched at the sight of the flames. He was about to cry. Forget pride and face, now he just wanted to live. Big sister, can you please spare me ah!

"Nononono, I surrender!" If he had a white flag, he would be waving it like crazy.

"Hah?" Hana narrowed her eyes. "I don't accept your surrender. You dragged me out from lunch to do this. We might as well play with you a little longer." She had so many attacks she could try out.

"Yeah, punch his face!" Renae yelled in support. Her friend was on fire today! Literally!

The crowd also cheered in support. "Roast him some more fire goddess! We want a barbecue K.O.!"

For the first time, Song Lin felt like he experienced true despair.

The demonic girl walked forward, body wreathe in flame. Every step seemed to slow down for time, like he was seeing his impending death in slow motion.

He truly wanted to faint at this moment.

"So fragile," Hana murmured. Her eyes slid to Huang Feifei and Meng Xiaoyi. The two girls trembled in terror.

This level of power was at definitely A - ranked. Definitely A - ranked! It was as terrifying as Renae Cao's ability!

Hana slid her eyes back to Song Lin. The two should know not to mess with her now. Another bonus of this farce. Intimidate these annoying bugs away.

She raised her hand, a wide grin. "Let's roast you a little more shall we."


A lone girl pushed her way up to the arena.

"Please stop." She stepped in front of Song Lin, shielding him with her body.

Hana frowned, putting down her hand. "And who are you?"

She raised her head. Mousy hair fringed over dark dull eyes. "Song Lin's sister, Song Qi."

Wow, this was hard to write since I haven't watched Fairytail in a while. I hope ya'll enjoy it!


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