
Osmosis - A LitRPG Cultivation Story

[The series will post new chapters on March 2023] Queen Lyshisha nearly had it all. She’s young, black, extremely hot, loaded, and talented enough to rule her conquered King–no, Queendom for the past five years. What she lacked is a simple thing called a functioning Sun Core within herself, a spiritual sphere essential to cultivate properly to strengthen oneself and train in heaven-defying skills by using the ambient mana in the atmosphere. Despite her handicap, she focused on her unprecedented talent in Letter Matter, a power allowing her to use her mental abilities to injure, befuddle, or even summon dreadful monsters to do her bidding. But tragedy struck. A bunch of assassins aiming for her life missed, but severely injured her younger sister who remains in a coma, hovering between life and death. And despite the human race superior technology, they couldn’t save her from her predicament. Her hope? Entering the prestigious Jiu Tian (Nine Heavens) Sect by becoming it’s disciple, and gain enough merits for them to disclose the path to rescue her beleaguered sibling. What’s more, they might even restore her broken Core! But the Sect has secrets it wants to keep and would do everything, even kill Royals to keep it that way... Warning: Explicit sex scenes, foul language, gory violence, and undefined/non-conventional relationships. Reader discretion advised. Story updated once per day, barring any special occasions. To connect with the author, you can go to his facebook group called the worlds and universes of unlimited. His discord is unlimited#8279. Other series written by the same author: Alturix! - A LitRPG Story It's available on Webnovel and is set in an universe separate from Osmosis. Extra chapters objectives: +4 chapters if the series has 10K Views + 4 chapters if the series has 50K views +3 chapters if there's 10 reviews per series +3 chapters if there's 50 reviews per series +3 chapters if there's 100 reviews per series Please don't hesitate to remind me if those objectives are met (I may not realize it as I have to refresh to page many times to see where my views stand) Art made by Kim Goldenmoon She can be found at 99designs.com

Rekuta · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 5: Core Disciple

The morning rays of the next day shone on the underside of Lyshisha's face, who after an uneasy rest, stirred awake.

The events of the previous day lingered in her mind, but what could she do about it?

First of all, what proof did she have that the folks killed were unwilling in the first place?

After all, they weren't physically restrained … maybe they were there of their own volition, their cries of anguish the simple, but unexpected result of their painful sacrifice?

But the most important thing is … is it her business to butt in the first place?

No, she didn't come to pry into their practices whose roots she may or may not understand, even if she was a foreign royal.

Hopefully, that elder didn't see her leaving, and for the sect attitude towards her actions … she'll just have to wait and see.

She came here to find a cure for her sister and a solution to her broken core if possible. She had to focus on these goals instead of some weird ritual sh*t.

Shuffling out of her crimson blanket, her naked silhouette walked from her simple beige room, ambling across the grey hallway as her fellow disciples gave her a worried glance each time she greeted them.

Despite her tall frame, and alluring face, she didn't think that they'll fear her wanting to eat them away. Was it due to her fight with Zhònghuà's Crown Princess?

Stepping beyond a greenish zone pitted with holes, her arrival in the grand bathroom elicited a few gasps from the crowd. Rows of steaming disciples soaked under the showerheads turned towards her.

Even those mating couples stopped, they eyes wide like a deer fleeing a flesh-eating vine.

"Sh*t … that's the foreign royal who took down Princess Meihui…" one disciple muttered to another who was shaving over one of the many sinks in the corners of the room.

"Isn't she courting death by remaining in the empire after her stunt? How could the Imperial Family let that go? They lost all face yesterday…"

"Despite her cultivation, she's really strong, but if we associate ourselves with her, wouldn't we incur the Imperial's wrath? I can't afford to offend them…"

"Maybe they can't retaliate because she comes from a pretty advanced empire, after all, she's a royal and they rather want to lose face instead of waging an open war over this fight…"

She guessed right.

They were scared of what political ramifications would arise by befriending her.

Though a tad cowardly, their reasoning was understandable, but for her, they were making a big issue out of nothing.

But whatever she'll say would not even help but possibly even worsen the situation, so they'll have to wait and see how everything would shape out … into no act of retaliation from either party.

With a light step she chose an empty showerhead and allowed the tepid water to cascade her body, and a few minutes later she flicked her finger over a button, allowing a bunch of flying gloves to scrub her flesh with a vanilla scent.

Her ablutions finished, she left the bathroom sopping wet under the disciples stares. A gust of artificial wind from the verdant pockmarked floor fully dried her skin as she reached her locker.

Inside, she retrieved the same uniform every female disciple wore, except she had a yellow cloak made from toghu, her empire fabric.

They even left a couple of similar uniforms just in case one might be ripped apart.

How thoughtful of them!

They even sewn her imperial arms—a roaring brown lioness—on its back!

She quickly dressed herself, wearing the red socks and the black low-heeled short boots the sect supplied, then made the other uniforms disappear within her bracelet before she went to the cafeteria…


Her hunger satiated 45 minutes later, she decided to head over to the outer court library, located on the first floors of the Jiu Tian Pagoda.

Stepping beyond the slide doors left her amazed. A bouquet of disciples sat cross-legged around many towering pillars thicker than any millennia-old tree stretching all the way to the ceiling. Bark-like motifs appeared and evanesced over the ivory hue the columns exuded.

A majestic scent wafted her nostrils, a redolence exhorting her to inhale and appreciate its history.

Evidently, the light-brown wooden floor was made from the famed but rare Greeting Pine only found in the Huangshan Mountains (Yellow Mountain).

Already Lyshisha's thoughts were a tiny bit clearer than before, sharper even.

Was it due to its rumored ability to help any cultivator inhaling it for a period of time to easily clear their minds of any stray thoughts and useless stimuli?

That'll be incredible!

However, she didn't know where to start, but fortunately, there was a counter able to guide newbie disciples like her, so she walked by to inquire.

But when she arrived, she couldn't help but stifle a gasp.

Dark shoulder-length relaxed hair over an enthralling heart-shaped face.

Neatly trimmed beard circling his chin all the way to his lower jaws.

Eyebrows as thin as his mustache.

Light brown eyes the hue of a willow tree.

A perfectly thewy body hugged by a forget-me-not tang suit embroidered with bird motifs.

Unblemished skin lustrously as dark and creamy as she was.

How could such a guy be perfect as he was?

And a core disciple, no less!

His relative youth.

A calm and collected silhouette sitting on a comfy chair, embodied by a winsome smile and an assured voice despite the power he exuded.

Who was he? She had to know everything, roots and stem alike!


[Cultivation level: 98] ~Personal Information~ [Next level: 87%]

[First Name: Azuka] VITALITY :{100%} [Species : Human] [Middle Name(s): Beluolisa] MANA : {100%} [Surname: Jidemma] [Sex: Male] STAMINA :{100%} [Cultivation status: Ravager (8) Star] [Height: 6.4 ft] [Body Weight: 255 lbs] [Skeletal Age: 29 (Born: March 20th 2173)] [Blood Type: O+] [Bone Frame: 9th Grade] [Epithet/Title: The Raven Scarlet Blade] ~Status~

Normal [Jiu Tian Sect Core Disciple—Ranked 4th]


A lòbà ehhh…

Not even thirty and already a high-level Ravager?

Ranked fourth across all core disciples?

And a ninth grade bone frame, just like hers?

Such a pity do those stats never mention how many meridians he unlocked.

Well, all she'll have to do is ask … and much more.

This phantasmagorical flower, she had to smell, lick, taste, and eat it whole!

Hey guys!

As you realized, I've missed the one day deadline.

Believe it or not it wasn't due to a lack of material, but the amount of material having to be published at the same time. Multiply that by three series and you got that result...

The amount of material was basically due to you guys.

I had some internal views projection, and you guys shattered it.

Therefore, i decided to treat you guys accordingly.

For reaching the milestone of a collective 1000 views across my three series, you'll get instead of one, two extra chapters. (That's not 3, but 2 chapters, to make it clear)

For each series reaching 1000 views, you get an extra four chapters.

And it stacks up, so it's six chapters.

That was acheived in less than a single day

Then the next milestone was a collective 5000 views across the three series, which you've acheived yesterday, so that'll be an extra two chapters for july 24th.

In a nutshell, that's what took so long (adding my ill-preparation).

Normally, that mistake won't happen again, so you guys are going to get 6 chapters at once across the three series, and the extra two chapters will come later on the day.

The next milestone will be a collective 10000 views across all three series, so it's gonna give me some breathing room as I prep and convert (from word) the chapters to give you guys the highest quality possible.

Just wanted to let you know guys.

Sorry, enjoy the chapters, and have a great day!

Rekutacreators' thoughts