
Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)

A guy awakens as an Osmosian in the Marvel Universe with the powers of a Gamer. This is his ascent to power in a world of gods.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


More time was spent sparring until Cisco came over and said something to Barry, which led to him addressing the entire group.

"Uh, Jax and Professor Stein found a message from me in the future saying that right now, I can't be trusted." Barry began.

"Why would future you send a message like that?" Sara asked.

"Because I went back in time and changed the timeline and now things are different, including some of your lives."

"Like who?" Kara asked.

"Cisco, Caitlin, Wally, Dig."

"Me, why what happened?" Dig asked.

"Apparently you had a daughter." Oliver said to Dig.

"I had a daughter...Wait let me get this straight. So you just erased a daughter from my life?"

"Yeah" Barry said.

"You can't just go back and change things like that Barry." Sara said.

"We spent all that time traveling, fixing aberrations in time. You just decided it was okay for you to create your own?" Ray asked.

"I have a question. Isn't Barry going back in time and saving his mom fixing an aberration instead of causing one." I chimed in.

"What makes you say that?" Ray asked.

"From what I've gathered, Reverse-Flash went back in time and killed his mom. That was an aberration in and of itself. The lives you all lived in that timeline shouldn't have even happened. Isn't that what you 'Legends of Tomorrow' do too."

"That's different" Sara began.

"How. People lived lives in those altered timelines, the same way you all did in the one Eobard Thawne created. You change their entire lives, how is Barry doing this any different. He was fixing the original kink in the timestream."

Before anyone else could respond, Felicity got an alert on her computer. She looked at it and said "It's Lyla. The President has been abducted by the Dominators, she needs us now."

"Alright, you guys go. I'm gonna sit this one out, you have Supergirl, she's just as fast as I am."

I coughed something that sounded suspiciously like "Cap" but everyone ignored me.

They started to walk away, when Oliver said "Come on, this is crazy. I'm not going without Barry."

"Then you're staying here." Dig said.

"Get off the high horse. You're mad Barry 'Took your daughter from you' all that happened was a gender swap. You wouldn't have your son then, unless you're saying you'd prefer a daughter." I said, annoyed with the way everyone was acting. The Legends messed up the timeline more than they fixed it and most of the other stuff was small changes. Cisco's the only one with a valid reason to be angry.

Dig just scoffed and walked away. I walked over to Barry and put my hand on his shoulder. I stood a little taller than him as I said "It'll be fine, they'll get over it." I say. With my hand on his shoulder, my finger was in contact with his neck, giving me the opportunity to absorb his power.


[Skill Evolved: Super Speed changed to Speed Force Conduit: You are a conduit of the speed force. Every step you take is infused with it, making you the embodiment of speed. Gives a wide variety of powers based on speed. Current Speed: 3200 mph. Lvl 2/10]

'So my level reset, but I still have the same speed. That's more room for improvement then and I should be able to use the other powers of the speed force like making clones.'

"Thanks Kevin." Barry said. Nodding, I moved away and made my over to Rogue.

"I'm going to stay here, do you want to go with them or stay?" I asked.

"I'll stay with you, they were getting on my nerves." Rogue said.

We moved to the side and sat down next to each other.

"So what do you think of this world's heroes in comparison to ours?" I asked Rogue.

Rogue though about it for a minute. "They're a lot more open. Mutants are going to have to come out in the open eventually. Metahumans are well known here, I think Xavier needs to come into the light sooner rather than later."

"Yeah, but I think Xavier is setting himself up for failure. Referring to us as mutants automatically has a negative association. Metahumans is a much better term."

"Yeah, maybe we should try to change what we're referred to when we get back." Rogue said.

"Maybe, it'll be hard. Xavier has lived with that term for along time."

From there we talked about random things until there was an alert. Barry went to check it, but before he could see what it was about Supergirl flew in and tackled Barry. Rogue and I reacted quickly as the rest of the heroes attacked us. I took the opportunity, moving to where Cisco was and rushing towards him. He sent a breach to open in front of me, but I teleported behind him and grabbed onto him, absorbing his power.

Without looking at the alert for the moment, I shut down his mind telepathically, sending him to unconsciousness. I hadn't refined my telepathy to the point I could do this to people at a distance, but with contact it was much easier.

"Keep them busy, I can knock them out." I called out.

Barry, Oliver, and Rogue nodded, moving quickly to restrain who they could. Rogue was able to restrain Kara long enough for me to reach her and knock her out, with Barry and Oliver having little trouble with the rest of them. Once all of the mind controlled heroes were knocked out, we regrouped.

"The Dominators can mind control people." Barry said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I think I got rid of the mind control, so they should be fine when they wake up and we can ask what happened." I said.

We grouped everyone up and I woke them up simultaneously, which was much easier than shutting them down.

"What happened?" Kara asked.

"You all got whammied. We're lucky Kevin could shut you guys down, you could've taken us out." Barry said.

"Kevin did huh." Kara muttered.

"How'd you guys get mind controlled?" I asked.

"They had some kind of device, it controlled all of us." Sara said, but before she could answer any further, a beam of light came down and sucked up Oliver, Sara, Rogue, Thea, Diggle, and I.

Looking at Rogue, I shook my head from trying to escape. She looked confused, but nodded and we were lifted into the ship. When we reached the top, we were lifted into the ship. I quickly moved, knocking all the Dominators on the ship unconscious.

"Let's split up, we might be able to find something out about their plan. Rogue and I will go this way, you guys take the other side." I said.

"Are you sure it's the best plan to bring the only ones of us with powers together?" Oliver asked.

"They'll be more likely to target us. We'll draw the heat off of you." I said.

Oliver didn't look like he believed me, but it didn't really matter. Rogue and I were already moving away from them. Once we reached a good enough distance away, Rogue said "So what are we really doing?"

"What do you mean, I said it back there." I said, feigning ignorance.

"I've known you long enough to know you wouldn't have bothered with this if there wasn't something you wanted." Rogue said, looking amused.

"Alright fine. We're going to get some of their technology so I can use it to help us build a way home. I'm hoping they're advanced enough to allow me to make a more stable connection."

"Okay, sounds good. Let's go then." Rogue said, running ahead of me. I ran after her and we killed any Dominators we came across. I thought Rogue would have more trouble killing her first time, but it seemed that because they didn't look human it wasn't a big issue. She'd have a lot more trouble with more humanoid enemies.

We made short work of them and found the location of their teleportation technology. Using my technopathy, I identified which parts would be useful for constructing a multiverse travel device. A particularly useful facet of Asgardian Magic was a small pocket dimension for storage. I placed the useful technology inside and Rogue and I made our way back through the ship. We found an army of Dominators waiting for us.

"Wanna try out the full extent of those powers you've got?" I asked Rogue.

"This will be fun." Rogue said and we both charged forward. As we fought through the army, Rogue was getting more used to Kryptonian powers, beginning to use her heat vision and speed in conjunction with the strength it provides. Meanwhile, I wanted to try to use the power the Aether gave me, but when I tried to I got an alert.


[Alert: Aether ability restricted to dimension Earth-199999. Outside access is restricted.]

'Damn, I forgot that infinity stones only work in dimension. That's annoying.'

With that avenue out, I just tore through them with my claws and super speed. Now, when I ran I generated a lightning trail behind me. I felt more invigorated, more in touch with my speed. It was a nice change as we finished up with the small army in front of us. Continuing forward, we found the other group coming towards us.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"We found out what their plan is. They have a meta-human bomb that will wipe out millions of humans as collateral." Oliver said.

"Alright, so how do we stop it?" I asked.

"We need to get back to Firestorm. They should potentially be able to transmute it, making it harmless." Sara said.

"Let's go then." I say and Oliver leads us to where they found the shuttles. Getting in, we exit the shit and land to the ground, making our way quickly to the warehouse base. When we walk in, we find everyone talking about ways to get us back.

"We just need to find it and Kara can get everyone out." Barry said.

"We're right here." I said.

"Not now Kevin, we need to figure out how to get you guys back." Barry said, before stopping and turning to look at our group.

"Fast on your feet, not so fast with your mouth." I said amused.

"You guys got out!" Kara said.

"Yeah, and we know what the Dominator's plan is." Oliver said.

From there he outlined the plan and I took the opportunity to look at the alert I had gotten when I absorbed Cisco's power.


[Skill Gained: Dimensional Energy Manipulation: The manipulation of dimensional energies. Allows the viewing and travel between dimension and ability to shoot blasts of dimensional energy. The further the dimension, the higher level required. Lvl 2/10]

[Skill Combined: Phase-Shifting incorporated into Dimensional Energy Manipulation: The manipulation of dimensional energies. Allows the viewing and travel between dimension and ability to shoot blasts of dimensional energy. The further the dimension, the higher level required. Lvl 5/10]

'Combining similar skills is definetely a buff.' I thought as I could not sense the energy of dimensions around us. I knew I couldn't use this to get home, however. Maybe if I maxed it I would be able to, but for now I could only travel between dimensions, not entire multiverses.

From there, the plan was made. All we had to do was fight the Dominators that were dropping from ships, until the bomb could be deactivated. At this point, fighting street soldiers was boring, Rogue and I could tear through them with ease. Combined with all the other heroes, we took very little time to beat the Dominators back and deactivate the bomb.

After everything was said and done, I got to work on building a device that would allow us to travel back to our home multiverse. I decided to base the design on one of my favorite dimensional travelers, as a homage.

"I could try to vibe you guys back to your earth." Cisco had said.

"It won't work. No offense to you Cisco, but we're from an entirely different multiverse. I don't think you're powerful enough to reach all the way to our world." I said.

Cisco looked put out, but a new determination appeared on his face.

'Well now he's going to try to. Doesn't matter, I'm almost done anyway.'

In a short time, the device was completed. Holding up the portal gun, glowing with green energy I looked at the small group of STAR Labs people. Everyone else had already gone home, so it was just us.

"Well this is it." I said.

"We appreciate the help you guys gave us. We couldn't have done it without you. Maybe we'll find a way to reach your world eventually." Barry said.

"Yeah, we might come back to visit eventually. We'll be seeing you guys." I said and shot a green portal into the air. I had already tested it with various objects to make sure it wouldn't fry us, but with my technopathy there wasn't anything to be worried about.

Waving my hand behind me, Rogue and I stepped through the portal. The only thing I had had a little trouble with was coordinates to our Earth, so I either got it right the first try, or it'd take a few attempts.

Honestly, Invasion is a pretty boring crossover now that I rewatched it. I sped through it because most of what happens is just not entertaining.

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