

cheated on the mafia ! Best surgeon in day time, worst mafia nightmare at night .

Aurelia_sa · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Dried Heart

Third Person POV.

"How dare you bring me here in the middle of my date.... I had to leave my JOY!" Eros shouted but Nick was silent. like always !

He pointed to an old and bloody man, hanging from the ceiling.

Eros just glared at the man for a moment then started yelling again.

"I wanted to drive her home! we could eat together, maybe I could even get a kiss !" Eros whined and lay on the sofa, massaging his temple "Who's this ?"

"He is the man that goes to Joy's house everyday... with a bouquet of flowers!" Eros smiled. "So it was you!"

The old man tried to react, but he was tied and his mouth was taped.

"He says he is a flower delivery courier! But... he said it too late." Nick scratched the back of his head as a sign of embarrassment.

"Who was it from?" When Eros saw the silence of the old man so he pointed Nick to punch him.

After the suffocating sound that the man made, Eros laughed loudly,

"Opps !We should have opened his mouth first!" Nick opened his mouth with a cutter ,cutting his skin deeply.

"I don't know, God, have mercy on me! I'm just delivering the flowers!" Eros walked over to the surgical suite on the side of the room.

It was like an operating room in every sense. He picked up the scalpel.

"Anyway, I have a patient that needs a heart !" The old man begged Eros with wide and red eyes,

"Please Sir! I didn't do anything wrong."

"You disturbed my girl!" Eros roared and attacked him .

If a patient in hanil needs Organ transplant , they don't have to wait for long. now you can guess the reason behind Hanil's success.

when Eros was done with the poor man.

they both started their job without talking to each other.

Nick put the body in a bag and Eros started cleaning . everything must sparkles with cleanliness tobe Eros friendly.

"Why don't you just bring her home! she has taken all your time and focus. Take her and I will make sure she stays in." Nick said with borden.

"Is a domestic dog better or wild one?" Eros tapped Nick on the shoulder.

Nick nodded his head eventhough he wasn't agree with Eros ! he prefer everything in the wildest way possible, he didn't like Eros's plan and strategies.

Eros added "Most importantly , I'm enjoying this game!"

Joy POV.

"I DO!"

Who said that ?

I was standing In a middle of a flowery road I checked myself, I was in a short pink wedding dress.

Mina,Khan and my parents were cheering like crazy people.

I'm dreaming!

I turned to see who is in front of me ,

Eros! my groom?

he is even more handsome in his Pink suit. he looked into my eyes with his hazel gaze.

"You are perfect my Joy!" he leaned in for a kiss but a drop of blood that was coming down on his cheek caught my attention. in a flash he was covered with blood ! his bloody face scared me.

I wasn't dreaming anymore but I didn't want to open my eyes , I was so scared.

"he is the last option for you!" said....


Where is her voice coming from ?

"Joy! it's 9 am wake up!" something hard and smelly landed on my face.

I jumped and sat on my bed !

"JESUS ! MOM ! Can you stop entering my house like this ?" I yelled and held my head .

she sat beside of me and gave me the newspaper, the smelly object she hit me with earlier.

I forcefully opened my eyes to see the blurry view in front of me


<Hades and Hope King!>

"see , the last eligible man is taken now!" she grunt , "Mina said you had a date ! how was he? "

"Good morning mommy! I missed you too mommy !" I got off my bed to wash my face , she was standing right out of the door talking.

"Did he mention a second date?"

one splash of water on my face was enough for me to remember what I just read!

"KING ? Is he Hases King ?" I rushed out and checked the newspaper to make sure about what I just saw.

"finally I have your attention! yes darling, you just met his cousin! Eros King!" mom explained, I never really cared about all her gossiping about famous people but now Eros made me consider the headlines.

"they have some sort of business together the King's company but it's mainly on Hades since Eros has his hospital responsibilities!" mom added and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for me. "I prefer Eros as my son in law and destiny is on my side."

"Mom don't raise your hopes up ! I'm not dating him. It was a one time thing ." I kissed her cheek and hugged her , I miss her .

It's true that I left home after my accident but it wasn't because of my hate toward my parents the reason was that ,I realized I don't have time to satisfy everyone in life .

My parents would never let me be a dancer so I wanted to be all alone by myself.

which is a little hard considering Mina and my mom walking into my house without even knocking.

"my sweet Joy! Isn't it time to comeback home ! You gained everything you wanted!" she sobbed "I want to spend time with you before your wedding!"

"I'm not getting married, stop it ." I grabbed a piece of bread and hurried to my closet to get ready .

"Mom, aren't you going on a trip today?" I asked while searching for the best outfit , since today is so special for me.

"I'm leaving tonight, You should come with me to auditions, you can help with finding talents for my company!" she said loudly .

"yessss! this is the perfect dress!" I cheered because I finally found a boy killer outfit. he will fall in love with me if I wear this.

I walked to her and show my dress , she gave me a thumb up.

"I would love to accompany you mom but, you're not looking for talent, you're looking for rich kids!" I blamed her and she sighed because we had this discussion since forever.

"My dear , people like to make the rich richer!" she opened the door for me "lets go I will drive you to your class." Unfortunately, She is right about rich kids! this trick of her has never failed. make the rich kid , a famous prince !

Mom didn't stop talking about Eros even for a second "You know he is everything a woman would wish for...."

but my focus was on.... Kai .



Medium height, beige skin and curly hair that he always kept short but still Its wavy.

He always wear a black suit. Like a permanent uniform!

He was the only one who could stay with Eros for a long time and the secret of his success was silence. He rarely talks and the only person he likes to talk to is Eros.