
Oshi to Oshi

Make sure to check the auxiliary volume! Niimi Kousei is an avid high school student and passionate Vtuber who spends his time streaming and admiring idols, with his favorite group being "Lucky Star." However, his world turns upside down when he discovers that not just one, but three of his beloved idols are fellow students at his school. upon accidentally encountering each of them, he notices his own Vtuber persona on their phone wallpapers. Surely it’s not pure coincidence that they watch my stream… right?

Yamiru · Realistic
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Good Night

Today, I'm streaming Dead by Daylight with my admin, Ryuji, or should I say Ichi, but I don't use her nickname when we're live.

But first, what is Dead by Daylight? It's a popular asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a killer, while the others play as survivors trying to escape. The game features intense gameplay, strategic decision-making, and a variety of iconic horror characters.

"Oh? I'm the killer now?" I grinned mischievously. It seems like I made quite an impression on my viewers by choosing Sally Smithson, 'The Nurse,' for this map. I particularly enjoy utilizing her ability called 'Stridor,' which enhances my sensitivity to the breathing of my prey. It increases the volume of Survivors' Grunts of Pain by 25/50/50%.

As I begin my gameplay, the chat starts buzzing with excitement.

"Oh god, it's Kou-kun!"

"Get ready for some emo + sadistic mode!"

"GG survivors, you're in for a tough match!"

As the game progressed, I skillfully hunted down the Survivors one by one, using my abilities to my advantage. The tension in the chat grew as the Survivors struggled to escape my clutches.

"Kou-kun is unstoppable!"

"His Nurse gameplay is on another level!"

"RIP Survivors, they don't stand a chance!"

I laughed to myself, enjoying the intense matches and the reactions from my viewers. It was satisfying to see my skills as a killer being recognized and appreciated. Though I seriously feel like I'm hunting them like a predator.

"Kou-kun, why are you laughing like a maniac!?" Ryuji exclaimed, running away from me.

"Hehehe~ Why not!? I'm enjoying myself!" I said with a mischievous grin.

"Dude, that's creepy as f*ck!" Ryuji shouted, clearly unsettled.

"Then run, run little rat!" I taunted playfully.

"Eek!" Ryuji let out a squeal and increased his pace, trying to escape my pursuit.

After chasing Ryuji, I finally caught up to him. "I got you, little mouse!"

The chat exploded with reactions:

"He got him!"

"Holy shit! Ryuji got slapped!"

"LOL, I just heard him squeal!"

After catching Ryuji, I laughed mischievously as I prepared to hook him on one of the game's sacrificial hooks. The chat was buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

As I hooked Ryuji and watched him struggle, the chat erupted with comments:

"Kou-kun is on fire!"

"Ryuji is in trouble!"

"GG, survivors, you're in for a tough game!"

I continued to play as the killer, enjoying the adrenaline rush and the interactions with the chat. Suddenly, a donation of 100 yen came in accompanied by a message: "Kou-kun, your maniac laugh is so hot."

I couldn't help but pause for a moment, surprised by the unexpected comment. I glanced at the chat.

"Lol? What?!"

"Ngl, it's kinda hot."


I chuckle to myself, "Thank you, Ikuy-san! Glad you find my laugh entertaining."

After securing the final victory, I couldn't help but let out another burst of maniac laughter, relishing in the excitement of the game.

The chat was filled with amused and entertained viewers, commenting on my ruthless and maniacal playstyle.

Ryuji, on the other hand, seemed taken aback by my relentless pursuit and merciless gameplay. "Kou-kun, you're a force to be reckoned with," he commented, a slight shiver in his voice.

I chuckled. "Just having some fun, Ryuji. It's all part of the game."

"Fun? That's one way to put it."

Meanwhile, the chat continued to amuse themselves with my maniacal laughter and playful taunts.

"LOL, Kou-kun, you're psycho AF!"

"Can't stop laughing at your laughter!"

"More laughs, please!"

With a final burst of laughter, I signaled the end of the stream for the day. Feeling a slight weariness settling in, I informed the chat that it was time for me to rest and prepare for school the following day.

The chat buzzed with mixed reactions.

"Oh, that's a shame. We'll miss you, Kou-kun!"

"Bye, Kou-kun! Take care!"

"Four hours went by so fast!"

I laughed again, appreciating their enthusiasm. "Don't worry, we'll be back with more streams soon! Tomorrow, we'll be playing Minecraft. But here's the catch, I'm a total noob, so I'll need all the help I can get!"

The chat responded eagerly, showcasing their expertise and willingness to assist:

"I'm an expert at Minecraft, Kou-kun. I'll guide you through it!"

"Speedrunning the game? Count me in!"

"Haha, let's not help Kou-kun too much. It'll be fun to watch his clumsiness!"

I chuckled at their playful banter. "Sounds like it'll be an entertaining stream. I look forward to seeing you all there!"

As the chat bid their farewells, I expressed my gratitude one last time. "Thank you, everyone, for joining me today. It's been a blast! Take care, and see you next time!"

And with the stream concluded, I let out a sigh and closed the streaming software, feeling a sense of satisfaction and fatigue. As I shifted my attention to Discord, I reached out to Ryujin, whom I affectionately called Ichi.

"Hey, Ichi, are you there?"

A prompt response came from Ryujin, his voice echoing through the voice channel. "Hello, Kou-kun! It seems like you had quite the thrilling time as a killer today."

"Enough teasing, I'm exhausted."

"Hmm, I understand. By the way, would you like to have a voice call even though you're in bed?"

"Dude, that's a bit strange."

"Haha, my bad. I know it's a strange request."

"But I didn't say no, so why not?"

"Ah, okay then. Let's do it!"

I nodded and shut down my PC, then proceeded to call her on my phone. I lay down on my bed, feeling the exhaustion seep in as I accepted her call.

"Sup," I greeted while my voice tinged with weariness.

"Oh, sheesh... You're really tired."

"Yeah... I'm actually quite sleepy."

"Well, sorry. I think you should go to sleep then."

"Seriously? I mean, I will... but let's talk."

"Talk? You're clearly tired, just go to sleep already."

Unbeknownst to her, I had already dozed off while still on the call.

"Kou-kun? You there?" she called out, but all she heard in response was my gentle snoring.

"Oh, you're sleeping..." After a few moments of silence, she softly whispered, "Good night, Kou-kun." She ended the call and left me to peacefully rest.