
Oshi No Ko: Duet of Destinies

Orphanage walls whispered loneliness, but in Akira Ueno's heart burned a hunger for the spotlight. His voice, his moves were his only weapons against a world that saw him as invisible. Talent shows and underground gigs became his battlefields, fueled by dreams of escape and a desperate need to be seen. Whispers of record labels and fame swirled, a tantalizing glimmer just beyond his grasp. But fate took a cruel turn. A blinding flash, a truck, then darkness. Yet, a warm voice whispers a second chance, a new world. Transmigrated into the world of Oshi no Ko, Akira now holds the keys to potential stardom. Can he navigate this new path, and with a certain rising idol, discover how to love and be true to themselves? ====== Some more information before you hop into the fic: This book is very much inspired by the movie Yesterday and a fanfic I read: The Betrayed Hero and the Idol, but I want to keep the supernatural stuff to a minimum. Also, Akira will be using songs from this world as they don't exist in the world of Oshi No Ko. Akira is a performer, not a songwriter and the only one who would know the songs are not his is him. For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work. I am more familiar with pop and rnb music so that is what I will be using most likely Since the timeline in OnK is confusing, I am going to go ahead and make my own: Ai Birthday: Jan 25, 2002 Akira Birthday: June 11, 2002 Aqua and Ruby birthday: April 28, 2018 Date when Akira Transmigrates: October 3, 2019

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

First Step Forward

[A/N: Valentine here! I am currently moving into my new apartment so this will be the last chapter for a few days (Prob till Monday) just letting you guys know! Enjoy the next chapter!]

November 19th, 2019

5:58 AM

The crisp morning air nipped at my cheeks as I hurried towards the X-Factor studio, my breath forming small clouds. The streets were just starting to stir, the scent of fresh bread wafting from the nearby bakery.

It had only been a few weeks since officially joining X-Factor, but it felt like a lifetime. The whirlwind of rehearsals and meetings was both exhilarating and overwhelming, a constant reminder of my weighty new role.

Pausing at the studio door, I rested my hand on the handle. Inside, the rest of the group waited, each member bringing their own unique talents and challenges. My job was to unite them, to lead them in reclaiming X-Factor's place in the spotlight.

I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. It wouldn't be easy. There would surely be obstacles, disagreements, and doubts. But we had something special - a spark of magic to ignite the stage and capture hearts.

Thinking of the beat I had finally perfected late last night for our new song "Dynamite", a smile tugged at my lips. The addictive pulse, the explosive energy - it perfectly embodied the impact we aimed to make. This was the first real step forward for the reborn X-Factor.

I pushed open the door, ready for whatever the day might bring. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and this was mine.

Stepping inside, the familiar hum of equipment and murmur of voices enveloped me.

"Alright guys," I called out, clapping my hands. "I've got something incredible to show you. The beginnings of our debut song. It's time to make some magic happen."

"Morning, fearless leader," Satoru called out, a grin stretching across his face. "What's this about a debut song? You holding out on us?"

I chuckled, pulling out my phone and connecting it to the speaker system. "Just finished the beat last night. Thought you guys might want to take a listen."

Kenji looked up from his stretches, his brow furrowed. "A beat's a good start, but we'll need lyrics to match. Something powerful, something that'll grab the audience by the throat and not let go."

"I think I might have that covered too," I said, a hint of nervousness fluttering in my stomach as I handed out the rough drafts of the lyrics I'd scribbled down.

The room fell silent as the others scanned the pages, the only sound the soft rustle of paper. I watched their faces, trying to gauge their reactions.

Satoru was the first to break the silence, a low whistle escaping his lips. "Damn, Akira. Where the hell was a gem like you hiding? These lyrics... they're fire."

Kenji nodded, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "The kid's got a point. This is some seriously impressive stuff, especially coming from our little rookie."

I ducked my head, feeling a flush creep up my neck at the praise. "I just wrote what I think we all want X-Factor to represent."

Hiroki clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Well, I think you nailed it. This is the kind of song that could define us, that could cement our comeback."

Even Daisuke, usually so reserved, had a glint of anticipation in his eyes as he looked up from the lyrics. "I can already hear it," he murmured.

The energy in the room was palpable, a crackling current of possibility. This was what I had hoped for - not just a song, but a rallying cry. A united front.

"So," I said, clapping my hands together, "what do you say we bring these words to life?"

The others were on their feet in an instant, Satoru already bopping his head to an imaginary beat. "Let's do this!"

As I hit play on the track, the pulsing bassline filled the room, vibrating in my chest. The others fell into formation, their bodies moving instinctively to the rhythm.

I took the lead, starting off the song. "'Cause I, I, I'm in the stars tonight

So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight..."

Hiroki and Satoru joined in on the pre-chorus, their harmonies blending seamlessly. "Life is sweet as honey, yeah, this beat cha-ching like money, huh..."

Then it was my turn again, the words flowing from my lips like water. "Shinin' through the city with a little funk and soul. So I'ma light it up like dynamite..."

The chorus hit like an explosion, all five of us moving and singing as one. In that moment, I could see it - the future we were reaching for, the impact we could make.

As the final notes of "Dynamite" faded away, I could feel the adrenaline still thrumming through my veins. The others were breathing hard, grins plastered on their faces.

"That was sick!" Satoru exclaimed, his eyes bright with excitement. "I can't wait to post a preview on my Instagram. The fans are going to lose their minds!"

Kenji shot him a stern look. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still need to tighten up the choreography, make sure every move is precise and powerful."

Satoru rolled his eyes. "Ever the taskmaster, eh Kenji? But you're right. This has to be perfect."

As the others grabbed their water bottles and towels, I took a moment to observe them, to really see the individuals behind the idols.

Kenji was stretching again, his movements controlled and precise. But there was a tension in his shoulders, a tightness around his eyes. The weight of his past, of the almost-successes and near-misses, seemed to hang over him like a shadow.

Satoru, on the other hand, was all boundless energy and easy charm. He was already back on his phone, his fingers flying over the screen as he undoubtedly updated his social media. But there was something in the way he angled the phone, in the careful curation of his selfies, that hinted at a deeper insecurity.

Daisuke had retreated to a corner, his notebook open on his lap. He was scribbling furiously, his brow furrowed in concentration. Every so often, he would mouth the words to himself, as if tasting their flavor on his tongue. For him, it was all about the craft, the art of the rhyme.

And then there was Hiroki. He was moving between the others, offering a word of encouragement here, a pat on the back there. But I didn't miss the way his hand would drift to his throat after a particularly challenging vocal run, the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

These were my teammates, my brothers-in-arms. Each one talented, each one driven, but each one also fighting their own battles. It was my job to understand those battles, to help them overcome and thrive.

A sudden laugh erupted. Satoru was showing Kenji something on his phone, the older man shaking his head in amused exasperation. Hiroki and Daisuke were huddled over the latter's notebook, pointing at lines and nodding enthusiastically.

These moments of levity, of camaraderie - they were just as important as the hours of grueling practice. They were the glue that would hold us together, the foundation upon which we would build our success.

I smiled to myself, feeling a surge of affection for these boys, for this strange, dysfunctional, wonderful family I'd found myself a part of.

We still had a long way to go, a lot of work ahead of us. But in that moment, watching my team laugh and bond and dream, I knew we were on the right track.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, a distraction from the swirling thoughts in my head. I slipped into the hallway, a smile already tugging at my lips as I saw Ai's name on the screen.

"Hey, you," I answered.

"Akira!" Ai's excitement was palpable, even through the phone. "I have big news. The drama, it's premiering tonight!"

"Ai, that's incredible! I'm so proud of you."

There was a moment of comfortable silence, a shared understanding. Then Ai spoke again, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "I was wondering... would you like to watch the premiere with us tonight? With me and the kids?"

Before I could respond, I felt an arm sling around my shoulders. Satoru's grinning face appeared next to mine, his eyebrows waggling suggestively.

"Yo, loverboy!" he stage-whispered, loud enough for Ai to undoubtedly hear. "Break time's over. The stage awaits, and you know how Kenji gets when we're late."

I rolled my eyes, shoving him away playfully. "I'll be there in a sec, Casanova."

Turning my attention back to the phone, I could hear Ai's muffled laughter. "Duty calls, huh?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Something like that. But Ai, I wouldn't miss your premiere for the world. I'll be there, 7 PM sharp."

"With bells on?" she teased, and I could picture the sparkle in her eye.

"With bells on," I confirmed, a grin splitting my face. "Now go be a star, Ai. I'll see you tonight."

As I ended the call and slipped the phone back into my pocket, I felt a new spring in my step. Ai's success, the promise of a cozy evening with her and the kids - it was a reminder of what really mattered, of the life I was building beyond the stage.

"Yo, Akira!" Satoru's voice rang out from the rehearsal room, a laugh evident in his tone. "You can daydream about your girl later. We've got a show to put on!"

I shook my head, chuckling under my breath as I made my way back to the others. My team, my family, my dream - they were all waiting for me.

It was time to get back to work.