
Oshi no ko: Akari Hayaki (FanFiction)

Ai Hoshino, born as an intelligent idol... was murdered. I opened my eyes... "[What is this? W-wait don't tell me...]" Yes, I got reborn to a new life! My mom is just like me, she got pregnant at a young age and gave birth to me when she was 16. She is very cool, a great singer, but full of secrets too. Her name is Akari, which means light. And yes, this story isn't really all about me, but how my mom is able to live her life with her secret child. But though I am curious how my twins are living right now, I can't believe that me and my mom's life, would join into their life too. I just hope they don't caught on to me and my mom's secret! I am no longer Ai Hoshino, but now Ai Hayaki! And this is the life of me and my super duper awesome mom! This is a fanfiction of the anime Oshi no ko! Wednesday or Saturday! (There's a chance I will post 2 chapters a week, but if I don't post on Wednesday, it means ill post on Saturday!) Want to thank you in advance for those who will read! I recommend you guys watch Oshi no ko to understand, but if not, here is a short summary!(but its okay if not since ill add a bit of backstory of each that's connected to the original) Spoiler Alert! Ai Hoshino is an idol who gave birth to twins, Aqua and Ruby, but she needs to keep it a secret so that her fame won't drop and that she can continue being an idol. She loves her children so much but sadly got stabbed in front of her son aqua(Btw the twins were her fans in their past life but when they died, they reincarnated into her babies). So Ai then died, and aqua has a goal to find his father(which is the killer) by joining acting(Aqua is really good at acting), while Ruby is doing idol stuff to become like her mom, Ai. A lot of things happened and I do recommend to watch the anime or read the manga! But I decided to let my story take place during the time when Aqua is making the movie for revenge, but added a little storyline where he is trying to catch his father which I made it up hehe. (I will add that storyline somewhere in the future chapters hehe) Hope you enjoy my story, Peace. Edit: I just realized that I accidentally included this for the spirity awards HAHAHHAHA! That's why I couldn't find anime tags and it isn't part of the fanfic. Hope people find this novel and that this is a fanfic... :D (I might upload an original novel of my own for the awards, hope you guys will like it. Might post it next month tho :D) I made a Twitter account you can follow named- @abe_writes - you can follow if you want :D '_'

Abe_Writes · Teen
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12 Chs

A Hidden Genius

/Ai Pov/

Date: Month of February

3 weeks have passed. And news started circulating about a new movie coming out at the start of March. I heard Akari saying that my two children has an important role in this movie, I even saw that the director who is in charge of this movie is the director I told my secret past to. He is the only person outside my family and company who knows about my secret.

Akari then carries me and puts me in a baby chair beside her piano. She then sits down and starts to play it.

I still don't know what this movie will be about, but looking at Akari, she definitely knows that this movie is going to be very important. She could actually try to find the script but glad she decided it's best to respect them. Akari really is good at finding information, but that skill of hers is really terrifying. Good thing she only uses it for good purposes. As for me, I am still trying to talk but all I could say is 'goo goo gaa gaa' which is annoying. What I did find out is that...

Akari then starts to sing.

Wow... Akari is really good at singing! Like very good at singing! Every time she sings, I couldn't help but look at her. I could even say she is better than I am at my past life. Woohoo! Go Akari!

I then begin to giggle and clap my tiny, puny hands. Besides to being in awe of her voice, I was also struck by how wonderfully the sun shone through the window and illuminated her honey golden hair.

Akari stops playing and looks at me, "Aww, did my baby enjoy the song?"

I smiled cheerfully as a reply.

"Since you enjoy it, then I guess I should upload it."

U-Upload it? What do you mean?

Akari kneels on the floor in front of me and says, "Looks like you're old enough to go in," and then carries me to a room I'd always wanted to visit.

Wait! Am I finally gonna see what's in there?!

I was shocked by how many instruments she had when we first entered the room.

No way! She owns a whole set of instruments! Electric guitars, drums, and more!

I was more shocked when I saw a-


My mouth dropped open.

Akari burst out laughing.

"HAHAHA! My baby really does have an emotional personality!"

Oh shoot! I really need to becareful.

As I looked around, I saw a play button award for reaching 100k subscribers hanging on the side of the wall.

Wow, Akari must've had a really good channel. Does she upload music?

As I looked closely at the play button, there was a name called "Light Music."

Never heard of that name before, but even so, Akari would have only been about four while I was alive, so this channel must have been created after I passed away, or I just never actually heard of it.

Then Akari puts me in a baby chair and starts browsing her laptop.

She must be uploading a song, I wonder what music she makes...

"You want to hear some of mommy's old music?" Akari asks as she glances at me.

I then smiled cheerfully, "Goo goo gaa gaa!"

"Ok!", she smiles.

I was jamming along as the music started, but as we came to the chorus, I was startled.

Hold on a minute! Isn't this the song I recently heard on Akari's phone? The one titled 'As the Day Goes By'? When I heard the chorus on her phone the other day, I couldn't help but look at it. Although I can't recall the channel's name, I do know that it has had over 100 million views.

I looked up at Akari, who had her attention in her laptop.

Wow, Akari is really cool!

I couldn't but admire her.

Akari is now my idol!


WAIT! She isn't even an idol yet! Why?! Just look at her! She has the looks, the voice! And is great at making music! Though I haven't heard her other songs yet, but still! She should be an idol!

Before I could tell myself that she should be, a thought came into my head.

But wait! Her dancing skills!

My eyes sharpen towards Akari.

She can't be an idol without great dancing skills! To see if Akari can dance, I need to let her notice me!

To get her attention, I began yelling "goo goo gaa gaa" and swinging my arms in the direction of her dance studio.

Akari asked me in confusion, "Hm, what is it, Ai?"

Yes! Yes! Look at my puffy puny arms waving towards the dance studio.

Akari looks at the direction of where my arms are waving towards and finally gets it.

"Ahh, you wanna see Mama dance?"

Omg Yes! It's kinda shocking how you understood me that quickly but please! Let me see you dance!

"Goo goo gaa gaa! Goo goo gaa gaa!"

"Alirght, alright."

Akari picks me up and brings my baby chair to her dance studio. She places me into my baby chair, and I couldn't help but look in the mirror as she does so.

I truly am a small baby. This place brings back memories of when I used to dance here almost every day. Funny how I used to work on my smile at this place.


Should I become an idol once I grow up?


Should I go look for my children when I-

"Ai?", Akari grabs hold of my hand gently.


I came back to my senses.


I saw the worry in her eyes. It's like... Aqua's... On that day when I died.

I shouldn't be having these thoughts. I was a mother in my past life, but now...

I mumbled, "Ba"


And now, I am no longer a mother, nor an Idol. So my role right now is-

I gave the biggest smile I could possibly do.

My role right now is to be Akari's daughter.


H-Huh? She's... She's crying.

Akari drops to the floor and starts to cry uncontrollably.

"Y-your smile..."

Akari immediately gives me a gentle hug while beaming with joy.

It was just a smile. Though I put a little more effort in it, I was shocked that she was that happy to see it. But the way she expresses her emotions just feels so, so...

I hugged Akari back as I was able to grab a bit of her clothing.

Real, true, and precious... Sorry, I am sorry I was born as your daughter. You deserve a daughter better than I am. It's sad, it's sad that the world made me your daughter. Sorry! Sorry!

I felt a bitter feeling inside of me.

However, Akari, you are special to me. Despite the fact that I am not really your daughter, I feel like I have to pay you back the love you have shown me. Even though I'll act the same way as before since I'm lying once more, if it were you, I'd even pretend to be your daughter for the rest of my days. Please, please, keep expressing this strange emotion that I was only able to do on the day I died. If it doesn't make you unhappy, I'm willing to act as your daughter for the rest of my life. I continued to cry, but not because I was going to lie again. It was something else, but I was unable to figure it out. Why... Why am I crying?

"I love you, Ai"

She repeated those words multiple times, yet I never get tired of hearing them.

Ahh how nice...


After all that crying... I fell asleep. Yes, I was crying so hard that I wasn't aware that I had fallen asleep. Akari brought me to my room as I slept and let me to sleep in my crib. Oh, how stupid I was! I wish I could already be growing out of this baby body.

I noticed Akari staring at me. She had those tender, loving eyes fixed on me.

I-I guess, being a baby isn't so bad after all...

The next day after that 'crying emotional incident' happened. It is finally time I am seeing Akari dance!

"Hmm, what song should I choose..."

Hmm, if it's dancing, I guess that K-pop girl group songs would be the best choice for now. Hmm, how about that J-pop group? But I wonder if they haven't disbanded yet though. Oh, there is that famous dance-

"Ahh! I will dance Sign wa B from B-komachi!"

WHAT?! WHY? I know Akari is a huge fan of mine, but she just recently found out I'm an idol. Not only that, she only just started watching 'Sign wa B' dance video just 3 days ago. I don't spy on her constantly or anything, but whatever. She couldn't possibly perfect the dance in just a few days-

Akari begins to play the music out of the blue and immediately begins to dance and sing while glancing in the mirror.

Is it just me, or I just can't look away from her? Wait a second, how is she able to memorize the steps so quickly?!

I was simply in awe of how Akari performed her dance. I was unable to take my eyes off of her because of how beautifully she danced, smiled, and moved to the beat of the music. As for her voice... Her voice felt like I could hear it nonstop for hours, and I couldn't stop listening to it. She is making me completely blinded by her, just like a true idol would do.

You truly are a hidden genius Akari!

So I just realized that I accidentally didn't put this in Fanfiction HAHHAAHHA... I hope people can find this fanfiction ToT(Im so dumdum not to put it in fanfiction), I also accidentaly put Hikari as the family name instead of Hayaki, sorry(It was an accident but I changed it don't worry ToT). Anyways, hope you love this chapter, also I have some novels that is on planning stage right now, but two of my novels is on the writing stage finally! But I will only post one of my orginal novels either on June or July, so I hope you will look forward to it :D. I really hope you like this chapter, thank you for the 4k views! Arigato and Peace!

Edit: Also just made a Twitter account- @abe_writes you can follow if you want :D

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