
Oscar's missing moments

This is mostly just the moments we didn’t get to see, skipping over the bits we did. Other than the childhood part (since I’m hoping we will get an Oscar backstory at some point) I’m guessing none of these moments will either be confirmed OR denied since it’s likely we’ll never actually find out what really happened during these moments, so (and I don’t wanna sound too arrogant here but) I’m gonna go ahead and say they’re cannon…

mia_miller · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

remember me

After the teams had left on there mission, Oscar spent a lot of time siting in a corner of the corridors, thinking. Staying on the sidelines, keeping secrets...this wasn't him. You might just be the first glimpse of hope a lot of us have had in a very long time. That was an awful lot of pressure. But he didn't want to be the kind of hero who kept things hidden or stayed out of danger until they were ready. But perhaps he wasn't a hero yet, just a glimpse of hope. And if that was what he was, then of corse people would want to keep that safe.

Oscar sighed. If they really see me as there only hope, then if they lose me...they'll lose all hope.

He bowed his head, realising I should apologise to Ironwood. He kept me here to keep me safe. They need to see that I'm still here, safe and well.

Deciding, Oscar got up from his crouching position and made his way to Ironwoods office.

When he got there, however, he found someone else was already in there with him. He heard an other voice, a woman's. And when he peered inside he saw a woman close to the door with her back to him. Her light-gold hair was tied back in a bun and a purple cape draped down from her shoulders. Ironwood paced over to his desk, looking at her with mild irritation and annoyance, before spotting Oscar standing just behind her in the doorway.

The woman turned, following his gaze and saw Oscar.

Something about inside him tensed. "Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright." The woman said. She glanced back slightly at Ironwood. "I was just leaving."

Oscar couldn't take his eyes of her sharp green ones.

Even as she came towards the doorway, he stayed there as if he was paralysed.

When she passed him, her gaze turned towards him and there eyes met...

it was as if he could see a whole lifetime of affection and for a moment - for just a moment - he wandered if she could feel it too.

If she knew...

When she was gone he found himself blinking rapidly and shaking his head slightly. "Who was that?" He whispered out loud, to no one in particular.

"Gylinda." Ironwoods voice answered. "She was Ozpins closest friend."

I suppose that would explain it.

"From what I could gather, they spent a lot of there lives together. At the fall of beacon...we found his body together."

Ironwood appeared beside him and he was finally able to look away from the woman to look up at him.

"For the first time ever, I saw her cry."

Oscar could only stare. "I...I know he didn't mean for it to happen that way. He didn't want it..."

"I know that too." Ironwood looked at him sideways. "I saw his note."

Note? He didn't say anything about a note. Then what was this feeling welling up inside him?

Ironwood must've noticed something was off. He nodded back in Gylindas direction. "You recognise her?"

"N-no I...I don't know."

He looked at him a little skeptically but with just a hint of a smirk. "Then why are you crying?"

He was?

Oscar blinked, then looked down and wiped the side of his check. Sure enough, he could feel the tears falling from his eyes. Noticing it only seem to make him cry even more. "I...I-it's not me."

These feelings weren't his. How could they be, for someone he didn't know?

Oz. Was it him that was causing this?

That was feeling this pain and remorse?

Oscar started to step backwards, holding his head. "I don't know what's happening."

"It's alright." Ironwood reached out to him. "There just memories, boy. Let them flow." He knelt down in front of him, his hand on Oscars shoulder.

Oscar looked up into his eyes. Would he get the same feeling there? No. This was less intense but perhaps that was because he himself had already gotten to know Ironwood a bit.

He took a deep breath trying to steady himself, closing his eyes to let the last of the tears fall.